Tiers for non-fighting games?

whats the tiers of these?

unreal gold
unreal tournament
unreal tournament game of the year
unreal tournament 2003
unreal tournament 2004
& both the xbox 1 unreals

also these with the expansion packs included
Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer 2 Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
Command & Conquer Red Alert
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Generals

Fallout (1) Skills

God Tier

Speech (you can beat the game without directly killing anything, the spoken word is mightier than the projectile work)


Energy Weapons (once you’re skillful with one, the game is easy)

Upper Mid

Sneak (avoid combat, or position self better)
Lockpick (Get anywhere)
Small Guns (God tier in Fallout 2)
Hand to Hand (Power fist, though it needs high skill and APs)


Steal (a decent source of exp if you’re not a combat character, very tedious in usage)
Heavy Weapons (Decent damage, but high strength is required)
Melee (Super Sledge is awesome, but you only

Low Mid

Repair (Leads to a few quests, other wise, meh)
Science (Almost indispensable at the military base, other wise, meh)
First Aid (Not useful, but a good source of exp. beginning the game)
Doctor (Not useful, but a good source of exp. beginning the game)
Throwing (Grenades aren’t common enough)


Outdoorsman (Only “useful” in Fallout 2)
Gambling (Money is not a problem after a while)
Barter (Money is not a problem after a while)
Traps (You only come across a few in the game anyway)

I never said ANYTHING about SO3. I said Bowman was tops in SO2. I think you got me mixed up with someone else. I didn’t even give SO3 enough time to to tier it yet. I just don’t like that game for some odd reason. Can’t place my finger on it though…

The Iron Chef thing really made Suikoden II. Normally I hate RPG minigames but that was a winner.

As for SO2…

Yeah, Bowman is basically his own tier on normal difficulty. Claude & Ashton are great also, and Opera/Chisato/Dias are all pretty solid. Precis would be a tier below them, and maybe Ernest too. Mages are trash, end of story.

If you go to bonus dungeon, then god tier becomes Bowman & Chisato. Weird Slayer means you almost never die.

Universe mode, however, changes all your strategies. The enemies are crazy fast and powerful, and they block a TON. So you pretty much never want to be close.

This makes Opera one of your best choices throughout the whole game - Ashton is worthless until he gets tri-Ace. Claude is fine once he learns Sword Bomber, and Dias has nice long-ranged stuff. I think Bowman can still spam pills pretty well, not sure though, it’s been awhile. =) Doesn’t Chisato get screwed over real badly?

Obviously, attack mages become non-sucky on this difficulty as well. I still don’t think healing would be of much use, as you’re way better off abusing item creation for that purpose.

In SO3, Peppita is ridiculous in the European (I think) version - she can cancel her dances into specials. Otherwise, I really don’t know the game well enough to comment.


That SO3 kara cancle thing isnt a european only thingy jiggy. Its in others to my knowledge. Its been awhile since ive played though.

Hmm, this is pretty good but I differ in a few areas.

OK, not factoring in Seraphic Gate at all, I see it like this:













Katana are weaksauce throughout the whole game, so I put those guys at the bottom. The base damage on their PWS’s isn’t as bad as some, but the crappy equipment is a problem.

This is also why I have Arngrim & Kashell higher. Heavy swords consistently kick ass, particularly the ones that boost PWS damage (something very few other weapons get!). Grey’s base damage is so awful that even this don’t move him above bottom tier, though. =(

Aelia’s base damage is among the highest, above Belenus IIRC. Her normal moves work fine in juggles, so if you have a mage then that shouldn’t be an issue.


Anybody ever run into the black screen of doom in SO2?

I have, but, its not really that bad, just start the game over again.

I’m not doing a SO3 tier because theres not enough characters and I only ever use maybe 5 or 6 of them.

You get more than 3 in that game?! I didn’t make it far enough to see that happen…

All that really needs to be know about SO3 anyway is if you have Fayt and Maria in a party the other member doesnt really fucking matter. Just Fayt and Maria will rape the entire game for free.

Is it still open-ended like SO2? Or is it lineair like Grandia 2?

Its fairly open-ended but the problem is that you gotta walk through towns and paths between towns all the time instead of flying around on an airship.

When I mean path between towns, I mean dungeons and they are a bit long.

They are not hard by any means but doesn’t really do anything but take up time to have to walk back and forth.

It’s so sad…I HAVE the game and know this little about it.Mine came with 2 disc. Do I need both or is one for special shit cause I left disc 2 in Houston.

Disc 2 is for the second half of the game.

So…go Houston and get it.

And be prepared for the worst plot twist ever.

Two plot twists.

The first one would have been fine.

The second one made it into a cliche novel.

Actually even the game itself admits that. >_>

I don’t really play Star Oceans looking forward to the stories anyway. I mean, they are good, but its the gameplay thats the reason I play those games. That and Tales of Namco series, the best gameplay in traditional console rpgs.

Best gameplay in traditonal console RPG’s?


Just my humble opinion.

I assume SFII means Shining Force II and that SDIII means Seiken Densetsu III, yes?

If so, then those aren’t TRADITIONAL console RPGs.
SFII is a strategy RPG and SDIII is an action RPG.

Fair enough, Id still put PSIV and FFV before Tales of Namco. :stuck_out_tongue: