Tick Throwing

lol how is this thread still open? why don’t i make a thread asking if you think fireball’s are cheap or completely banning sweeps from the game

preventing yourself from using tactics available to you in the game and not officially banned from tournaments is a perfect example of “how to think like a scrub 101”

you think tick throws are bad, start playing cvs2 and read about roll-cancels.

Who are you referring to?

If my previous post sounded like whining, that really was not my intended purpose. I was merely implying that ticks are a huge part of his game. I don’t mind tick throws because they keep my on my toes. Also, there should not be a double standard for gief or any character for that matter.

You misunderstand, I asked them if gief tick throws were ok, and they said yes. Ken tick throws apparently aren’t.

Ah I see. Yea there shouldn’t be double standards like that. Ken’s ticks are a deadly part of his game.

I would, but I hear you like tick throws. Tick throws are ber homosexual.

Luckily for you I live near San Francisco. :lovin: :wink: I sent you a friend request, I’ll try to join in if I see you on.

anyone who thinks that ANY techniques not banned in tourney play are cheap.

Xcfrisco is 100% correct on this topic.

It’s been said a 100 times, but here it is again: Play to win.

To anyone who’s questioning this basic principle, then go read Seth Killian’s (Ponder on SRk) articles in the Domination 101 section of SRK. They’re stickied for a reason.

You’re not seeing the forest for the trees.

Throwing itself isn’t cheap or unbalanced, it’s the combination of certain game mechanics making escaping certain situations extremely difficult combined with the fact that in HD remix, you cannot tech out of a mashable grab.

Sure you can. People tech my Blanka Bites all the time for reduced damage. I only get two bites and they flip away, which makes me very, very depressed.

You can also mash back, and they get less hits. Of course if one player is using turbo in this situation, then its completely unfair.

That’s not teching that’s counter mashing… but anyway that wasn’t my point

I’m neutral with it but usually won’t “tick throw” unless someone does it to me multiple times. Sometimes I return the favor, and other times I’ll just beat them without having to play that way. People who play this way all the time really aren’t that good anyways. Personally, I rather beat someone with nice combos.

The poll seems not appropriate: anyone who dislikes tick throws will say ticking is fine, unless you throw right after!

Anyway, I voted “yes.”

@ShadedWolf: These situations either haven’t changed or were altered in the defender’s favor in HDR.

General points: ST players have been dealing this for a while and it hadn’t been considered game breaking with the exception of a few match up specific stuff (ochio loop vs. Dictator). So my sentiments are: If others have come to terms with tick throwing, so should I. Additionally, would you rather be prepared for tick throws and not have to deal with them? Or would you rather have it the other way around? It is to your benefit to prepare yourself as much as possible. Vs. Akuma included. : (

I didn’t say it was cheap nor did I say it was justified I kept a pretty neutral tone, I was just explaining to the person that throwing in general itself is not cheap, because there are usually ways around it such as not being predictable as a turtle, (and thus) maintaining an offense, counter throwing, teching, reversals and so forth.

The reason why people complain about certain throws (aka tick throws in this discussion) is because some throw setups literally leave you with only one option, to attempt to reverse.

Now this part is my own opinion: Before evo I honestly thought these type of setups may not be that big of a deal because everyone else on SRK said it wasn’t and I was just learning the game, but after watching this year’s EVO and the matches there I definitely still think that having reversal as your only option to escape certain situations is completely unbalanced. That’s probably why throws were toned down more and more in every successive game. In fact in the grand finals I don’t think I remember seeing more than a single reversal (if that) and those throws were abused SO much it wasn’t even funny. Chances were he probably even knew it was coming but couldn’t counter it.

I don’t think anyone is arguing the point of turtling and being cautious and thrown as a result of an offensive maneuver. What is extremely frustrating is when you know something is coming and exactly what to do, but you simply cannot do it when you need to because it is difficult.

Your missing the opposite point completely though, which is both characters can do it too, although ticking gief is suicide, if you go for the tick the opponent will have just as hard a time reversing you as you do reversing them.

It has been said that at high level its just another tool, and excessive ticking isn’t useful anyway. It does provide mixups, and that shouldn’t be ignored.

The mixups are included man come on

Just look at ticks for what they are, a weapon your opponent is going to use to put a tick mark in the W column.

When I enter a 4-6 player lobby, my goal isn’t lose so I can watch its win so I can keep playing. If I have to use a weapon that is hard to reverse, isn’t that kind of the point.

BTW, mashing out of a hold is teching a hold, if you mash faster than you reduce the damage, the first hit is guaranteed non techable sure(but you can escape additional hits), but HDR nerfed these throw ranges, except for blanka’s, so its not as easy to throw loop, and if someone is intending on that hold, then they have to be in your own throw range.

Its what makes holds unique to regular throws. That and what the opponent is allowed to do afterwards makes them powerful.

I still haven’t seen giefs/hawks use their holds against me. Is giefs/hawks holds bad?

Most characters that don’t have a hold don’t really need one. Although, cammy/fei could probably benefit getting one. Hell, most of the characters that have a hold don’t need the hold, but its just another unique trait to them.

Did I say that tick throws were ineffective? I said they were effective. You just basically rehashed what I typed while making it sound like you disagree with me when you agree with me.

How did you ever survive before ST? I don’t rely on teching throws. That’s the last option you should be looking for.

I see the forest quite clearly. I used to be in it. I’m trying to help you find your way out. The bottom line is that you have a hard time with escaping situations where you can be thrown. The solution? Get better at either avoiding those situations altogether or tighten up your reversal timing. Simple to say, but…yes…hard to do. But, it is what it is.

I’ve been playing this game from the beginning, remember? I’m an alt.games.sf2 alumni. Please don’t insult my experience.