Tiers for non-fighting games?

Rahu is cheese. I use the Javelin meself. Javelin and Swift. Lolibot for the win.

Oh, and I almost forgot.
Morrowind Mods Tier List

God Tier:
Better Bodies
Better Heads
Morrowind Enhanced and its offspring.

Mid Tier:
Basically everything else.

Personally, I think it’s very hard to tier in GS, with the exception of Kalina Ann which could’ve had great potential if Grapple worked better.

Shotgun = Damage mainly. It has the potential power of Artemis without the hassle of fully charging it, as well as powerful moves like Gun Stinger. It rivals Swordmaster alone.

E & I = Same reasons as you, it combines with Nevan very well as well. It also knocks back any un DT’ed Hell with one shot from Twosome Time, so it’s pretty useful.

Spiral = In any other style, Spiral would come first. It’s over Artemis because you can still do the E & I Quick Change trick and do good damage from long range and continously boost style.

Artemis = In GS, powerful but ridiculously fiddly. It is safer than Shotgun, but less practical. However, still very useful if you need something reliable at long range.

Kalina Ann = Weak damage, Poor special attacks, Kalina Ann really doesn’t do anything well.

From Shinobi (Arcade)

  1. Masked Ninja
  2. Lobster
  3. Blue Ninjas
  4. Red Ninjas
  5. Green Ninjas
  6. Black Turtle with Yellow Ninjas
  7. Mandara
  8. Ken Oh

I feel that E & I made Spiral (which isn’t a bad gun IMO) useless after a while. The main reason I used spiral was for damage and distance, but E & I maxed out in GS pretty has both of those qualities plus more.

Gun stinger was beastly. Plus the shotguns charge shot was crazy.

What’s the best style to do speedruns with in DMC3? I’m guessing Trickster?

Trickster and Gunslinger.

What I meant when I placed Spiral so high was how good quick changing Spiral and E & I together is. You gain big style repeatedly from just changing the guns and decent long range damage too.

Royal Guard is a good style for speed runs, at least bosswise.

Sonic is Top Tier in his games :rofl:

As for DMC3 i would go with Trickster and Swordmaster(cuz of beowulf and cerberus).

I disagree with this, mostly all pro players in SNES Super Mario Kart plays with Bowser and DK Jr, max speed FTW.

aNY Tiers for FF Tactics for PSX?

Yun/KGO/A-groove Sagat, Sakura, Bison/2k3 Duo Lon tier:

Calculator. Free magic and damage split.

Upper tier:

Geomancer. 100% accuracy and innate 4 move, well-rounded stats and good equipment options.

Monks. Solid all-around, good abilities, good stats.

Mid tier:

Chemist. Kind of obsolete later in the game, but auto potion is a fantastic reactionary ability and guns make them very versatile from a range.

Mid-low tier:

Knight. Great early on, but like so many other classes, eventually just make a good secondary skillset.

Dancer: sure, rugs have a great evade %, but they’re like bards: the stats are so horrible that dance is better off as a secondary ability.

Low tier:

Bard. Move+3 is nice, and they have some nifty songs and equipment, but their stats are so painfully bad that the best course of action is to just get their nifty abilities and switch classes.

Archer. Terrible skillset, and arrow guard makes them useless.

All I can think of at the moment.

FFT tiers have already been done, but there’s still plenty of room for debate.

The main problem with tiering FFT is deciding by which standard you go by…I mean there’s different kinds of tiers for:

A) Generic classes (without considering abilities, just stats and innate abilities)
B) Generic classes (solely on abilities/learning)
C) Special characters
D) Learned abilities

At least for C, I made some a while back:

Since then I would probably tweak my own tier list a bit:

S: Orlandu
A+: Ramza
A-: Beowolf
B+: Reis
B: Mustadio
B-: Agrias
C+: Rafa, Worker 8
C: Meliadoul, Cloud
C-: Byblos
D: Boco, Malak

I imagine the tiers also change in FFT: Lion Wars on PSP due to the new classes, characters, and re-balances (Meliadoul is said to have been given a significant boost, for example)

For A, it’s pretty much:

GOD: Ninja

Top: Black Mage, Geomancer, Monk

The rest: Don’t matter

Ok you guys are spending WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much time on the same game… aggree to disaggree.

