Thoughts on ST in Tougeki SBO & Japan

If you look at the USA as a whole the community is clearly split. It seems the most active WC “classic” SF community is the HDR community, and the most active EC “classic” SF is the ST community.

EC runs ST, WC runs HDR. If you going to play competitively, at least for me, you can’t play both. I tried at Evo '09. I played inth HDR EVO tourny and CBs 3v3 ST tourny. It was difficult. Sim’s different motions mess me up in the “clutch.” Sim does things one way in ST and another in HDR and in the heat up battle I land up missing tons of stuff.

I’m saying the exact opposite. Only at the top level of play do tiers hinder you. Some characters may require more time spent learning a match than the opposing side only for that matchup to be in their favor at the top (e.g. Dhalsim vs. Honda, where Dhalsim must learn a lot more to obtain his advantage). Player mastery can be displayed when you can skew the matchup bar more in your favor than for the other top players who use your character.

I could be wrong but …thats b/c he plays other games. He is not comming to play HDR. He comes to play ssf4 and HDR happens to be there. The\ ST exculsive players who have attended in the past prob would not come again to play HDR: Gian, KKY, Kusumondo, & etc…

I actually think HDR added to the community. I think most of the WC players who play HDR now, did not play SF2 competitively before it was released.

I didn’t play SF until HDR was released. I had already owned plenty of other SF games for various consoles, and would not have even considered buying another port of ST. I only bought HDR because it was a new version of ST.

And after experiencing arcade St I actually prefer it over HDR. So at the very least HDR added one more player to the ST community that it didn’t have before.

The biggest difference between American (or canadian :slight_smile: and Japanese players is that american care about winning much more. Which is a good thing when it matters (at tourney, MM). But not ALL THE TIME.

Every single day I saw people talking shit to others after a set. You suck / gay / homo / etc etc.

There is just too much ego on the line for anyone to master a character or learn the game.

So you pick the easiest to use character / top tier and try to take some easy wins so you can talk trash back to the other guy.

Look at this forum. The posts closed by thelo. Look at the SSF4 forum. Look at what nasty comments that people leave on front page posts.

As Rambo said, there is no competitive spirit in the west. You lost = you suck even when you are just trying to get better.

As for HDR splitting the community. I’m not trying to stir things up again but vf4 have said before that ST HD (with or without R) is the latest attempt that capcom put forth to make the last SF2 version runnable on the latest console that everyone can have easy access to.

Now the fact that it is already a done deal and a lot of ST players don’t like it = what could be a convenient platform ST lovers could have gotten go down the drain. You already highlighted it above. Mr Wizard said either HDR or nothing because of the logistic / trouble they don’t want to deal with arcade cabs. (cigarbob mentioned he used $1k out of his own pocket to bring a single cab to EVO)

Can you understand how dearly some of us wish ST could be more easily accessible offline and online and capcom (USA) blew it?

BTW daigo play HDR because it is convenient. No he said he doesn’t know HDR and he didn’t play any character that have significant changes. I would guess the same apply to john choi and alex valle and others.

I already know the pain that fatboy gone through so I do not play sim on HDR and only play ken here and there a few times.

I would not try to learn hawk or gief on HDR because it’ll confuse me if I were to play hawk and gief in other version. DSP completely stopped playing HDR for a year since it messed up his game preparing the SBO qual.

I see your point. I think we are saying slightly different things about the same topic. I may be expressing what I mean to say incorrectly. Let me try it this way (below) and if you still disagree. No worries! :karate: We just see things from different perspectives.

There are those that will play HDR, but will not play ST. And there are those who will play ST, but not play HDR. And there are some who are willing to play both. But point being, for the most part, there is a very clear division between HDR and ST players and their respective support in the tournament community.

whenever i log on prior to playing hdr, i always check if anyone is online playing classic mode. regarding classic mode HDR - graphics and screen size aside, why do you suppose nobody is ever on battling (this is technically almost equal to ST ya)? also, when was the last time you saw an ST tournament in usa that equaled or dwarfed the hdr turnout at evo? even when some of the better players who specialized in ST came here, the turnout was noewhere near that of HDR (but correct me if i’m wrong about the turnout thing). HDR is not splitting the community, if anything it added people to the mix

i don’t think this is necessarily the case. daigo and tokido both entered evo hdr because the game is close enough to ST and they had a legit chance to actually win. even if they don’t “know HDR and he didn’t play any character that have significant changes”, the fact is the game is close enough where they can do well - and they actually had a shot of winning it all since both tokido and daigo placed top 8.

