Tick Throwing

if people using flowcharts, one pattern keep-away tactics, one pattern aggressive rush-in tactics, surefire fireball traps, akuma, among other “cheap” tactics, then yeah, tick throwing should be allowed, too. the game’s mechanics allow for it anyway, and a lot of the people who complain are the very people who have simple tactics themselves. i was constantly in rooms where peoples only understanding of “skillful play” was “comboz”. get the fuck off your marvel versus capcom 2 playing bullshit. i was tired of hearing these kinds of people talk on the mic pretending they’re any knowledgable. fighting games are more than just executing combos

and a game shouldn’t be just one character dominating with a specific character with deus ex machina abilities, it should be a close match if the players are equally skilled, regardless of character.

ultimately, even though i’m a guy who did a lot of “ticking” with zangief, i’m going to say yeah, the tick-throwing thing is a-ok with me

again, whiners are people who do other simple types of tactics themselves and are just mad that their one-trick-pony tactics don’t work all the time. get bent, you know who you are, and i know who the people on here are. look, i’ve gotten upset that people were able to beat me with just using one trick, but i’ve had to take the loss with dignity because if i didn’t, i’d be a hypocrite at times for what i do when i try to win

on top of that, zangief has a lot of hurdles just to get to his enemy in order to get the kind of damage he does, so when a ken player whines that he’s had issues with zangief, that’s because he sucks ass and all he did was flowchart ken and act predictable

there’s a lot of stress factor that goes into playing fighting games with flowcharts and naive understandings that combos are the surefire win, but if you stop thinking in narrowminded ways then it won’t be so stale

Some of y’all might’ve read this already, but this little paragraph right here pretty much seals the deal on whether or not tick throws were left in these fighting games intentionally…

Quoting from my very own Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix Cross-up, Link, and Combo FAQ (v. 4.0) (http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox360/file/939066/56195)…

Tick Throw (TT): A tick throw sounds like its name. You make contact
with the opponent with a move and then, provided the opponent hasn?t
been knocked down, you throw them when they come out of hit stun or
block stun. (This should tell you that this is not a true combo, but
it is important for the purposes of this FAQ since throws can dizzy,
even though they have a very small stun value.) Now, I just alluded to
the fact that you cannot throw a person while they are in hit stun or
in block stun. In addition to that, your opponent can perform a
reversal special move or reversal throw in the very last animation
frame of getting up, in the very last animation frame of coming out of
hit stun or block stun, and in the very instant animation frame that
they land from being hit out of the air by a move that doesn?t knock
down. In light of all of this, the logical conclusion is that you must
time and disguise your attempt properly because tick throws can be
escaped or countered if the opponent knows they are coming. For
example, Zangief is known for throwing out an attack and then either
interrupting that attack or linking after that attack into his Spinning
Pile Driver. This is very effective because you can link or cancel
into the Spinning Pile Driver with such timing that it grabs
immediately when the opponent comes out of hit/block stun. As in
this case, you have an extra advantage if your character?s throw range
is greater than your opponent?s, as this allows you to perform tick
throw attempts without worrying about being counter-thrown. Because
the throw range of the Spinning Pile Driver is much greater than any
regular throw, counter-throwing Zangief is very difficult (if not
impossible) when this is properly done. However, a reversal special
move that?s either invincible on startup, cannot be thrown on startup,
instantly hits on startup (provided you make contact), or is instantly
airborne will save you. In other words, if you get thrown, it?s your
own fault because you let your opponent get that close and you guessed
wrong. It?s not ?cheap?. There?s no such thing. It?s a mind game and
mind games are very present in high-level play. Out-think your
opponent and you will win.

(End Quote)

Tick throws are allowed because they’re still in the game. Any opinions to the contrary are simply out of frustration that you can’t out-think your opponent. If you have problems dealing with tick-throws or walk-up throws, either you’re playing online with noticable lag or your reversal timing on your counter-throws or special moves isn’t up to snuff. You probably need to start throwing more if it’s the latter. That’s all there is to it.

Can this end the thread now? Thanks. :slight_smile:

As long as you use a tick-throw to do it.

I HATE tick throws!!

They should be banned! I hope capcom comes out with a patch that would take out throws altogether from the game. I sent them a request this morning…
Let’s see what those pricks say!

Though that’s the official definition, these days it seems whenever you get a ‘cheap’ throw, it counts as a tick whether you made contact or not. E.g. half of my
Blanka bites do not come from a tick yet I’ll still get bitched at. Same with guys who get baited then complain when you walk up and bite them.