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons

Top: Joao / Catalina / Otto

Mid: Ernst / Ali

Low: Pietro

Anybody remember that kickass awesome 4-player X-Men arcade game from the early 90’s?

For the FFT remake on PSP they need to make it so Ramza can attain a special knight class. His father was a Divine knight. His father’s best friend Orlandu is a Holy Swordsman. And his older brother was a Magic Knight.

So what would Ramza be?

Divine Swordsman?

Edit: The thing about tiers in DMC3 is that pretty much everything Dante and Vergil have is godly. There is really nothing that can’t rape once you hit high level play in that game.

The weapon tiers IMO is worthless because even though I think Nevan and Beowulf are the best weapons overall, the other weapons aren’t far behind.

Pretty much every thing in that game is either God tier, Top tier, or high tier. There should be no mid tier or lower in DMC3.


My 3rd favorite action side-scroller of all-time.

Kirby Superstar for Super Nintendo. Character tiers

Top Tier
Bomb - Lightning fast execution, nice damage, throws very far. Maybe the best overall ability in the game.
Cutter - Lighting fast execution, nice damage and flies far. Has a nice combo.

High Tier
Hammer - nice reach and the 2nd most powerful regular hit in the game behind Stone. Executes at a decent speed. Hammer flip and throw does MASSIVE damage. Not a projectile so must be fairly up close. Can be carried underwater.
Parasol - The umbrella protects you from enemies or debree dropping onto you and is SURPRISINGLY useful. The regular attack does good damage, not quite beastly as hammer. Long reach. Can be carried underwater.
Sword - Regular chop does nice damage and has good reach. The combinations do nice damage too. When jumping the chops juggle you around making you able to do multiple hits while bouncing around the enemy.
YoYo - Very nice reach and goes through enemies. Each hit does good damage, approximately the same as other regular attacks in this tier besides Hammer. Not top tier because it doesn’t execute anywhere near as fast as Bomb and Cutter.

Mid Tier
Beam - each beam executes pretty slowly one after another. The reach is decent. The damage is quite weak. The dashing jump attack though is pretty coolFighter - The uppercut attack is pretty damaging but puts Kirby in danger. The jabs are weak and the hard blow doesn’t do enough damage considering the wait time afterwards.
Mirror - theres a slight delay in attack execution. The dashing attack though does nice damage and makes Kirby attack both sides for a long distance.
Ninja - The projectiles are weak but travel very far on the ground. His upclose attacks have low reach and are risky.
Stone - Makes Kirby invincible but very awkward to do real battle since you must fly over the enemy to do damage everytime. The hit is very powerful but one hit of stone is still slightly less powerful than two regular hits of Hammer.
Wing - Multi-hits do decent damage but doesn’t have a good reach. The flying is nice and helps big time in the Fire planet level in Milky Way Wishes.
Low Tier
Fire - The reach is bad and the multi-hit fire attacks don’t do much damage.
Ice - pretty much same as fire
Plasma - the jab is WEAK and has AWFUL reach. The projectiles considering you must charge for them are weak too. At max, the most powerful projectile does barely more than a regular hit from Hammer.

Bottom Tier
Jet - the attack just puts Kirby in danger at all times
Suplex - Has to grab enemy to do damage thus always putting Kirby in danger
Wheel - must ram into the enemy thus putting Kirby in danger

YES! I loved that game as a kid. I remember that even though Suplex sucks I always tried to use it because it was so much fun and looked cool.

World of Warcraft–
God tier-- Warlock
Top tier- Warrior, Hunter, Paladin
Mid tier- Mage, Priest, Shaman
Low tier- Druid, Rogue

Not a bad list, but I’d put Hammer and Yoyo at the very top respectively. The Hammer simply for it’s MASSIVE DAMAGE and Yoyo for it’s versatility. Bomb is definitely #3 though.

if somebody doent rep this man…

what kind of gameplay did you base that on?