Henceforth MarsGatti shall be known as? MarsGoddi.
Team ST: 1st place
Singles ST: 4th place (due to broken pirate :arazz:)
HDR: 1st place
Guile’s cr.Forward is mad broke.
Henceforth MarsGatti shall be known as? MarsGoddi.
Team ST: 1st place
Singles ST: 4th place (due to broken pirate :arazz:)
HDR: 1st place
Guile’s cr.Forward is mad broke.
Any info on jp players still play ST on DC ?
I don’t think JP players ever played ST on DC.
SSFIIX for match making actually had online play on the Dreamcast. Not many top players used it in Japan because they obviously could just take a train to their favorite arcade and play on CPSII. However many lower or intermediate players were playing SSFIIX online over the DC’s online service in Japan. Also whenever the top Japanese players traveled to U.S. tournaments, especially during 2004, they used the DC version. And EVO2008 used the DC for ST.
But for the most part the overwhelming majority of SSFIIX players in Japan just don’t play on consoles. You can say that about most other FG scenes in Japan as well. Arcade is still the standard for everything but SSFIV at the moment (but that will dramatically change when SSFIV:AE drops). I wouldn’t be surprised if most of them don’t even own any gaming consoles anyways.
I think before I went to Japan, I didn’t completely understand what was the big deal with arcades in Japan. But now, I can completely understand why they’re so focused on the arcade:
I understand that it may be tough to grasp and it seems they could make the change to consoles easily but as has been said here before, their entire structure revolves around the arcade social scene. There’s no reason for them to treat a port as anything other than practice or casual fan. Plus, for fighters, single-player is oftentimes of very little use.
We didn’t ask them directly but I do know some JP players like YuuVega have been practicing online through HDR (not sure of mode). Do they practice combos at home on DC ST? Possibly. Either way, in their environment, it’s impossible for good JP players to take DC ST or any console port very seriously when that’s not the primary and longstanding medium for their competitive scene.
good explanation replies to the two above.
Only 9 people entered in the end.
Initially there seemed to be a decent amount of interest, I’d say about 20 guys asked me about when HDR was going to run while I was making the rounds at SB and expressed interest. Unfortunately I had to push back the HDR tourney by a day after everything ran late and Teams ST had to run Saturday evening (obviously I wasn’t about to run HDR while Teams ST was running) and ST Singles ran Sunday from opening until 6pm (!!). That made a bunch of people drop as they were going back home, I had to refund many guys’ entry fees.
On the bright side, once we finally got a good time to get started (at 6pm on Sunday, during early SSF4 Top32), the whole HDR tourney was done in an hour. By the way, thanks to everyone who entered and special thanks to Hanson for bringing his Xbox setup and stick, it was really appreciated.
By the way, Teams ST had 7 teams of 3 players each.
Well, with all of that I can see why the low turnout happened. So basically we didn’t get a very good situation to get a feel for either game. I like the turnout for ST teams, though (sounds like a lot of the people who would have played HDR played that since it happened when HDR was supposed to). I’d still like to get a big tourney to have ST and HDR as preferable main games (not side games that get pushed to other days) so we can get a good feel for who would play which one or both and why.
Big props for going to all that trouble to run HDR, sorry I didn’t make it up there to help.
So…yea, I thought about things in general. Left it alone for awhile, and then mulled it over some more…and well, I agree with the last several posts made by Ganelon. If you felt offended by Ganelon’s post, that simply means conviction is taking place.
Originally I thought to myself, “why in the world is the EC community doing this? Do they really want to create a divide?” And then, I recalled the conversation I had with Damdai (forget BZ status, you’re "anti-hero status for life son!) at WCW earlier this year when he informed me about the lack of HDR attendees at most events in the Tri-State area. That coupled with the fact that Ganelon too has reiterated the same thing concerning a lack of attendance at events that feature HDR in his area has led me to completely understand why the EC has opted to go with CPS2 ST. They simply did it to preserve some SF2. The original plan was to go with HDR, but no one cared enough to come out…thus, they decided to change things. God bless them for doing so and keeping SF2 going. The fact that they switched to CPS2 ST is an INDICTMENT on the EC HDR scene for not coming out. So, yea, I understand why the switch had to be made.
It’s funny, even on the WC, attendance is lacking. The Denjin guys have tried just about everything to get guys to come out, and nothing has worked. It is still the just the same core group of guys that attend…which is very disheartening. Which is why I think considering a switch makes sense as well.
Possum (my fellow NC brother in Arms…hope your job situation gets sorted out soon),
I applaud your effort to attempt to find out why the online players who post here don’t come out. While some notable points have been made, the reality of the matter is “people will find a way to do what they want to do.” It’s as simple as that. Yes, everyone has responsibilities and obligations, but there is no reason why anyone cannot attend at least 1 single event a year through simple planning. When I say 1 event, that can range from a local event, to a major, or Evo. If you feel it is important enough, you will find a way to go. If transportation is an issue, community members offer to give rides. If budgeting is a concern, community members offer to split rooms & transportation.
I really hope that HDR will have a great turnout at both SCR & NCR…but, I would be lying if I said I expected it though. The recent trend (WCW, SNCR, Dev) suggest that there will be little more than 30 players, if that. Numbers like that will not guarantee HDR’s placement at future majors, let alone Evo. As such, guys really need to decide how important this game is to them to come out. It would be great to finally meet guys like Jinjah, Rashid-O, IronDD, Great Mole, T3R Dictator, and other good local players at these majors. Hopefully, their attendance might inspire other good players who post to come out and realize how much fun the whole experience actually is.
If not, well, then in all honesty, I would support a switch then for WCW. If HDR is not important enough for Cali guys to come out, then WCW should try ST (supergun). Additionally, I think we should definitely try to run a side-tourney at both SCR & NCR and see what the turnout might be. We need to figure out which game more players are willing to come out and play. HDR should have been the obvious answer, but apparently this is not the case.
Fatboy, would you be interested in attending, let alone running that if Valle gave the ok? It’s funny, the SF2 community often slams the SF4 community for a variety of reasons. But they do have us beat in at least 1 regard…they come out. Even their novice players who know they will consistently go 2 & out, still show up. Whereas with SF2, good players who are capable of winning tournies & majors don’t come out. Anyway, hopefully, I will get the chance to meet some new players in the next month or so.
…proceeds to procure Supergun & Japanese ST board :wgrin:
Good stuff there vintage. if you would like a setup, throw me a pm, I would like to help you out