agreed. looks hella futuristic for no good reason.
would have preferred cloth. Thor still looks good to me, but Loki…i really miss the classic costume. they’re god right? they shouldn’t give a shit about looking funny
loki looks the most odd of all. i dont get why he doesnt have his normal costume but everyone else does.
i better see some helmets in the movie though
loki NEEDS his horns and thor needs his wings
oh god this looks horrible
more than likely it was an art direction choice to make the look “unified” amongst the characters as if they were to go with traditional Loki costume it would look really out of place relative to the the rest of the ones they have.
Keep in mind that pretty much all batman suits looked stuppid in promo shots and good onfilm. I still have faith /nod
Thor is not a fucking X-Man. What the fuck? Also those Viking gods are too well groomed. Odin seems to have got the worst of it though. 70s glam rock eyepatch lol.
Tadanobu Asano half Japanese, half Navajo and previously played Genghis Khan in Mongol. He was good and even had Genghis’s historically accurate red hair.
im wondering if he’s gonna get his regular suit later as if a change in how evil he is. pretends to be “good” like he usually does but when he goes crazy super villain he gets his horn suit.
oh cool a new Power Rangers movie :wonder:
I was hyped for the first power ranger movie
lol that first movie confused me…random ass powers. ninja night vision goggles.
Ivan Ooze died the most shittiest way possible.
Knee to the balls >>> Ninja powers.
these shots always look stupid, like someone said even nolan’s batman looked bad
i still feel the movie will be great
^ The first preview of Wolverine vs Sentinel ([media=youtube]oB4CXWjfPbw[/media]) looked so fucking cheesy but it turned out alright in the movie.
your opinion has now been invalidated.
oh god, they x-men-ized Thor. Well, the action/story/acting better really make up for the visuals.
lol well thor is gonna suck
what are y’all talking about? Were there new pics posted?
I call Flop. Marvel can’t do anything interesting since Spiderman 2.