This character is a joke

I main Ken and don’t rip on me for it…I was playing some ranked and some guy named Smashbros101 joined my game and he picked Seth…alright maybe he’s gonna be pretty badass right? No…all this motherfucker did was literally spam light sonic booms and jump off the wall with a toe tap whenever I closed in on him. It’s like, even as ridiculous as this scrub sounds, it’s actually like he knows what he’s doing with this retarded strategy. He timed all his walljumps perfectly, and I can never counter him because his wall jump f.kick or the height of his jump beats out everything i try to do.

So after a whole round of this I got really frigging sick of this guy and just started spamming ex air tatsu and actually managed to get a knockdown. When he gets up though, he just frickin flips…like he plays soo random it’s unbelievable. Like he starts mashing uppercuts, spds, and everything he can to get away…when he gets away he just resumed his turtle strat and I gave up.

I’m so pissed off, and tired of this ridiculous generic character. Like I don’t know how you deal with that, it’s like a mobile dhalsim…

Tell us more.

I’m always open to hear a rant about things that are both generic and ridiculous.


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Time your uppercuts better so they don’t get stuffed from jump ins.

You should be able to win a fireball war against Seth, his recovery is terrible on sonic boom. Use quick normals as feints so he can’t predict your fireball and jump in safely.

Joke’s on you

Stop trolling or trying to be sarcastic, you have no idea how frustrating it is to actually deal with this kind of Seth.

You’re serious, aren’t you?

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I can’t tell if this post is serious or a joke. TBH, no trolling, if he beat you, that means he’s doing something right. Day[9] (who is a Starcraft strategist, though his advice can be applied here) says, “Always try to defend something before you poke holes in it.” Instead of getting :salt: about being beaten by a Seth, message him and ask for some endless matches. Learn what you can, and admire what he’s good at. He’s timing his walljumps really well? Well hey, he’s doing something really well. Maybe you could learn a thing or two about Seth from him.

Also, as an aside, I disagree with

The only way he’s like Dhalsim is his st.:hp: and his teleport. Can you name one other way he resembles Dhalsim at all? Maybe the fact that they both have fireballs, and that they both have two ultras. Ooh, they also both have a back throw!

Get up! It’s too early for you to be defeated!

Admire what he’s good at? Admire him fleeing the whole game while throwing fireballs and then going completely random when you close in on him?

He doesn’t even know how to do the BnB Seth combo…the only combo I see him do is this awkward mixup when he lands his ultra 1.

Perfect timing?? What a scrub!

He obviously didn’t need to, either.

Stopped reading after that. :l
Sorry, I’m an asshole. Nuff said.

Why are Ken players always so salty?

And to be honest man at least you Ken players can AA this guy. Try playing against Seth with Bison, then you’ll really be mad.

Seth is a real pain for Blanka as well, so I think its just Seth in general, the health buff in AE was huge.

When flowchart doesn’t work, most Ken players are dumbfounded.

Consider the following: regardless of your opinion, he won. He beat you. He played better than you. Perhaps you have better tactics, but were caught off-guard by his randomness. Internalize that; instead of projecting onto him saying, “Oh, what a scrub, he doesn’t know BnBs,” say, “Oh man, I can deal well with normal stuff, but I don’t know how to deal with random play.” Also, yeah, admire him fleeing the whole game. If you let him, he’s doing it right. I don’t know why everyone gives turtling such a hard time…if you can’t get in on them, then they’re doing something right. I think Mike Ross said, “I don’t care if everyone boos me, I’m holding down back for 99 seconds.”

I lol’d

I main Seth, i’m not a pro but I have experience, enough experience to know when they will do a Hadoken, so, walljump is the way, just keep playing, get over it, FGs are like any real sport, it is 0% only if you don’t try.

How to beat Seth: A simplified game plan for all characters

Part One: Mid-screen
Part Two: Cornered Seth
Part Three: How to deal with Dive kick happy opponents
Part Four: How to deal with Seth mashing SRK, SPD, and whatever else you keep getting hit by

[FONT=arial]but on a real note, just practice your AA options and learn some general spacing[/FONT]

@The Breaker: I lol’d at part three.

Dont press so many buttons, I bet thats your problem. Just be more deliberate with what you do

>Calls Seth a generic character

>Mains Ken


ON TOPIC: Yeah, Seth is hard to get used to…until you play for awhile. Just formulate a plan of attack and tear through his weak health :stuck_out_tongue: