Tiger Construction: Sagat Match-up Thread

i think right now my biggest weakness is my inability to TU on reaction

if i see it coming i can TU but guys who play footsies into a jump is difficult for me to TU

thus patient rogs/chuns who play footsies pwn me

they can jump in on me for FRAAAAAAY

I agree with you that gief is a harder matchup than rufus but gief’s crossup body splash does not beat tiger uppercut if you put the tiger uppercut in delayed and crouching. Gief’s D+LK knees WILL beat tiger uppercut though

and those gief ambiguous crossups are too stupid.

i think thats something thats gonna take a while for you to get used to. good players are not gonna jump at you ever. unless you make yourself vulnerable on the group like throwing a tigershot from the wrong range. i think the only way i give you tips is try to understand the ranges and try and figure out what you re doing wrng. you have to understand at certain ranges what moves you should be sticking out and what you shouldnt be and at mid range always be ready for an anti-air. with chun/boxer dont bother trying to outpoke them you want them as far off as possible you should be zoning them till either of them get ultra. up close you want to look for your opening to push them back.

yea i just have no idea

chun’s mixups are way too good and her safe jump ins are killing me

i just give up aganist chuns now

I really think who ever’s saying Gief is harder then Rufus just hasn’t played a good Rufus or doesn’t understand how to play Gief. Vortex on knockdown? lol His options aren’t that great in certain cases. You can’t preasure Gief on knockdown? … Are you crazy believe me Gief doesn’t want to be on a knockdown vs Sagat. If you knew your options believe me you wouldn’t say stuff like that. Like I said in an earlier post, you really don’t understand what a TK,EXTS,fwd.HK really mean… Then don’t throw tiger shot when he’s expecting EX GH. Why do you think this match up is hard for Gief? It’s hard to get close. His options are EX GH through fireballs or option select pokes into EX GH. That means the Gief has to guess which one to focus on. If you’re only focused on EX GH then you’ll be eating a lot of s.HK blah blah. If you focus on option select EX GH you’ll be eating tiger shots and blah blah. and whaaaaaaaaaat? You can TU all of that after EX GH and whaaaaaaaaat? Vortex? lol. You don’t need to frame trap him if you can zone him. I saw your video vs Rufus and believe me if that was another Rufus you would have died. I can see why you think the Rufus match is easier then Gief. Gief is a 7-3 match up where it could end up looking like an 8-2. Also I saw you rushing Rufus down in your video that’s not even close to how you rush Rufus down but even so, rushing Rufus down with TK traps he’s still not free there’s the case of blocking high for knees and he either gets to punish or get to jump out of the tk trap.

If I want to cr.lk>cr.lk gief that’s a two frame trap that he can SPD you inbetween. Your best bet is cr.lK>c.lp. Even if you can predict he’ll SPD you don’t want to jump neutral then have a chance on falling on lariat. And that Rufus in the vid is not what I’m basing my opinion on, he’s an ok Rufus. But against a high level Gief and high level Rufus I’d pick to fight a high level Rufus anyday. Stuns quickly, no meter = free rushdown, and if you have a large life lead it’s very hard for Rufus to win the match even with his ultra. With Gief one knockdown is all it takes.

I think Sagat’s tiger uppercut should do more damage. His tiger knee could also use more priority than what it has. I also think his defence and health should be higher. Moreover his ex tiger shot should be his normal one and the ex version should do more damage and shouldnt allow you to quickstand. Plus his focus attack should have a wider hitbox and it should stun as quick as cammy’s or fei long’s. Also he should be able to kara in to a high jump like viper’s. He also needs faster walking speed and a way better dash. :slight_smile:

I don’t mean wake up preasure like going for meaty on wake up. I mean tigershot wake up preasure. [media=youtube]J53lUPOMpo8[/media] - This is prime example. Look at the fireball traps. Getting a knee means high tiger then low and they’re going to be forced to block. High , high means that they’re going to take chip damage or guranteed either way for example after the 2nd high they try to cr.MK to advance kara low they jump that’s uppercut. One knockdown vs Sagat is not what it takes if you know how to deal with the knockdown. Fwd.HK dash back high tiger same thing but if he tries to EX GH then he only gets one hit and you get to punish with cr.MP xx TU. EX TS same thing. This is how bad the match up is Gief. If he tries to advance forward he’ll end up eating s.HK and s.LK xx TK which results in TS traps again. With Rufus he can escape some of Sagats fireball traps. Lol seriously if you learn the match up you’ll understand that this match up is almost imposibble for Gief to win.

Yeah I see your point, I already thought Zangief was easy but with these fireball traps it’s much easier to deal with Gief than Rufus, now to incorporate them.

anyone got tips on gouken?

the strat on the first post says gouken cant keep up with TS but i just went toe to toe with a gouken in fireballs but he can actually go through my TS

you can block and punish that move w/ tiger upper just bait it like a jump

werd i figured that out during the match,

but gouken’s fireball game is actually quite formidable and can keep up with sagat’s (at least better than the other shotos) had a pretty difficult time with one last night. Tiger Shotting almost always got punished

Gouken cannot keep up with shots. When you say keep up with shots it implies that he can just do projectiles alone and hold his ground. He cannot do this. He will get merked. He needs to do something else like dash palm or demon flip to punish, other wise he will get dominated in the fb war.

I thought Gouken could keep up cuz I was playing on a laggy tv lol: You can beat him in projectiles clean, and if he does his dash attack its unsafe on block so punish
with reversal HP TU or cr.mp>HP TU

ah alright gotcha

maybe the lag was doing it or something

cuz i was going shot for shot and i was all confuzzled

Wait. High shots or low shots? Sagat fireball war 101. Use high shots to gain frame advantage/momentum then keep them pinned with low shots/ different speeds of shots.

i was using high shots

for 2-3 shots seemed like it was even then i would get ex demon flipped to the grill :frowning:

gotta work on this

Yeah, see he’s doing that for a reason. He CAN’T do anything about your shots except try to read your pattern. Bait his flip or palm and smash his face in.

Start to learn his patterns, when he likes to ex flip, then save it for the best opportunity to punish on reaction. If I see a pattern, I will usually try to wait until I can raw ultra him in the first round with it. Then I notice that there usually won’t be any more flips for the rest of the game. I also would suggest that you learn the patterns on how he punishes jump ins. You can usually bait one of his reversals by hitting Jhk way too early so it whifs, then punish that reversal attempt however yo see fit. Those tend to be my main tactics on beating gouken. He doesn’t have a whole lot of options once you make him scared to use those. I try to keep it a closer game though. His normals suck IMO and his specials really suck at close range. I think most (if not all) of gouken’s strengths come from a bait and punish form of game play. With that in mind, if you keep it to safe moves, he can’t do much. But for me, a huge aspect of how I beat almost every gouken I face, comes down to getting close, and baiting that reversal and punishing. Then once he isn’t confident using it anymore, you can apply pressure and make him desperate to use it again.

Hey guys!
What can sagat do against Claws izuma drop??
Thanks in advanced!