btw, daigo has even won an hdr tournament in USA beating DGV in the past (dgv plays the game ALOT, ST and HDR can’t be that different if someone who “doesn’t know HDR” can beat a top HDR player like DGV.

regarding choi and valle as far as playing characters with significant changes, this is not the case either. from what i’ve seen, in ST they were O.sagat come tournament time. since HDR i see them using more of ryu (and none of sagat it seems). valle, choi, daigo, and most good ryu players in HDR are using fake fireball potential to the fullest. this move is a big change, a game changer for ryu imo.

tokido, he didn’t use none of the wall dive canceling, and i’m sure he learned really quick that wall dive trap was not gonna be abusable - yet he still placed top 8. keep in mind, both tokido and daigo have won evo ST in the past

i believe i’ve read somewhere that ST and HDR… it’s all the same for people like DGV and afrolegends. i recall sirlin asking daigo his opinion on HDR and he supposedly said it would be “a hit” if it was released in JPN. does daigo’s opinion count more than those that ganelon ran into who thought HDR is a non issue? no, it’ll just come down to whether the general masses will play the game there. HDR just hasn’t had a chance to be exposed properly in JPN for that to happen.

ST players should move to France.

Better and more women, food, culture and ST Tournaments.

I respect your opinion about top level play. For me, I feel that I can feel the differences in difficulty in the various matchups versus my main, and on that basis I feel like tiers do matter at my level, which is the lower/intermediate level.

I guess that depends on your goal.

If you are just a casual player and not going to sink time into learning the game and you play your friend using gief vs his sim.
Your friend quickly learns some pokes that absolutely frustrate you to no end. Yes that 7.5:2.5 match up ratio probably apply to you vs your friend so is pony vs gian. (but for different reasons)

We’re posting here in srk probably mean we’re not casual players. And that the fact you are intermediate level (and I’m mid-low) means that there’re lots of room to improve and beat that matchup.

I played Snakes eyez’s gief vs my sim and it is definitely not 7.5 in my favor. And some of the gief regulars beat me 9 to 1.

This has been explained a lot. None of the stuff that ST players mentioned 1000 times matters if you just reply “that’s it?”. It was just mentioned in this article how classic mode doesn’t cut it.

The fact of the matter that it doesn’t appeal to many ST players cannot be changed by hard sells from HDR fans. Argue all you want with your `logical’ reasons, we’re not in court trying to find a verdict here.

HDR should speaks for itself if it is really a good game. Fact is it repels a lot of ST players.

It is also the case for SF4. It is massively popular yet many just find it unsatisfying after tasting ST & 3s.

I’m just guessing what the probable outcome would be if it is released in Japan, based on reception here in US.
Of course you can also dream that anything is possible.

Daigo and Tokido probably can own many of us in any fighting games because they are good. Not because of the version of the game that they play. Same goes for John Choi and Alex Valle.

The problem is not that HDR split the community, but that some old men refusing to play HDR cuz they don’t like any changes whatsoever to ST (Ken, Sagat and Dhalsim not having reversal Supers is fine with them). I haven’t heard of any HDR player refusing to play ST, in fact most of the HDR community has gone out of their way to support the ST community in the interest of supporting the overall SF2 scene.

I always hear this:
“HDR has split the player base”

And then I hear this:
“We stick to ST because HDR sucks”

So how did HDR split the player base? It looks like all those that used to play ST, still play ST citing it as better than HDR. That leaves the people who play HDR, who are pretty much entirely players who never played ST originally or wouldn’t have (I am one of them). Then you have players who play both, like Fulan. When it’s dead on GGPO, I suspect he goes on Xbox live and vice versa.

I do also go on GGPO sometimes, but if it wasn’t for HDR I doubt I would have ever got into ST. HDR was nice because it bought in a load of new players, and I was able to improve in line with them, rather than going on GGPO against people who have been playing for years and getting stomped. I can also tell you that Herbalholic and PlanetRV are in the same boat as I was. We all now attend offline events and we love the game so much we don’t care if it’s ST, AE, HDR or PS3/Xbox. It’s the same overall game engine, and that’s why we play it. The gameplay.