The whiners quote “gief is the exception to the rule”

The “rule” being tick throws are cheap.

I use gief & i think tick throws are cheap

HD Remix is full of loops, cheap tactics, and other crap. As much as I dislike tick’ing its a huge part of SF. Heck, its used widely in IV. Its not going anywhere.

How can you say that? Cammy is all about ticking.

ok, players like Zangief depend on tick-throwing…
in my opinion tick-throwing is ok…its in the game, why not use it?
wen i first encountered a tick-thrower i was like shit! it was difficult to beat a player who wud tick-throw me, but then I learned to do reversal moves, by then it did’nt it was’nt a problem for me.

I use tick-throw sometimes wen im nearing to a defeat, it kinda helps me.
But sometimes there are people out there who can reverse it.

Most people who cant do reversals wen coming into a tick-throw moan about this really!

Well, like I said: I dislike it but recognize its significance to the game. I just think there are instances where it can be abused, but whatever.

I don’t mind the occasional tick throw, but people who spam them the entire match really piss me off. Especially the characters who have the ones that repeat over and over (blanka, honda, rog, gief, etc…). Not only do they take forever, but they take off like twice as much as a normal throw. Aren’t those characters already good enough that they don’t need an overpowered throw? Well with the exception of maybe Honda. But he’s a nightmare against Cammy and that just adds more crap I have to deal with lol

I agree, Zangief is already overpowered character, he shouldn’t be ticking. Tick throwers are cheap.

You can shorten those throws by mashing out. Just like the thrower can lengthen the throws by mashing.

Most of the holds do a throws worth of damage, and then the mashing adds a little more. Except it seems that Boxer’s almost always does 2x that. I think everyone else is tame though.

Please read the section on tick throwing that I quoted from my FAQ again. Try doing a search for Daigo’s fan website and watching a few of those videos. In some of them, Daigo tosses his opponent around like a rag doll. Why, you ask?

They were PREDICTABLE! :slight_smile:

So…if you know someone’s going to sit there and let you throw them…if you can’t combo them, throw them! Blame the person that got thrown.

. . . But OJ winning is cheap, there is no winning only honor. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I dunno I just feel like if I have to resort to that kind of stuff to win, then i’m not that skilled of a player. It wouldn’t feel like a real victory to me. But everyone’s different, I guess. Some people just want to win, and by any means necessary. If that were the case with me, I’d probably main Ryu or Akuma, definitely wouldn’t be Cammy lol

Boo. As for relying on tick throws, you’ll find that it’s harder to tick throw higher level players. So it evens out in the end. I wouldn’t worry about relying on tick throws unless that’s the only part of the game you’ve developed. Tick throws are just like fireball traps and zoning: One of many tools you can use to pave the road to victory.

You should join our rooms occasionally parry, we are usually on after 9pm CST.

You’re serious? You don’t think that being able to be SO INSIDE your opponent’s head that they let you throw them three times in a row when presented with the exact same situation isn’t worthy of being called “skill”? I’m sorry that you feel that way…mainly because your feelings are lying to you.

I’ll say this one more time. Mind games are the final frontier of skill. They are essential to high level play. If anybody knows this, it would be David Sirlin. Did you see him play this weekend at Evo? His Fei Long and Cammy were successful mainly because he was reading his opponents and acting accordingly. That what makes him the quality of player that he is.

It doesn’t matter if it’s throwing, doing a mix up, or simply jumping at your opponent, if you don’t read your opponent properly, YOU WILL BE COUNTERED. You will. This game has very few things that allow you to just spam them without reprisal.

Please try to throw me when I know you’re going to throw me. At worst, I’ll tech out of the throw. At best, I’ll combo you and end it with a super. Usually, however, you’ll eat a reversal special move or reversal throw…unless my timing’s off. The game gives me every opportunity to stop a throw when I know it’s coming. If you’re obvious, you’ll be countered.

I’m telling you now. The mentality/emotion that you expressed above kept me from being a better player back in the day. Throw off the cry of the scrub. It’s time to accept responsibility for your weaknesses and play people that won’t let you throw them all over the place. This site is full of them.

Edit: By the way, if you’re maining Cammy, you might want to start watching more of Syxx’s Cammy videos. I would credit his ability to freeze people into letting him grab them with the Hooligan Grab as being one of the pillars of his game. Ask him if he feels like he doesn’t have any skill when he wins tournaments with who many consider a bottom tier character.