Time to go to work, guys! Dante team building thread

With the Sentinel nerf, I feel like my team no longer has the synergy it once had. Before I was running Dante-A/Sent-A/Magneto-A (in that order, usually), and with Dante as my point man, the team worked pretty well. If Dante was in trouble, I could safe DHC into Sent or even hard tag him in and then bring back Dante once he’s regained some life back. Unfortunately, my team is now a glass cannon and I feel like it’s no longer a good idea for my team to have MSP level health without MSP level mix up, if that makes sense.

I’m not exactly sure who to replace Sent with since his assist worked so well with Dante and Magneto. Something with a long assist would probably be best since it helps set up their mix up, but I’m not sure who would be best. Someone with high life would probably be best. I was thinking of putting Akuma in there for his Tatsu assist, but I’m not confident in my abilities to be playing such a low life team.

What are your thoughts, guys?

I’m thinking of trying Dante/Deadpool/Chris. Seems like a good mix, however I don’t know who I’d use for point/anchor. Any thoughts?

Zero/Dante with Weasel Shot assist works really well, Zero uses the assist to enhance his offense and they have some really good DHC tricks you can use, whether you want damage or you want to beef up your offense with Dante.

sentinel assist with teleports and the missiles 4 cover

My team is ammy w/ cold star and dante w/ jam session.

I have it with dante on anchor right now, since he uses the most meter, and is probably the most capable character on the team w/o assists. Ammy seems like a good slot for second, since she can DHC like a BOSS.

Unsure of who to point with him. I’m tinkering with chris, because he uses little to no meter and benefits greatly from jam session. Unsure though.

im rocking Wesker (we know what assist lol) Dante (weasel shot to cover weskers teleport) Taskmaster (Horizontal arrows)
All white, oooh yeah color sync!!!

im going with Wesker on point, and im liking Task as Anchor, seems he can fight sent very well.

Dante in the middle, well i dunno why…but it seems to work. Taskys assist isnt drones, but its still good back up for my teleport.

Also weasel shot assist is pretty good, and Wesker can connect level 3 same way as with jam session.


Dante always has Jam Session, Deadpool can have either Trigger Happy or Quick, and Task uses either Horizontal or Vertical shot. Depending on how you use them or who you fight, I use em all lol.

Dante on Point or Last, doesn’t matter, depends on how you play. The keep away is good with these teams and the interruptions on opponents combos are pretty good too. Deadpool/Dante DHC trick works well, gotta know which comboes to do though, not hard. Also most Task combo enders is the air super, Dante DHC after works with 623B-623B WITH ground bounce.
Combos are insane with this team and fun as shit. I use all white or Red (Dante) White (Dead) Blue (Task) lol.

Something i’ve been trying is Deadpool DHC trick with Tasks counter, ive done this ONCE but it’s hard, but after the DHC only Tasks jump down arrows or super would hit Deadpool, but i call Dante assist with it and it holds them long enough for a full combo, it was awesome. But I can’t do it easily yet (maybe just practice)

Evaded X-23 Silent Kill with… a regular attack cancel?

I was playing against a lvl3 X-Factor X-23 with my only remaining character, Dante, just jumping in. I mashed S for the slow knockdown attack, but missed. I then mashed d/f C and either just before or after got grabbed by X-23. The only thing weird is that it showed the move cancel at the start of the cut scene. X-23 hovered around Dante, did the strike, but I didn’t take any damage. I don’t think she actually was near Dante when she did. Afterward, she flipped around in the air and I could move freely. A weird fluke that I certainly can’t replicate, but would be interested in knowing more about it. Maybe Dante can get out of any grab super by doing this!

What moves are good for protecting Assists? Specfically, Iron Man Unibeam and Wolverine Berserker Slash?

Also, anyone mind detailing what they think is good about each of Dante’s assists?