You want to know why ST is fading out on GGPO? It’s not because they are playing HDR on Xbox live; we’ve got the same problem. It’s because of the amount of people that have deserted for SFIV. That’s your real community splitter.

I don’t get why fans of the same game (barring some changes) bicker about shit, when you’ve got a completely different game (inferior as many of us would agree) that’s taken some of our best talent, only for them to become nobodies in a scrub infested scene.

I think you’ve got one thing confused. All of us wanted an updated version of ST that does not disappoint.

All of the stuff that you said are TRUE. (it brings in new blood, etc). But regardless of how HDR turn out (good or bad) it would have the same effect.

So if any of you HDR player that do NOT like SF4, could you step back and think if anything a SF4 player can say on a forum to change your opinion and make you really LOVE to play SF4?

Just substitute SF4/HDR and HDR/ST.

This is a touchy topic since no one likes to hear someone else say bad things about their game.

I told people to play the version that they like. I’m not trying to win you over to ST in a forum post.

But just realize that fact is fact and HDR just doesn’t appeal to some other folks.

And you just mentioned that some of the HDR players don’t mind playing ST but not the other way around. It is an interesting fact. wonder why.

Old men? Those ‘old men’ who prefer ST were around the FG scene long before you were and they kept SFII alive long enough for HDR to have been made. Without those ‘old men’ you don’t have your watered down version of ST to play. Calling guys ‘old men’, because they want to play the best version of SFII, is pathetic. People didn’t want to play AE as the SFII standard because ST is a better game. There is precedent in the SFII community for not playing the latest game which is why EVO and SBO went back to ST after experimenting with AE for one year. So saying that the ST scene is simply ‘old men’ who can’t play HDR is insulting. You think it’s a coincidence that the USA ST team for SBO, basically the top SFII players on the EC, all support ST over HDR? Or that guys like CigarBob say that “HDR ripped ST’s heart out”?

If ‘old men’ want to play ST then conversely wouldn’t the HDR community be a bunch of immature children with no ST experience who only want to play HDR because they can’t cut it in ST? It cuts both ways by your logic.

Wait hang on? So you won’t find anyone going out of their way not to play ST? You’ll find people going out of their way to help the ST scene? Right? Yet when SB organizes an exciting high stakes arcade ST tourney you take the time to shit all over the organizers and say that they are ‘stepping the scene backwards’? They are hurting the scene by taking the time to create an arcade tournament, arcade being the standard that the Japanese have and always will use for SFII? That as a “SF2 supporter” you “don’t support” an arcade SFII tournament?

Japan = arcade SSFIIX. America = HDR. And now some parts of America use ST and some use HDR. Is that not obvious?

ST on GGPO is stronger than ever. The Japanese have been playing GGPO like crazy lately even. What ‘fading out’ are you talking about? HDR on XBL and PSN seems to be fading in my opinion and I’ve seen threads here talking about how the online scene for HDR has been waning.

I don’t support any tournament that restricts players based on their controllers. Season’s Beatings decided to have square-gate-stick only cabs, and I can only play on round-gate sticks or pad. If a tournament had pad-only rules, I similarly would not support that, cuz I prefer to include as many players as possible, and not exclude them based on “nostalgia” or “elitism”. The problem with SB is that ST players who only play on round-gates are not gonna be able to join, and that’s just dumb IMO. If they had at least a round-gate option, I’d definitely join, regardless if it’s HDR or ST.

Can you say that you would support a tourney regardless if it’s HDR or ST? Didn’t think so. And BTW, I’m one of those “old men”.

Relax, SBR has PSX port just to allow pad players to compete. It didn’t mention it at early stage because they haven’t figured everything out yet.

BTW, BYOC is only a trend in recent years since console become more cheap, popular and EVO grew too big to force to use it exclusively.

It is actually a disadvantage for people who cannot use standard square gate and japanese parts (it is the most popular in US and almost used exclusively in japan) since that prevent you from playing in a lot of events (like SBO).

I asked Vintage why he didn’t play since I can feel his passion for SF2, but he said it’s just impractical to create a custom pad for latest console and he doesn’t want to go through the painful transition that DG went through. So now he basically doesn’t play anymore, how sad.

@blitzfu, SB is using cab converters, you can bring any ps1/ps2 stick and it will work fine. we used this at the sbo quals with no problems, you can even map the buttons however you would like. Also btw people of all ages just simply prefer st, I dont think many here were around from when the game originally launched and there have been several “generations” of new top tournament players that emerged over the years, you had the original valle/choi era and then a second wave years later where people like dsp and nki emerged, then a few years from there you had afro legends and damdai apear, now theres a whole new group coming into power with guys like ganelon and mars gattei.

ST deserves better than how the propaganda machine has treated it, ive been a member of the tournament attending community since late 2005, never at a st tourney did i hear anyone complaining about the game or begging for changes. it was just people enjoying the game and comp (that kind of talk was usually heard coming from the 3s or cvs2 sides of the venue) as ST was widely considered one of the most balanced sf games ever, a game without tiers but an intricate system of counter matches that created its own fair balance.

Now lets fast forward to MWC 2007, this was around the time that hdr was announced and this is where i first met david sirlin, he was competing in the ae and st tournies and was walking around asking the players there what they would like to see changed or improved upon, many big name players where there and i was interested in what they had to say, well most said nothing, they felt the game was fine. i heard a few people say nerf old sagat and someone brought up allowing the player to pick the “old” colors for the new characters but that was basically it. when he asked me my only concern was that the game would be censcored(as many are these days) and i asked him if the game would still have the blood and vomit animations hah

Then HDR is released with many changes and all of a sudden st is unfairly called this broken relic (in many ways i feel just to sell hdr) but 2 years later, despite the efforts of some, st is still alive.

in japan it is insanely popular usually making the top 10 most played arcade games list, when i was there you could arrive at the arcade on a tuesday morning and find people to play all day till midnight. over this way we got ggpo with as strong as an online community as hdr online (when all logic says it shouldnt,considering how much more difficult it is for a new player to setup when compared to just buying hdr on your xbox) and st is making a comeback at events SB and nec, st has survived through so much over 15 years, its gonna make it through this too.

Ha, Rambo, I agree with you that ST has suited players of all generations but there have been no real waves of ST past the beginning. All of those waves you mentioned are comprised of 2 players from different eras and situations actually. Choi was from the classic SF2 era. Valle had his real competitive start with Alpha. DSP arose as EC was starting to become competitive. NKI emerged after experiencing JP play. Afro legends started during AE’s popularity. I arrived onto the scene towards ST’s resurgence during the AE/CCC2 era. damdai came into play during the post-Kaillera online age. Mars began from HDR. So in a way, there’s no real way to categorize ST players since there’s been a steady stream of players as the game has advanced. Hopefully, this trend will continue along.

Anyway, I appreciate the energy, guys, but let’s take pure ST/HDR comparisons to another thread. It’s pretty clear what everyone feels as well as what the reality is and perhaps only time will lead to the correct path.

Right, you’ll certainly still feel the effects of relative tiers on you at your own level. If you’re an intermediate Cammy, you’ll be walloped by an intermediate Honda. But what I was talking about is that with some more practice focusing on the Honda matchup, you can still overcome the odds and even win more than you lose despite what the tiers indicate. And the lower level you’re at, the less practice time it takes to gain a sizable enough advantage that it won’t reflect what the matchup charts say at all.

However, that doesn’t mean those tiers are wrong; those tiers (I’m referring to ones such as from Arcadia based on top player input, not community tiers) simply don’t really apply to competition that hasn’t approached a very high level. These “explorers” are close to reaching the top and are commenting about what’s going on at that level. No matter how good your Cammy is at that point, you’ll still be suffering more losses against similarly high level Hondas. Unlike intermediate Cammy players who can hope to improve on a personal level and overcome intermediate Hondas, these top Cammy players can practice for another 5000 hours but still not improve because the ceiling of human and character potential has been reached.

And yes, you feel certain difficulties in matchups that may make you think the tiers apply directly to you. Many times you may be on the right track (e.g. no easy way for Cammy to stop Honda at any level) but just as often, the difficulty is a red herring that gets overcome and even surpassed (e.g. my previous example of Dhalsim being unable to stop Honda until at high levels where it’s Honda who now has problems getting in). So really, if you think of tiers as a molding over the ceiling of each cave, then they’re not really restricting you while you make your way up; they only play their actual role as you reach higher and higher, until they’re so hard set at the top that even with twice the experience and talent, you can’t overcome what the tiers indicate. And that’s why I believe tiers don’t really matter except at a high level, where you’re trapped and can’t do as much about it except discover an effective new technique that will shift matchups more in your favor.

