Usually custom sticks like B15’s, Voltech, and recently a lot of VSHG’s and Agetecs. I’m really happy when someone gives me a simple stick like a TE Round 2!
I’ve been planning to build my own custom stick using this FC4 board. This is my first project, so there’s still a few things I’m not so sure. I’m thinking of adding programmable LED functionality using an arduino and a custom PCB (something like a poor man’s Kaimana). Is it possible to wire the PS3/PS4 switch to a free pin, and using digital write to control it? Like, setting it to 5V for PS4 mode, and setting to 0V for PS3 mode, and the voltage can be set through a button combination?
Also, does LS have any drawback compared to DP, like more lag etc? A few PC fighters can’t recognize FC4’s DP (GGXXAC:R for example), I want to leave it on LS if it has no drawback whatsoever.
You don’t really need voltage as there is 3.3v already on the pad. Just wire the middle pin of the system selector pin to ground and either set it as grounded or open.
Leave it on DP. Some fighters have a slight delay when on the LS. You can’t remap on GGXXAC:R?
To be more precise on what vicko said, you can select PS4/PS3 using a 5V/0V signal. To be safe just wire it with a diode (anode to the switch). On high state, there is no change on the board, on low state, the switch is set at 0.
It’s not dual mod so I guess I don’t need a diode.
Here’s the thing, I don’t know how to set a pin as open in arduino. AFAIK digitalwrite() can only set a pin to HIGH or LOW. The problem is, the HIGH is 5V, and if the hardware switch line is 3.3V, wouldn’t connecting to a 5V pin have any negative effect on it?
Regarding GGXX, I don’t think it’s possible from looking at the options, the game simply doesn’t recognize the DPad for some reason. But then again, I don’t really play the game anymore so it’s not that big of a deal to me.
The low should be 0V, it’s connected to ground. Well, at least that’s what all the documentations seem to say.
Anyway, after some googling I found out how to simulate an open circuit, making it act like a simple switch/push button, so it should be doable. Probably gonna do this next week, hopefully neither the arduino nor the FC4 fries. Thanks for the replies!
That’s why I said a diode is a safe option because if you put 5V on the cathode of your diode, the current cant go through and you basically have an open circuit.
On the left you apply 5V therefore it’s left as open (the original 3.3V is untouched). On the right, you apply 0V therefore you have a low logic (you always will have some voltage because diodes arent ideal).
Still usable as a stand alone pcb though right? Just need separate grounds for everything? I was thinking about getting one because of the touch pad… but I know brooks is releasing a board soon too, I just want a custom stick that I can use the touch pad feature when I need or have to.
I want to ask you fine people before I place the order.
I’m torn between padhacking a FC4 or buying the brook PCB. I’m mainly playing on PC but my concern is an update breaking compatibility on the brook and being assed out if I go to a tourney or a meet up