You forgot working a lower level job with less time off/vacations and people going to school. :sad:
I understand, I worked my way through college and slept 2 hours a day. Maybe save up time for one big tourney a year? I’m at the point in my life where I may only make one or two a year now, if that. I was lucky, though, and we had a SSF2 machine on campus when I went to college, LOL. Wasn’t good for my grades, though, because I’d go on long win streaks and miss classes. Those were the days.
It’d have to be evo, and only if work would let me have the week, they are pretty bad about not giving me the days i want off. I can’t wait till the day i get to say goodbye to retail.
I don’t see the point right now though, if its one offline event a year, im still mostly playing online and i might as well save the money for something else, like school loans.
Yeah there are quite a few SFIV tourney happening all the time. I never thought about asking if they would allow a side tourney for HDR.
What about offline rankings? Anyone?
question…why is emulation always discounted as a viable option? isnt it the most authentic version that anyone can play at home without owning a cab as it is using the actual roms? i own both and the emulation feels just as good to me as the cab. everyone and their mothers have madcatz sticks and pads and they all work on PC too.
Well, as for emulation, I think it works fine when… it works fine. But a number of emulators are for Windows, which is already a big disadvantage when compared to a dedicated machine. First of all, you not anymore know when the inputs are getting read. Second, at any time some Anti-Virus BS can take system resources without you allowing it, slowing down the applications you want to run. Finally, for some weird reason, Madcatz decided to use a USB version that does not work on a number of motherboards.
There is also the legal aspect. A number of people have the original boards, but what about the ones who do not? And we all know it would be really hard to have the game emulated at tournaments Capcom sponsors.
BTW, ggs yesterday or the day before. A bit laggy, of course, but GGPO from higher latencies can not do miracles.
gonna rant with my 2 cents if that’s ok.
people need to build scenes. if a scene is accessible and advertised but nobody bothers to fucking show up… well then it’s natural for it to die or become a niche thing.
for our denjin tournaments in socal we advertised head to head cps2 st… nobody from l.a. or surrounding areas show up.
we advertise remix and a chance to meet and play new people… fucking nobody new from l.a. or close by areas show up.
you can see the problem here. reguardless of what scene you want to argue about being better, the fact is that the lack of dedication from either party is ruining legacy street fighter. why the fuck would people leave their house, ruin their precious online rep and do poorly in a tournament when they can just sit at home and build their e-penis through ggpo or online remix? that’s what pisses me off the most. god forbid they come out to play and actually have fun with us.
in short, both “scenes” are fucking wack in socal. the end.
This is the sort of post that really makes people want to come out and meet you in person.
I thought monglorobocop hold hdr ranbats in LA or am i wrong?
Yo I’ll be in LA late december, let me borrow a stick and host something, I’ll be there
rufus… i can appreciate your sarcasm, but i think you missed my point. if someone actually bases their decision to not come to a denjin tournament based on what i said in my previous post (in which i also said we all have fun) then i’ll shake your hand. but you don’t know how many countless people i’ve tried to reach out to on xbl and srk when i see they live in the surrounding area. i offer to pick them up and drop them off and not charge gas. i tell them it’s always mad fun and we have a good time. it’s always the same thing, “i’m afraid i’ll do shitty.” synco was the only dude that has taken me up on my offer, go ahead and ask him if he doesn’t have a good time with us. as for any st guys, dgv had previously advertised that we have head2head st at denjin and nobody has shown up for it yet. the thing i was venting about is that socal has players, damnit we have a lot of people that play this game online seriously that have no desire to attend a tournament. this is very discouraging and i apologize if that sentiment made me sound hostile previously. instead of just ranting i should be asking for advice. i’m very curious to read about the ideas you guys have to keep a scene alive, because aside from majors, ours is quite stale in that nobody new is coming out.
for our ranbats, battosai, it’s been the same group of 12-16 guys for a while now. mongolorobokop brings like 5 of those people and i bring 2-4 depending on the weekend. nobody new comes. actually it’s funny, a few of the 3s regulars there are starting to get into st. go figure.
cwheezy, i’ll see you in december! let me know the specifics as they come so i can plan something special.
regarding a change to the way the forums are now. i would like to see the matchmaking sections be game specific. the NJ thread in the forums is SSFIV mostly, and i doubt any ST players are looking in there. if i were to attempt a get together with my 2 ST cabs, i doubt id find anyone in that thread that is interested.
ggs the other night on ggpo oldschool_BR and moocus. Moocus, you were a great player when we used to get down on XBL, but you are way better than i remember now…
It’s the same deal with apathy in all US SF2 hotspots that seems to be preventing this game from expanding. Over on EC, I’ve seen some online heads show up for 1 tourney, which is good but could potentially be better.
