Time to get Serious! MvC:I Mega Man X Thread

j lk is crossup but hard to use , and about de jump ins im suffering a lot >.<

Few quick notes on X zoning and approaching:

[] His Buster Light Punch follow-up (the forward dash) has a long recovery normally. You can cancel its recovery early with a special move, or a jump. This makes it possible to do things like buster -> dash -> buster -> dash -> buster -> dash -> lp, combo, starting from full screen.
] You can also charge the buster slightly for a series of L2 busters as you move in.
[] Or you can throw two busters then air dash into them or past them… shenanigans.
] Buster, dash, jump cancel, airdash back air buster, land buster… pretty good spam at different heights.
[] His Buster Light Kick follow-up (the backwards hop) also has a long recovery. It can’t be jump canceled, but it can be special canceled. This makes something like buster -> backdash -> buster possible, or buster -> backdash -> slicer.
] His hyper buster is pretty great for punishing tag spam. Unlike beam supers where the character sits there for 5+ seconds, he gets out relatively quickly. It also doesn’t totally ruin the resulting combo with scaling.

The buster tech is greatly appreciated. Glad I’m not the only one trying my hardest to make this character work too

I’m looking into maining X and Zero for MVCI (even though I won’t play it seriously/competitively). Where’s a good place to start learning basic combos and mixups? Do they also have good synergy with each other?

The short hop instant overhead is pretty wild.


My advice on execution for it… superjump and then immediately hold down. Then hit LK a moment later. If you LK at the same time as hitting down, you’ll just fly up.

How is everyone doing in the capt marvel match up?

I play them and feel like they mesh well. I start Zero because I want those sword normals and movement options to build space to tag X and immediatley armor up. That’s when I can bully with fast charging buster and other projectiles.
Sonic slicer and rising fire cover areas Zeros projectiles dont reach, and lvl 2/3 buster from X isn’t reflectable, Zeros IS. Also with X setting up projectiles like boomeramg cutter or ice shield and then tagging into Zero and going into his dash special move is good for easy left/right mixups

tldr: Zero has better normals and movement, X has better projectiles. They cover each other well imo.

This is a meter hungry team though and while Reality is the flavor right now I’m rocking Mind for the storm. Both characters install supers are far too good.

X has a safe Light of armor setup as long as you can combo.

Corner only (afaik):
S.HP, S.HK, F.HK, C.HP x J.LK, J.LK, J.HP, J.HK, S.HP, S.HK, F.HK x Armor of Light -> what ever you come up with. I like to just keep it simple
C.HP x J.LK, J.LK, J.HP x QCF + p (doesn’t really matter which) x Full Charge.

It costs 2 meters, but you get a free armored up X, and you can just tag out and use him for later, or set up the field for okizeme.

I really love how X can set up traps and and baits for unaware players. Frost Shield sets up so many opportunities. I feel like it’s such a low profile move because you don’t really see X shoot it when you switch.

I’d really wish that the move was an over head, at least in the armor of light mode. I kind of wish the moves had different properties while in armored mode, but it’s what ever (I know X has never really worked like that)

after SCR i have really low hopes for X competitively, just a lotta, dorm, dante, ultron. X is too honest for this game :frowning:

It’s week one. Look at how long it took for people to hop off wesker and jean in mvc3, and play zero or morrigan… I’d say give it a 6mo’s to a year before we really count anyone in or out

Would also appreciate if anybody has time to write down some notations for combos, namely a corner carry bnb and a corner bnb.

A friend of mine advised using the Space Stone for the Maverick-hunting duo. I would go with Time Stone (because it compliments well with Zero), but I’ll experiment with the Stones and see where I can go from there.

So how are people approaching in terms of neutral?

I’ve been doing pretty alright with Armoring Up and interchanging ground/air hp/lp level 3 busters. Using the dash follow up on ground buster can cancel into block if they try to punish. Be mindful of air buster cause close to the ground tho because you can get punished by things like Jedah and Dorms lvl 3 due to landing recovery.

Use Sonic slicers to try and catch them jumping, the reflect off it can lead to a full confirm. Use HP rising fire if they get directly above as it has upper body invul, can be canceled into SWR which leads to a HKD and can be followed up with buster super or tag into combo.

If they try super jump to get away a good read with SWR can punish air specials. It comes out deceptively fast.

Been using Mind stone. More for the storm then the surge although people can be caught off guard by the surge. X without armor isn’t nearly effective to the length of buster charge time so you really want that meter. Plus the 10% attack and Def bonuses are decent.

I also use a lot of meter with X just by punishing full screen nonsense with busted super which when it hits raw you can actually shoot another one as it otgs.

Right now my hardest match ups seem to be Gamora and Capt Marvel. The guns rip through buster and absorbtion eats all non super projectiles.

Some clips


Super Buster is pretty great for punishing tags in neutral. It starts up fast and plows through a lot of nonsense.

Tigerknee busters have very little recovery. You have plenty of time to react if they decide to push forward on the ground under it (Buster), or if they try and super jump over it (Rising Fire -> Sonic Slicer).

I throw in some Buster -> Back Hop -> Buster/Slicer/Rising Fire action as well, since you can special cancel the Back Hop early. In the same way that you bullied Haggar into the corner in that one clip with Buster -> Dash -> Buster spam, you can also ‘runaway’ with Buster -> Backhop -> Buster spam.

I find that Buster -> Dash or Back Hop helps a lot vs teleporters. Even if they teleport behind you during the buster, the constant movement helps keep you safe.

And I’ll occasionally try and throw in a Buster -> HP or HK follow-up to try and anticipate counters to Busters.

Probably known already but with time stone on incoming opponents I’ve been doing boomerang x ice shot > tag > time teleport.

Basically the opponent lands in between X and your second character, and is either in block stun by boomerang and/or gets hit by ice for full combo. Since they’re facing away from Megaman they usually can’t hit him to make the projectile disappear and have to take the mixup and block correctly.

100% success rate so far.

Been running this setup but instead of time I use Zeros teleport. Same effect, rarely blocked.

Shit, I use Thanos and Megaman… why am I not doing the same?! Lol

Ive been playing mvci with all my sparetime since it came out and literally just learned that X can cancel his command dash. Got so excited I made a video, but I guess everyone here already knows about this. I play x strider with mind stone. Once strider dies, I had problems getting in with x solo, but since I discovered it, I am starting to feel that X might be the best for screen control in the whole game. He can cover the ground with projectiles, and if the opponent comes into box dash range you have decent mixup options. X is definitely a strong character full screen and a decent character up close. Hardest matchup is anyone with a teleport and gamora and ghost rider. Norcal has some strong ghost riders and I am pretty screwed if I somehow run out of meter. Anyways, just made this account to get on the forums to thank MegamanSteve for putting in all this work. Will definitely help me level up my X.
My advice for X users is to get used to using sonic blade or rising fire as a premove to get out the fast boomerangs and ice shots.


I’ve been attempting this one for a while, but I just can’t seem to get it. The opponent (using Dante just like in the video) always seems to drop out right before the second Boomerang Cutter hits, no matter which Sonic Slicer version I use. Any tips? This is the notation I’m using, allow me to know if it’s wrong or not:

sLP, sLK, sHP, cHK x L Sonic Slicer x H Boomerang Cutter, sLK x L Sonic Slicer x L Boomerang Cutter (combo drops here)