Ugh, I’m so sick of this HDR vs ST debate. I’m going to try to not get sucked into it. I’ll just say this: It’s unfortunate that Japan never got a proper release of HDR (console and/or arcade). It’s also unfortunate that in the US, and basically everywhere outside of asia, arcades are dead. It sucks that the most convenient way for our two regions to play is different. But it is…

Anyway…Rambo and Ganelon made some really good points about characters and tiers. I agree with most of what you guys said. I do think our culture’s tradition of counter-picking has held us back. In a similar vein, I think our egos and our lack of sharing knowledge in the past (arcade era) also hurt us. The second problem is less of an issue today with sites like this, youtube, etc. There still is a bit of that though. BTW, that reminds me, I would love to hear you guys share some of the more noteworthy tricks and setups you saw being used in Japan if you can find the time to write some of that up. But back to the point, I do think more people are sticking with their character, or a small handful of characters, these days, but it’d be cool to see more of that. I think being really dedicated to a character is what allows players to go past the “these moves are good, this spacing is where I want to be” stage and into the nuances of a character - feeling so comfortable with your moves and options that you can fake things well or do things unexpectedly without any obvious tells, knowing the tricks and traps you can setup, knowing what traps you are vulnerable to and knowing how to avoid getting into them, and so on. I do prefer our 2/3 game format, but I’d love to see us adopt their character lock rule. I do think it’d help us level up as a community.

BTW, I have a funny related story. I rarely ever counter-pick, even in extreme circumstances. For example, I stuck with Sim for all 3 games against Tokido’s claw at Evo 2K7. But at our last Denjin ranbat I actually counter-picked for the first time in…I think ~2 years. I was going up against Cesar (MongoloRobokop) who has swtiched to playing mostly Cammy lately. He’s a great player and I usually lose to him. I also @#!% hate the Sim vs Cammy match, especially in HDR. So I decided what the hell, I’m gonna pick Honda just for fun and scrub it out against him. Now, I play Honda, Chun, and a few others as fun screw around alts in casuals. I’m not bad with them. But I’m not great either. I did OK early on, but after a couple of rounds he was onto me. He had my tendencies and vulnerabilities figured out and then used that to overcome what sounds like terrible match-up on paper to beat me pretty convincingly. I lost and I felt stupid. Later in the tourney I ran into him again in loser’s finals. I decided to just stick with Sim. I lost again, but it was a much closer match and a much more intense match. It really reminded me why I should just stick with my character and learn the nuances of the tough matches. In clutch moments, it’s a lot easier to deal with tough situations using a character that you’re really comfortable with. If you pick a character that has some good moves or tactics that are hard for the opponent to deal with, that sounds just dandy…up until you find out that they can deal with that. Then you’ve got nothing.

As far as tiers go, I absolutely believe they are valid. But I also believe that, for the most part, people should ignore them or just muse over them for fun. First of all, the tiers we usually talk about are for the best of the best players, on their best day, using robot precision. They’re meant to distill, at it’s extreme, if the tools that character A has beats the tools that character B has. That’s it. In reality, most of us play at a lower level, most of us don’t have perfect execution, and most of us have off days, certain bad tendencies, average or below reaction times, etc. Also, most of us play a lot online, where certain things work way better than they should and some fundamental strategies become too hard to do consistently. I’m not suggesting people should hone their lag tactics. But do realize, when you’re playing online that it does skew certain things. I mention all of this because people often want to use tier lists to find out “who to play”, because people want the easy win. It’s also used as a scapegoat sometimes when people lose. I guess it’s comforting to blame the chart rather than your play for losing. But that kind of thinking holds the player, and collectively, our community back. In reality, it’s more worthwhile to find a character that fits your play style, that works to your strengths, and isn’t crippled by your weaknesses. Then, learn the tough matches and figure out how to make them competitive. It’s tough, but it’s rewarding and is ultimately what makes these games so fun!

Anyway, thanks again for sharing your stories from Japan guys. I’ll listen to them all day long :lovin:

That’s gold Johnny, pure gold man.