if people using flowcharts, one pattern keep-away tactics, one pattern aggressive rush-in tactics, surefire fireball traps, akuma, among other “cheap” tactics, then yeah, tick throwing should be allowed, too. the game’s mechanics allow for it anyway, and a lot of the people who complain are the very people who have simple tactics themselves. i was constantly in rooms where peoples only understanding of “skillful play” was “comboz”. get the fuck off your marvel versus capcom 2 playing bullshit. i was tired of hearing these kinds of people talk on the mic pretending they’re any knowledgable. fighting games are more than just executing combos
and a game shouldn’t be just one character dominating with a specific character with deus ex machina abilities, it should be a close match if the players are equally skilled, regardless of character.
ultimately, even though i’m a guy who did a lot of “ticking” with zangief, i’m going to say yeah, the tick-throwing thing is a-ok with me
again, whiners are people who do other simple types of tactics themselves and are just mad that their one-trick-pony tactics don’t work all the time. get bent, you know who you are, and i know who the people on here are. look, i’ve gotten upset that people were able to beat me with just using one trick, but i’ve had to take the loss with dignity because if i didn’t, i’d be a hypocrite at times for what i do when i try to win
on top of that, zangief has a lot of hurdles just to get to his enemy in order to get the kind of damage he does, so when a ken player whines that he’s had issues with zangief, that’s because he sucks ass and all he did was flowchart ken and act predictable
there’s a lot of stress factor that goes into playing fighting games with flowcharts and naive understandings that combos are the surefire win, but if you stop thinking in narrowminded ways then it won’t be so stale