Third party PS4 padhack options

No, the boards are correctly powered. Only the signal for the level shifting is underpowered.

The switch who control between PS3 and PS4 (or X360/XONE) is changing the logic to Low (Ground) and High (from +2.2V to +5V depending of the level shifting of the main chip)
Both controllers leave the the circuit “open” as a high logic (as exemple I mesured 2.3v on the switch when the circuit is opened on the FC4).
But the lenght of the ribbon cable + my PCB is making enought resistance to lower the 2.3V and I don’t have enought power to trigger the level shifting.
I added a 3.3V rail (from my LED power) to boost this signal, it’s fine with 1 board but with 2 boards it’s going under 2V again. I need a full 5V to boost level shifting signal.

Not sure if it’s more clear, sorry for my bad English.

are you using a diode on your fc4 mode line

Nope, no diode.
The 3.3V line’s purpose is originaly powering the LED and is done with two resistors (200ohms and 100ohms) as a voltage divider. It was not supposed to be used for anything else.
I used it as a “patch” from my design, since I didn’t think I’ll get a voltage drop on the level shifting.
The only sources of resistor on the mode line are the ribbon cable (around 30cm per PCB, 28AWG, 100 MOhms, I supposed it was negligable) and my PCB, but I suppose it’s enought.

Since the mode line is shared on the FC4 and MKX pad (meaning you are switching mode on both PCB at the same time) it’s somehow making sens I have a bigger drop.

If I make a next revision I’ll either power one board at the time or at least some kind of voltage selector for the level shifting (like some pads to solder for one or two boards)
Once again it’s not a big deal and easily patched with a kynar wire.

Use a diode and all your problems will go away
source: modded like 50 sticks already, this is the solution

Thanks, I’ll try that asap.

Doug from Foe Hammer got an email from a company in Taiwan that has a PS3/PS4 pcb. They are sending him a sample pcb like the one in the picture below. I’m going to be wiring it into a case to test. I’m wondering if anyone has ran across this board and tested it already? Apparently we aren’t the only company getting samples some of the bigger parts distributors have them already or will get them soon.

Is it still 8 min timeout on PS4 or did they get around that somehow?

@johndi I don’t know anything about this pcb. That is why I’m asking if anyone has tried it yet. I tried googling it and I can’t find any information. The only information I have is that it’s suppose to work on PS4 and we are getting a sample to test.

It does not have the 8 min timeout, apparently it’s made by Brook, the same company who has done those recent adapters.

The brook guys moves fast! The size is also nice for putting them in pads. Too bad I just put a FC4 in my atrox. Couldn’t wait any longer :wink:

Hello guys changed the USB cable and let in testing for these five days and not restarts more FC4 is working 100% in the arcade stick.

Amazing! i follow the brook guy on twitter, but he linked a facebook link that didn´t work for me. It seems that this PCB does not have the 8 min timeout because brook guys are awesome…

i just don´t want to think that this controllers are going to be disabled from future ps4 updates ;_;

Hope they made the firmware upgradeable…

I agree, although I might just add one to my Saulabi for lulz.

@gekkekoe If that instagram post is correct, I will be waiting on this and using it to add PS3/4 support to my stickless build. That small size plus wiring to a ribbon cable will be sick. I hope they sell just the bare board and its affordable.

If it’s cheaper than a FC4 then this is this gen’s Cthulhu. Shut up and take everyone’s money.

yes firmware upgradeable confirmed, Zippy now working on the new firmware. no 8 mnts timeout. just do input lag test last night, it have the same lag as FC4.

since it was a pcb only, it should definitely cheaper than a full controller

this board have small solder point, you should use decent solder station. and it need some resistors to make the R2 + L2 works and to balance the analog. for most people this is not easy to install.
if they can make it solderless. it will be next ps360

No, it will be the next ps3/4 combo. It has pretty big shoes to fill to be a ps360, namely something something Microsoft, legacy support, etc

Good pcb tho

Then what are the odds that the resistors will be added to the production run?

Obviously with the prototype they are expecting experienced users to work with it and to give feedback on what would make this board good for the end user. They won’t sell a lot of models to Joe Fighter if they have to do a trigger inversion and analog neuter on their own.

Thanks for letting us know your mileage on this, wazwuz!

actually, that board is order from their customer, we (srk tech talk) have nothing to do with that, and it wasn’t design for us (FGC).
I just lucky enough can try and tested this board.
btw, using updated firmware now it doesn’t need resistors anymore to work. and improved input lag.
another thing I forget to mention, it has SOCD in it.