Third party PS4 padhack options

Yes, you’re just routing the ground for home, start and select through the ground for the lock switch. When it’s locked the buttons have no ground, thus can’t be pressed.

Finally got the dhgate controller after 3 weeks. Was able to test both, the “double shock” (dhgate) glitches out every 8 minutes or so, but the P4 I posted earlier works great even after hours.

How much did it run you, and can you post PCB pics?

It was $55 for the single, but I just placed a bulk order and will probably be able to sell them for $40 plus I’d be shipping from the US so it would be quicker. Here are some pictures of the pcb

If you can’t see ot the small board connected by ribbon cable has the micro usb port for wired connection.

my hori fc4 is recognized on the ps4 only after i press the home button, is this normal behavior? before the padhack i only tested on pc and not on ps4 console.


Hawky, Have you tried to wire the controller?? Is it common ground? Thanks a lot for buying one to test out.

thanks for buying and sharing. Then, hasn´t got touch pannel?

Is there any word if the Hori FPS Plus has been pad hacked and tested for common ground?

@ashran_ye They do have a touch panel that was working okay when it was all together. As for the Question of common ground, I’m not sure exactly how to tell but there only appears to be one contact point available for ground, but I’m not 100% certain on how to test for it. The shipment should be arriving tomorrow (july 20th) I’ll set up a page in trading post with a discount for first time SRK customers.

Just put the third party controllers up the SRK thread is [here]( now open if you need one right away here’s the direct link to their page

Pinout diagram possible?

any chance anyone could point me in the right direction of a padhack tutorial to do this?
i wanna put one of those hori commander 4 pcb’s in my ps3 te stick with a toggle between ps3/ps4

I just hacked a FC4 for my stick to play the SF5 beta. Everything is working fine, but when I press hk(R2), it activates a direction on the right analog stick. I think this will be fine for fighting games because the right stick doesn’t do anything in most, but I’m curious if this has happened to anyone else or if anyone has an idea of a fix. I kinda rushed through it considering it was a new hack for me, but I don’t see any issues with my work. All switches are in the position they should be. The stick switch is set to DP, but R2 still activates the right analog.

I’m assuming you’re testing on a pc. Trigger buttons regularly read as an axis in device manager properties.

That’s correct. I was testing using the device manager. It read as a button and an axis, though.

Test it on ps4 and see what happens.

That’s normal; will work fine on console

Read this thread and the padhack thread. It’s been answered a hundred times.

You have any pinouts for this yet?

I really want to dual mod my X1 TE2 and was just doing research, and seems that I need the TE2 Crossbone as well as a PS4 pad. Would this one work fine with that, and be able to share the USB cable that is on the TE2?

Thanks for the reply! Would just like to confirm if I am understanding this correctly…

For the imp solution,

  1. From the old imp’s usb jack area, take the 4 usb wires (D+/-, V, G) off and solder those onto the new imp
  2. Solder the 2 usb data wires (D+/-) from the old imp’s usb jack area to the new imp’s D/E
  3. Solder PS4’s usb data wires to the new imp’s XD+/-

Am I getting this right so far? How should I power the old imp? Since we just took the vcc wire out and ran it to the new imp vcc in step1 ?

Also I am using start+select as the guide button (Basic ssg setup under impv2), would this be able to autodetect among the three systems ps3/ps4/360 ?

Thanks again!