why you can’t hit st rh 6 times
What about holds? Is their damage scaled as well?
Uhhh, when did I say anything about Fei?
I was just kidding about your main. Nevermind: it was utter failure!
Are you confusing me with someone else? My main is boxer, I also play Dic, Hawk and Ken. :karate:
I guess so, damn it!
Cauldrath, any news?
Did you have any specific research subjects in mind? I’ve got a bit on my plate for the next few weeks, but if I find time I can try to figure some stuff out.
Please elaborate on this “character specific” damage scaling. Do all the characters have the same amount except Gief? If not, do you know the breakdown (if it’s easy to get for you )? Was this, as earlier suggested, Capcom’s shortcut to reducing overall damage of the whole game from WW -> ST?
I mashed out of a black dizzy really fast recently, and was wondering if it was possible to recover from a dizzy instantly… (like how you can recover from multi-hit grabs taking 0 damage)
one thing that makes literally zero sense is if you’re rog and your opponent is as far into the corner as possible and you mp grab him, and then do down forward upper into fierce headbutt, it will sometimes always cross up and sometimes never cross up (during a certain instance of the emulation on ggpo i mean)
i try it once and if it doesnt work il stop and if it does its an extra tool
does anyone else sometimes hear random weird sounds coming from the emu too? like loud clicking sounds or something
I felt there was something crazy going on when sometimes I would inexplicably not land dict cross up s.lk x2 and it would whiff and I would hear the sounds. Well now I know that against certain characters whose standing hitstun reel from light attacks pushes them back far enough, they can cause the s.lk x2 to whiff when ordinarily against most characters it wouldn’t whiff!
I got close s.lk x2 to whiff vs blanka, chun, claw b/c of their unique hitboxes when getting hit. The latter part is just messing around w/ seeing how dict’s hitbox changes during jump moves.
Why would you try to cross up Blanka? He is basically impossible to cross up because of his upball hitting on the first frame. Similarly, vs. Claw a better choice is to safe jump in from the front against his flipkick.
It’s not about getting a clean hit on blanka. It’s about risk / reward.
If you time it right the best case scenario for blanka is trade (and it might not be in blanka’s favor).
If he messes up he eats a 3 hit combo.
If he blocks he has to play the guessing game.
When I play N Ken I will cross up blanka with mk all the way to the right (jumping from the 1p side) if I have ample time to space and time it properly.
If your character has a jumping move with only red hit box sticking out, you can also jump at blanka at max distance after a knockdown (e.g. shoto jumping fierce), even blanka has a zero-frame reversal.
Also it’s good idea to cross vega up, especially if you are shoto.
I was speaking specifically about Dictator - you seem to have broadened the scope to Ken and others.
If you watch Yuuvega, I’ve only seen him ever do far j.mk against Blanka, i.e. not crossing him up.
But let me ask a question about the last statement in your post: are you saying that with Dictator it’s a good idea to cross up claw?
Any reversal by Claw against a crossup from Dict is free damage for Dict.
Can you explain why?
Because you hit him after it with pretty much anything you want.
You are pretty much guaranteed damage if you get a crossup on Claw with anyone that has a better throw range than him as his Reversal move motion and therefore charge is the worst in the game.
Crossup - Reversal = damage on recovery both from flipkick and backflip.
Crossup - hit = Damage.
Crossup - Block = :lk: out of his range and then throw. If he backflips you recover in time to punish if it is kicks with any kick normal pretty much and if it’s punches you can simply hold back during the throw and PC him or just slide for the hell of it.
When I have tried to cross him up I seem to always get hit with his flipkick - I think it’s because he gets up really fast so my normal wakeup jump in timing is off, and also because I’m probably not doing it deep enough. But this is good info… thanks.
Then you’re not doing a crossup.
Well I’m landing on the other side :-\