This Is All For Killing!: The M.O.D.O.K Combo Thread

thanks man. this Modok thing is tuff work.
your suggestion was just what I needed I wanted a way to get them in a low flying cube loop but all I could manage was that slime launch.

No worries. MODOK is obviously a very unorthodox character. Even I’m still trying to figure him out completely given my limited access to the game.

Also, try going for a relaunch after the first OTG slime by hitting S as soon as the slime hits. Once you get the timing down on connecting with the relaunch, you can then go sj.MMS or sj.HS for a bit of extra damage and meter before finally going Slime OTG xx cube/beam xx HBR.

The BnB I use with MODOK is j.S -> cr.H -> f+H -> cube (L or H cube depending on where you are on the screen) -> S -> sj.MHS -> dash up cr.M -> S -> sj.MMS -> cr.M xx L psionic blaster xx HBR. The damage output rivals that of Wolverine’s BnB (around 670,000 or so), which works for me given that every character in this game gets killed after getting touched twice.

kool. the relaunch is all I had before.
but now I can tact on what you’ve showed me to the beginning of my combo.

I only had a breif moment to work on the DHC reset glitch combo you posted and I was having trouble timing, the crM xx Fly, jS
when I do get it im golden after the bounce… The timing will come eventually. I still even miss OTG crM, S sometimes.

Im wondering if there is any trick to this link.
im just slightly confused by the notation.
Is it possible to cancel the start-up animation for MODOK’s Flight with a Cube.
Or is it that there is simply enough hit stun after that j:m: to cancel into Fly and still combo into a Cube?

Sorry for posting twice in a row

Do the command for fly and then just press H immediately after, he will do fly directly into cube without having to do the inputs separately. You are almost pressing the buttons together but fly must come first if that makes sense.

yeah I follow; I just plink it.
I saw this work for some specials into hypers during week1.
This helps alot man, makes some of the ‘Magical’ Modok things Ive seen make alittle more sense.

OK so that cube cancel from flight is the bee’s knees.
Really opens the door to some serious destructive potential.
Love you guys

If you are looking to get practising on the flight~cube combos, start with Nos99’s downward air exchange in the corner combo:

Direct copy paste of his combo:
Down Exchange [if Up Exchange, do an air L first for spacing]
air H
air H
air M
air M
air H
air M
air M
air M
air M
air S (spike)
Super of your choice…

This combo won’t work on larger characters like Sentinel and Tron.
Plus his video:

Just playing around with DHCing to Dante Devil Trigger, using the untechable knockdown from Hyper Blaster. Pre DHC combo is a bit lackluster (I don’t play MODOK) so one of you guys can improve on it if you like. Doing this does more damage than DHCing to million dollars and lets you build some more meter from assists used after DHC. Here it is:
cH xx qcb+L cH xx qcb+L cH xx qcb+L cH-fH xx qcb+L S super jump H-S land cM+Dante xx qcb+L qcb+M xx qcf+AA DHC qcb+AA dp+M xx dp+M Sentinel qcb+L xx H (drones hit) jump S land dp+M xx dp+M xx(before last hit) qcf+AA

I know you could get more leaving MODOK in a letting him use the ground bounce, but it looks cool.

If trying to learn this stuff, I would actually recommend omitting the 4th/5th cube in this combo (as I’ve done in the quote) to make it MUCH easier… that particular extra cube is pretty tight (impossible?) against a lot of characters.

Another video for y’all


Nos, you are my hero. I love the crazy MODOK combos you come up with.

That’s what I’m here for! :slight_smile:

As for the vid… in the last part, I do a some c.H hopping. I used to think this technique was too hard to be useful… but you know what? I’m actually sort of getting the hang of it. Seems like a really useful technique to learn.

I use a pad, so a lot of what you do seems extra difficult for me. Still cool to see what MODOK is capable of though.

And look, I sent a tip to Eventhubs and your video was featured on the front page. Very nice! :tup:

Haha yeah, I saw that it was you! Thanks man.

It also got front paged here at SRK as well. I know Keits likes dat MODOK. :stuck_out_tongue:

pretty fun/easy corner combo:

j.:s:, qcb.:l:, cr.:h: x qcb.:l:, cr.:h: x qcb.:l:, cr.:h: x qcb.:l:, cr.:h:, f.:h: x qcb.:l:, dash :s:, sj.:h: x qcf.:l:, ad.df j.:s:, cr.:m: x qcf.:l: xx HPB, cr.:m: x qcf.:l: xx HBR

971K, works on mediums and up probably (tried it on ryu, viper and morrigan)

Yeah I honestly think it’s worth learning especially since chain Hs=good damage, and it pushes people into a corner pretty fast.

Hmm I have to try that instead of my normal IAD loop, but it’s harder to hit with a naked c.H though. Hmmm…

I just wanted to give people a heads up on possible problems they may have when first practicing the corner down-exchange cube loop.

  1. Cancelling one of the first two air H’s too fast. Use your hearing to verify the j.H’s hit, because the active frames actually occur a little bit after the pink burst comes out.

  2. The Fly ~ M-cube, j.M part. The toughest part of the combo, but once you get it down, it’s a breeze. The real input you’ll see in training is :d::db::b::s::m:. Simply “piano” S and then M after the qcb.

  3. Flight coming out as a down exchange. I still have this problem every now and then. Pressing S before the last backwards direction causes a down exchange whiff, ruining the combo. Be sure to press S right after the backwards direction. You actually have more time in this part of the combo than you think, so don’t stress it too much.

  4. Moving back a few frames after flight. So far, this is my biggest problem. In order to prevent getting a down exchange (as mentioned above), I emphasize the back direction right before flight. As a result, there are a few frames where my holding of back causes MODOK to hover backwards just a bit before the j.M, j.H, L-cube part. This ruins the spacing, causing some of the last cubes to whiff.

  5. Losing count of the loop. Remember, you only get 4 loops of j.M, L-cube. Any more, and you won’t get the ender for the easy kill. Either count in your head while you do it, or just remember the combo counter number in training, which varies depending on your team.

Hi guys, interested in learning Modok. From the cr.H>IAD>j.M>cr.H and repeat loop, once I reach the corner, what would be the best combo for stacking cubes, like, say 7-9? Or does hitstun decay kick in and prevent this?