Always take Jam Session against Phoenix based teams. if u manage to snap her in, she wont be able to run away as well with those pesy homing shots

I like taking weasel shot to cover weskers teleport game. I see it works very well with Wolvie as well.

well I use dante jam session, it helps with sentinel and doom’s zoning. They have good ground zoning, so most ppl who can’t out gun them have to jump. I use Dante when I predict jump ins.


now my question. How do you deal with trijump pressures? And what do you do against Zero’s dash in pressure?

I’m talking Dante solo, not with invincible assists. Normally I try and block until I can AG, then if I predict another trijump or I see them jump I try and hit them with st. L or S. His DP+L kinda works for an AA, but it kinda trades. Sometimes I just block and AG until I can get away.

Is this where ppl talk matchups?

Be patient and keep push blocking every so often. You don’t want to abuse push block, because if you do eventually they’ll bait it and get a free combo. Another thing you can try is activating Twister :dp::l: when they are jumping. It works as a pretty AA. Another thing to do is try and get the opportunity to teleport so you can get behind them. That way you have pretty much the full screen to put some space in between the two of you.

When you fight Zero a lot of the times after a while of just blocking them you’ll notice that have have a pattern. The best thing is to figure out that pattern push block, and try to retaliate with an attack of your own. I normally use Reverb shock because when my opponent sees it he backs off because he doesn’t want Zero to eat a hyper combo because of his low health.

Ideally, you want to avoid both of these situations via your own rushdown, or assists, but in the event that you get caught in them there’s no guaranteed free way out. It really just depends on the person you’re playing.

Yeah I think this is what I need to do. Rush them before they rush me. Most of the time I settle for zoning, cuz I have good zoning assists, but I think I should be looking more for rushing in, cuz when I rush I have an easier time than constantly blocking and looking for an opening. I need to work on both offense and defense.

And I understand what ur saying, thanks for tips and stuff.

We need separate team building and match-up threads to keep things organized.

People are gonna start talking about these things more and more as time goes on instead of just combos, so I think we should separate them.

Also this will make it easier for someone to maintain the theads (I’d do it myself, but I’m pretty busy usually and wouldn’t be able to update regularly.)

Speaking of match ups, fuck Amaterasu. For real. Can’t get my jumping attacks to hit her while she’s crouching, aside from j.S obviously. I had Hammer whiff over her head yesterday and wanted to scream. Also having problems with her throw range in the air when she gets me cornered. Player around here is doing Tron assist with Ammy air dash, and throws me out of a ton of shit when I try to air to air with her. If I’m midscreen I can jump back and outrange her with j.M if I can get away from Tron assist enough, but in the corner I get fucked. Been having only limited success countering this with Jam Session and Tempest uppercuts.

tl;dr fuck that stupid dog.

Against Ammy, try using killer bee air to ground, or the hammer. Also try jump backdash M or H to poke her, not necassarily to land combos. If she air throws you, tech that shit next time. If tron assist is harassing you, back dash to get out of situations and use guns super if you see tron come out. Use your range on your normals against her, even though her shit has priority, you got more range. Just don’t use f.H (stinger) to poke, cuz it gets beat by her stuff in my experience.

If you’re stuck in the corner try and pushblock and tech throws until you can super jump and air dash forward. Just find a way to move away from the corner. Or if you have incincible assist, just use that lol.

Twister. It keeps her from coming in from the air and no one ever expects it.

Dante vs Dante counter!

Ok i need a Dante vs Dante teleport counter combo because every time i meet another Dante player its basically one big chess game to get a teleport combo off first. honesty i hate that combo. (i only learned it as a anti-spammers combo). i know one way is just to walk backwards but i always end up getting hit anyways. so any tips.

Jump and airthrow should work just fine, and I believe his standing normals do reach behind him to a certain extent. And if you do get hit, remember that it’s going to be harder for the other player to follow up with a combo if you’re in the air than if you would have gotten hit on the ground.

When you see him teleport, hit :s:. It’ll beat him the majority, if not all the time.