,, rdp k or qcb p!
Can someone list, setups for her a groove cc’s? Also CC combos would be nice? Been lookin everywhere, but no luck.,, rdp k or qcb p!
Can someone list, setups for her a groove cc’s? Also CC combos would be nice? Been lookin everywhere, but no luck.
I heard that you must RC mirage kicks with King, But whats is the technique for RC i can never get it right. Are you suppose to press the 2 roll buttons first then the other punch buttons or vice versa?
Can somebody explain how to do this.
To Heavens Knight:
I forgot what the command for mirage kick is, but since you say it’s a punch I’m assuming qcb+p. I do RC mirage kicks as: d + lk + lp, db, b+p
If I want to do a lp mirage kick, then I use negative edge, which I won’t explain now. Otherwise, I just use my ring finger to hit the mp or hp.
To Onion boy:
The most common setups you’ll see are last hit tornado kick, mirage kick, trapshot in the corner. As for her CC’s, off the top of my head, I think you can try the corner cc:
[hk xx hk trapshot]*2 (maybe 3, I think you only have time for 2) c hp xx qcf, hcb + k
and here’s the 1/3 screen from corner cc:
j hk * 2 (on the way up) then corner cc.
and here’s her midscreen cc:
c hk xx double strike xx roll, j mp *2 (rising), carry to corner with j mk, corner cc.
I think that should be relatively correct. The last one is Gunter’s special, and since he took down his site I might have remembered it incorrectly.
Ok Im gonna try that RC technique, anybody else has some some other ways of RC King mirage kick or trap shots.
I can RC mirage kicks about 60% of the time (I never RC when I play or practice) and I’d say trap shots about 10% of the time. I think my left hand just doesn’t move the stick fast enough, but this is the motion I do:
b, d + lp + lk, db + k
Again, for lk trap shots I’d use negative edge.
Also, I think you might not need to do a double strike for the midscreen CC, it might be ok to do a regular venom strike
RC Mirage Kick and RC Trap Shot are just not worth it because they are too risky and not safe when blocked. It’s all about RC Tornado Kicks.
I would argue against that, although admittedly I will talk in theory fighter here:
RC Mirage Kick is probably fine for stuff like anti-poke. RC Tornado is slower in terms of actually getting to the hitting frames unless you’re very close to them (so probably not anti-poke).
RC Trap Shot is probably good for anti-air.
I use king in A groove as ratio 1. You can use her standing roundhouse as a anti air if timed right and her crouching forward as a decent poke. Her roll isn’t bad but not the best either. Crouching forward can cancel to all specials including tornado kick which is a good pressure tool if blocked because I played alot of people who block it high and leave themselves open for a ground attack, and if they block you can roll in and throw. Her specials are all good starters for mid screen to corner CC’s. I hope this helps someone out :tup:
Good stuff, I’d say if they jump in from far, try s hk or s hp, definitely don’t try the s hk if they’re almost on top of you, that won’t aa them. Try c hp if they look like they’ll jump in close/crossup, but c hp needs to be timed very well.
Her s lk is a good poke as well, c lp isn’t bad, lk tornados are ok too if spaced.
King can be saved! :pleased:
1)rc mirage kick leaves an opening for them to dp/rc through inbetween the two hits, iirc. so spamming it is like spamming sak’s rc rh hurricane kick against people who can duck it…but without the + frames
2)you have c.fierce as AA, so there’s no reason why you ever need to rc trap shot. surprise rose is probably better cuz you can rc the rh version and not have the huge startup.
3)doing RC “punch me if you block” kicks as an anti poke is like trying to psychic dp people with shotos. you might as well use ryu and try to psychic DP people who can outpoke you.
king can’t be saved, you’ll just have to be satisfied with beating shitty players.
Thanks for the tip. King can be played aggressively in which I think is best suited for her. Another tool to use is venom strike, but dont go crazy with it. You can use it to apply pressure but it can be rolled through. At good distance you can counter the roll with a throw or if timed right a combo starting from a low forward… no matter what use low forward… it works!!!
The match shows a full-screen A-groove King combo at the end. I thought they were non-existent but I guess I was wrong.
That is one very sexy CC. Thanks for the link. And considering that was a R2 sagat the damage isn’t all that bad either.
what was the input for that? All I saw was c.mkxc.hkxchpxrollxchpxrollxchpxdouble-strikexrollx2xhk into jumping fierces and a super finish. Seems easy on paper.
That’s what I saw too. Seems easy enough indeed. I don’t know which strength of double strikethat was, kinda looked like hk version.
I was trying that combo today, and the c hp xx roll cancelling is pretty tight, you literally need to do it as soon as you can. Also, the c hp after the roll needs to be done as soon as you can.
She does have a better fullscreen CC tho
Oh yeah, btw it started w/ c lk not c mk
Hah, thats a pretty nice King CC. Thanks for the vid, box. You made my day
That was very well played too. The only CC i’ve been able to come up with King that does alot of damage is-
(w/ opponent cornered)
j.HK, hcb+hk (activated) x3/4, j.hp (land) x3/4, j.hp (land) rdp+hk (trap shot w/ roundhouse) qcbx2+hk.
Its not that useful however, the Tornado Kick before activation can miss small characters like Hibiki.
I donno whats a better groove for King but I find I do better with her on A or K.
How much damage does your CC do? I have one where tho u can start off of a regular combo in the corner…,,, CC,,,,, C.hp, qcf-hcb super. Its a easy combo that does alil over 8000 dmg. Plus u can use it at mid screen off of the tornado kick either in a combo like above or as a anti air. I dont know if this will work for u because am always looking for better myself, a more damaging CC is always welcomed…:wgrin:
(w/ opponent cornered)
j.HK, hcb+hk (activated) x3/4, j.hp (land) x3/4, j.hp (land) rdp+hk (trap shot w/ roundhouse) qcbx2+hk.
^ That combo is slightly incorrect. Its like that but at the time I hadn’t remembered my CC with her all that well. What I ment to put was this:
(w/ opponent cornered)
j.HK, c.MK, hcb+hk (activate), j.hp x3/x5(land), j.hp x3/x5(land), j.hp x3/x5(land) rdp+hk (trap shot w/ roundhouse) qcbx2+hk.
Usually when your down to half-meter you want to use Fierce Trap Shot, since it drains health after damage scaling has already taken effect from your jumping normals.
Sometimes I jump a 3rd and continue to do more j.Fierce before I do Trap Shot.
Ratio 2 King vs Ratio 2 Raiden Stats-
Combo Damage: 7553
MAX Combo: 31
And the combo does average damage between 5000-6000 if you start it off without the first 4 hits before activating. Common set up is to activate for invisibility while the enemy is cornered. Just sweep them, perform a few s.HP’s then go for j.HP’s, when at half bar, trap shot w/ round house, end it with the same super.