-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

Was there a trailer or something?

promo stills

trailer will most likely be unveiled at comic con

Apparently people know that this movie will suck because they dont like how the costumes look.

Meh there is a HUGE difference with Batman and Thor costumes…
Batman’s costume was BLACK…and he’s in the shadows…outside of the bat nipple, I couldn’t tell you any real difference between any of the costumes. These costumes are more colorful. I’m actually all for an artistic rendition of the comic variant, as it would be too cheesy for “realz” - sorta like X-men did…however - when talking Norse Gods, even modernizing them, you still have to make them look epic, and I think thats whats missing the most. Loki wasn’t powerful himself (in a confrontational sense), but his epicness was displayed thru his helmet…when you compare the colors with the horns, he didn’t look *evil *it was a perfect balance - he was obviously not good, but he came off as a Norse God of sorts. When re-imagining these characters - they have to make sure to focus on that…epicness that those three charcters should have. When in Odin’s presence you should feel “small and irrelevant”, and while I think anthony Hopkins has the acting muscle for it…its similar to his Beowulf character from an acting stand-point…if they don’t get his outfit right - its just fail. period

  • :bluu:

im not gonna lie. Odin is meh…too human looking, but whatever. I just wanna see the Odinforce.

Loki looks fucking awful

and nothing about this movie was good, not even this part

fuck you, ill show you too human looking

Go on the Thor Set! - ComingSoon.net

damn just read that it’ll be converted for 3D too. i hope not…
really hope its unreliable.

He definitely fits the part, I approve:tup:

Still not too excited about the outfits and -points for Natalie Portman.

haha well i didnt mean to sound all bitchy, but idk…i just dont want to see scenes that are so corny with the 3d. like shooting lightning at the audience or some bs like that. Oh and natalie portman is still hot as hell

For those that never heard her rap


Male Groupies -"We love you Natalie"

DEAD :rofl:

most movies are duel release. rarely is a movie exclusively 3d, i just wish the non 3d movies were on imax.

holy shit, that Natalie Portman rap just gave me wood

comic helmets are in

suck on that, haters

wow…im liking valhallah’s look but i dont get why they had such a shitty look to their costume. glad to see helmets are in.

thank god for the helmet. I dunno how pissed I would have been if I had to look at Loki and be reminded of the robot goth pussy from Grandma’s Boy

So far i’m not impressed with the pictures. For one thing they look like a pair of Iron man villains w/o helmets in that pic thats going around! WTF?

When i think of norse, viking’ish armor, i don’t picture THAT.

And the guy they choose for Thor…bleh, he’s tall but thats about it. Not just any tall, toned white guy with beard can be thor.

nah i disagree not everyone looks good rocking a beard.

ESPECIALLY a blonde beard.