Forgive me I didn’t write this properly.I’m asking if im not playing rush down, is the zoning style the next viable style? reason I ask this is because I’ve hav’ent been able to adapt to this game because its nature so different from what I’m use to.
Depends on the character. Magneto can switch from rushdown to zoning pretty easily, while wolverine can’t do jack shit but rushdown. So yeah, I guess zoning is the next choice, if not the only choice in this game.
That does seem the case, I wont be using magneto because hes too execution heavy for me.
What do you guys think are the unique specialties of each keep-away character?
[]Arthur-Very hard to hit him with a random Bionic Arm if Arthur stays on the ground in normal armor. Not much, but I can’t say that about anyone else.
[]Hawkeye-Very fast projectiles, you almost always need to burn meter to get him to shut the hell up, and even then some characters don’t have that option.
[]Strange-Counters other keep-away tactics pretty hard, makes you VERY hesitant to call assists.
[]Dorm-Completely dominates most of the cast once he gets going and has meter.
[]Morrigan-Stops blind rushdown almost completely. AV fireballs prevent you from commiting to anything.
[]EDIT: Chris-Unlike the others, Chris hits like a freaking truck at close range. One clean hit by him and he will do some serious damage. Thanks to GcYoshi13.
Opinions? Did I miss anyone?
Eat it
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How do you guys feel about the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing? I know he is missing a few of the finer aspects of a keep-away character (Morrigan and Dorm’s screen filling hitboxes) but his unique toolset and brand of keep-away shut down some characters/teams completely.
Also, Arthur has better air mobility than Chris or Hawkeye, probably around Taskmaster. Nowhere near Dorm, Morrigan, Mags, or even Dante, but he isn’t exactly bottom of the barrel compared to Chris and Hawkeye in every way. It shouldn’t matter much, but it is something to note.
What about trish? Her keepaway can be very frustrating
Okay, here’s a question for you guys:
It is hard to deny that X-Factor is a direct antithesis to keep-away chip in this game. If the negation of chip wasn’t enough, the opponent also regains red life and will most likely TOD you for even a small mistake if you are hit. The most obvious solution would be to never let them activate X-Factor, but you can pretty much activate it whenever you want, so that is out of the realm of possibility. With that in mind, the best counter I can think of is making them burn XF1 or suffer sever consequences. How could you “force” (as in it is the best possible solution) someone to activate X-Factor early in the match?
Dante a/ Doom b/ Strider y
come at me, if you can.
You have to bait them into doing something punishable. For example, do a random super when you have 3 bars, let them try to Level 3 you you, DHC into something safe or a counter or something and then the only way that they’ll be able to save themselves is to X-Factor.
Oh yes, if you love Zoning and are willing to learn, then MODOK is amazing. Psionic Blaster has lots of knockback even if blocked, Balloon Bomb keep yourself safe, and you can hit your opponment pretty much anywhere with the Analyse Cubes. Not to mention the shield can absorb a lot of damage.
Best part about Analyse Cubes is on top of the EX versions of your specials, their locations changes on the Ground and Air versions. Ground versions go in front of MODOK, while the Air versions go above him. If someone tries to super jump at you, just fly up and hit them with a M or H cube.
Also, does Arthur really have that good air mobility? Sure, he has a double jump, but I’ve never really seen Arthur as good in the air.
Not really air mobility, but he is really good at controlling air space, air axe, air lances, and air daggers all control jump height really well, and they all can link into other projectiles.
BTW, your avatar and name are awesome, I like Shizune the best (mostly cause of Misha, but that’s another story.)
Yeah, I can agree about Arthur being good at control. Pretty much everything he has can be used in the air.
(It’s rare to see someone say that Shizune is the best. Just make sure you don’t like the fanboys hear you, or else they’ll eat you alive because you don’t think Hanako is the best.)
Yeah, everyone is a Hanakobro.
Not good per say, but notably better than Chris or Hawkeye. Unlike the two of them, he has both a double jump and a ghetto, one way airdash downward (j.S). If someone truly cares about air mobility, they should go play Morrigan or Dorm because they have much better mobility in the air than Arthur ever will.
Does any zoner truly cover superjump height? I know Dorm has pillars, but those are slow and don’t track. It’s seeming more and more like any zoner needs Vajra, Missiles, or Jam Session to be effective.
Arthur’s strengths are deceptive but his unique abilities more than make up for what he does not have. His double jump and J.s are awesome with various applications, both offensive and defensive.
If they were to update the game and give him normal speed with standing dash, and take away the other stuff? He would be Nerfed bigtime.
Edit: Furthermore, 95% of the time my point Arthur is too busy running away with his zoning game, so most of the time i don’t notice the absence of a standing dash. If he had one it would see about as much use as my Hawkeye’s lol.
Modok is meh. I’ve only seen him be effective against OTHER keep away players, since he has great tools that let him win a firefight.
However, this is Marvel Rushdown Vs TOD 3. True keep away players are rare, and i just don’t see Modok having the tools & speed to ward off rushdown from the legion of Vergils, weskers, and spencers out there.
I think MODOK is more of an anti-bullshit character. He takes out your bullshit with his bullshit. All keepaway characters cannot do shit to him and top tiers have tough matchups with him.
Vergil has a bad matchup versus MODOK? Explain.
One of M.O.D.O.K’s worst match-ups is Vergil.