I think some folks like moocus and me are passionate about having a strong competitive scene and feel an urgency to make players realize it’s important to get involved in their local scene if they have the time and interest (which many apparently do judging from their frequent online play). Even if they don’t start with tourneys (I didn’t actually enter the tourneys themselves during some of the early events I attended), it would be good to have folks come and play casual matches to acquaint themselves with the offline game environment. Honestly, just about everyone is cool in person.
If we want more advice on scene building, we probably have to look at Japan and see how their ST scene seems to often have new names and faces. And how do the folks in remote areas level up together (like the currently strong Chubu comp)? Maybe some of the upcoming interviews will have that as questions.
I think having the arcade as a place to go has something to do with it.
Maybe if in NA they had turned an arcade into a social place to hang out (Maybe bad example, whenever I go to starbuck people are there chillen, not even with stuff) the scene would be just as strong.
I don’t know if looking at japan and seeing what they do can necessarily be helpful, because of the different culture. Wouldn’t hurt though, haha
you strike a good point, getting people aquainted with the offline scene of things. the word “tournament” is intimidating to someone who’s on the fence. we need to work to abolish the attitude that tournaments are only for people that are good. i’m by no means a good player but i’ve been to every denjin ranbat because i look forward to hanging out with dudes that share the same love of sf2 that i do. i’ve made great friends and always have a blast reguardless if i do well or not. it’s crappy that people don’t really know what they’re missing by not coming just because they don’t think they’ll play well. who cares? at the end of the day you’ve made some new friends (we all love to goof off and stuff), and the experience of playing in an offline organized environment really helps evaluate the way you play and, eventually, you start to get better.
i’m thinking we need to make some kind of denjin ranbat “vlog” or something here in socal just to show that we’re all pretty laid back goofs who help each other get better and have a lot of fun doing it. i have a feeling a lot of people think it’s a super serious environment where people talk shit and are mean. if people can see how contrary it actually is, maybe they’d be less hesitant to come out. that goes for any area, too. i’m sure you are all cool dudes as well (but not as cool as us, sorry :arazz:)
Im curious on who are these “online” players? I wish there was an HDR scene over here…I think Seattle is starting to pick up the ST scene again!
Yeah, but for example, Denjin arcade has an ST arcade. I could be wrong, but since I haven’t heard of anyone new emerging from there, the only regular folks who apparently play are the SF2 regulars during event days.
I won’t name names but compare tourney entrants with the players you most encounter on HDR/GGPO. There’s a pretty wide disparity.
It’s great that Seattle is getting back in so that the game has more exposure in the fighting scene. Axel’s site ( !) used to be one of the first sites with YBH translations. I wish there was something we could do for the midwest but I’d first like to make sure existing hot spots are in growth.
Hey guys, thanks to SweetJonny for the heads up to weigh in on this thread. I have always thought this would be a great thing to have for the SF2 scene, rather than a single ‘covers everything’ megathread that us HF guys and KoreaSF2CE have atm. In all honesty I dont know if you could make a case for each version of pre ST SF2 having its own subforum on post numbers and interest. Certainly ST & STHD need thier own forums, very popular games, but I could see the mods going with an all in pre ST SF2 forum for everything from WW to SSF2, but even that would be alot better than the current situ. Remember to holla at KoreaSF2CE also, he’s the other main sf2 guy. Thanks.
PS. It could be cool to have a general SF / SF scene history subforum, now that the SF scene has a fairly substancial history. Move in the posts like these (doesnt have to be purely SF2 related ofc):
Thelo - How many people entered the HDR side tourney at Season’s Beatings? I saw that I think only 26 people entered the ST tourney (though to be fair it was a $50 to enter high stakes eveny). Looks like some name O.G.'s came out fot ST but not many came out for HDR? Man, I wish I could have made it (after paying to get my one car fixed the brake lines burst on my other car, while I was driving, LOL. It’s been a long couple weeks, LOL).
Congrats on getting second in HDR Thelo (Honda represent).
Congrats to Mars for doing so well at the tourney in HDR and ST, I’m sorry I missed the chance to meet you, everytime your at a tourney close by here I always miss it, LOL.
Frank (Roybisel) is a beast at ST, now you guys see what I have to deal with every tourney around here, LOL.
DGV brothers didn’t make it out this year? They just heard I wasn’t going to make it, they only show when I do, LOL.