Well, some general info about X-23 match-up wise.
Can’t tell who has the advantage in this match-up really, it depends on how X-23 is set-up in terms of assists. But let’s assume the two are solo for the moment.
I think it’s best for Dante to stay at mid-range-far away and keep her out with his normals plus Reverb Shock and his other zoning specials like Air Play, ect until he’s in a position to rush her down. Dante’s normals are better than hers at that range, not much normals can compete with Dante’s at mid to far range anyway. That’s not to say X-23’s normals are bad, they’re actually surprisingly good. X-23 can feint cancel her normals C.Viper style using Mirage Feint+S and doing this gives her massive advantage on block. Otherwise, her main approaches are to cover herself with an assist and use Neck Slicer(charging slice) or her command throw to get at you. You can space yourself to make Neck Slicer whiff and punish her even if she charges it up for more distance but it’s awkward. If you spot her doing it blatantly, I’d say just hyper her and her assist if she called one(she may be able to counter this, not sure…)
The problem is when she gets in. X-23’s normals are better up close than Dante’s since his are pretty slow and hers are a lot faster. Feinting her normals up close will pretty much ensure that Dante will get counter-hit if he tries to push buttons. Maybe Dante can reversal with something, not too sure…
She can blow up advancing guard pretty well by doing this, plus using wavedashing and Mirage Feint L to get her herself back in should you push her away with an advancing guard. Finally, she can use Talon Dive(diving attack) and Talon Attack(dive kick) to go over low normals. So if you try to advancing guard, she can do one of those moves, the pause creates a failed advancing guard, which turns into a cr.H and those two attacks will go over the cr.H and hit it. Not sure if Dante’s cr.H will her out now, probably not. X-23 can combine this with an assist(usually a beam or some sort of covering assist) to back her up when doing this as well as create left and right 50-50s with Mirage Feint M, which makes her go behind you and go for regular and command throw set-ups. You can prevent Mirage Feint M going behind you if you advancing guard just as she’s doing the move. But ideally, you don’t want X-23 up in your face unless you’re the one who’s pressuring.
Generally, if the X-23 player is finding it difficult to attack you on the ground, she may resort to the air and use Talon Attack and Talon Dive. You probably could anti-air her with something like The Hammer or even Twister when she does those attacks. Another way to deal with them is to just backdash and let them whiff for a punish attempt.
If you land one good combo on her, she’s gone since she’s got low life. One good DHC combo is enough. If you’ve got Acid Rain loops down(I haven’t lol), you can end her in the corner without needing to DHC. However, thanks to the DHC glitch, if X-23 touches you, you could end up dead. X-23 can hit-confirm a lot of things, including a random feinted st.H poke into a loop into the DHC glitch and down Dante goes. Since her st.H has good range and is decent for AAing, be careful about just airdash j.Hing at her randomly if the X-23 player is throwing that out.
X-23’s Weapon X Hyper blows through projectiles and a lot of other stuff as well but she has to commit to that unless she’s got meter to DHC or XFC cancels it for safety. As for her Level 3, I don’t know if there’s an escape for it if Dante is coming onto the screen via a snapback or replacing a dead character, especially if she uses an assist to lock you down in the air. Very few characters can counter that. Mash buttons and hope for the best lol.
Feel free to pick out anything/criticise.