There is no "lame", only zoning: The keep-away thread

Yeah, this is too true. Vergil’s normals can go through MODOK’s shield and teleport into helm breaker is very effective against MODOK. Not to mention he can just throw out a random rapid slash hyper or swords hyper then focus them on you, you’ll get caught by the attack or be forced to block. When playing against Vergil, you’ll have to go up and try to confront him, as in that matchup zoning will only get you so far.

Is there any keep-away player that DOESN’T want Vergil to go die in a fire somewhere? Also, F**K CAPTAIN AMERICA!

The main issue with Vergil is his obnoxious reach! Yeesh, just flail the kitana around and then its an easy bake oven combo off any hits they happen to score during the flurry.

Thats about it, but this is a problem for everybody not just keep away. His teleport game is no big deal once you learn its weaknesses.

And Captain america is just a tank but he’s beatable. You have to approach the match up carefully, and resist the keep-away player’s temptation to constantly lay down fire. Realize that a Capt player’s strategy is baiting your fire so they can punish it. Often capts will play mindgames and lay off the charging star offensive for a bit and hang back just to lure you into that false sense of security, thinking that your keep away is successfully halting their advances. Only to bust out a devastating charging star combo on you later to wreck you(especially waiting for your assist to catch it too). Pick your moves carefully and don’t over commit to anything.

cap runs out of invincibility juice from full screen and nearly full screen distances so use his positioning as an indication of when to throw out fire. Midscreen is a really good position for cap, task, Dante and Vergil. With Vergil his looking for an opportunity to read a projectile and teleport during your recovery he can’t do that if you have an oppressive enough projectile game and you can consistently hit him out of the start up of his port. Vergil’s katana cuts projectiles and stinger like Dante’s can go through them once it’s out and it can travel almost 3/4th of the screen!

It’s not as bad as you think, it’ not in MODOK’s favor those. Vergil doesn’t actually shut everything down.

MODOK’s sheild is immune to all of Vergil’s normal. He can’t do anything about MODOK’s shield except.

  1. Burn a bar for Sprial sword(Which is the reason why Vergil beats MODOK),
  2. Rapid Slash(Which is punishable)
  3. Round trip
  4. Teleport(This is punishable with assists/round trip)

Everything else except Dimension Slash always loses to MODOK’s shield .

As far as the teleport thing and Helm breaker. MODOK can grab Vergil before Vergil can helm breaker. It’s possible to predict where Vergil will teleport, and grab everytime. Vergil’s teleport are pretty much never safe in that scenario.


How do people counter MorriDoom? I’ve heard everything from Viper to Mags to Skrull to Vergil… there’s a lot of theories out there. If any of those were a true counter, Chris G probably wouldn’t be winning every other major he attends right now.

I think people are sleeping on point Akuma here. Tatsu clears both sides of him, is air-ok, and is great for getting happy birthdays. He has a beam hyper and does considerable damage solo. Back him with something like Mystic Ray or Repulsar Blast and you have the bane of zoning in general.

Didn’t Chris G say that he hates facing Super-Skrull more than anyone else during the UFGT panel on keepaway? Though how many legit Skrulls has he faced (besides Hi Im Nasty)?

It’s more like people haven’t optimized the strategies with the shells that can eventually counter it or at minimum go even with it. That and Chris G is just plain better than everybody so he’s going to outsmart you even if you counter him.

You’re bringing a katana to a knife fight , but the guy with the knife is Neo. Which really none of the counters to Morri/Doom will ever be as strong as bring a sword to a knife fight. Morri has too many tools at the start of the round for it to ever get that bad. She can also just stay second while another point character abuses harmonizer assist and then DHC’s her in safely.

It’s like people trying to play Sagat, Blanka or Rog against J.Wong’s or Ricky’s Rufus in SFIV. Yeah it’s the counter…but it’s the 2 best Rufus’ in the US. If you’re not on equal playing level only super hard counters work.

There were also counters to the supposed best team in MVC2 (MSP), but you still had to fight Yipes using MSP.

So just as a basic question, in general, who are the characters that can really keep-away? I can think of a few, namely Morrigan, Dormammu, Arthur, Hawkeye, maybe Taskmaster and Strange, and Wright w/ Cell Phone (seriously overlooked IMO.)

I want to play a team that’s good at zoning while also being built around Phoenix Wright, but I’m getting kind of tired of pretending characters like Ammy and Dante can really play keep-away (I mean, honestly. You’re not zoning anybody out that’s not Haggar with Ammy and you know it.)

Hey guys I basically just came up with a legit team of Hawkeye, Deadpool, Doom(Missiles) and I’ve got nothing but Ragequits, people just completely giving up mid match and angry teenagers cursing at me through their mics. How do you guys prevent this from happening" I’ve found purposely letting them get in and killing off a character really helps, especially when they teabag and taunt afterwards, but I’ll then proceed to out zone them again or make salty foot dive comebacks with Doom which leads to them raging at me again.

Oh whatever shall I do…


I think the following can play good keep-away:

Keep-Away Characters


Ghost Rider
*Characters that are truly dependent on keep-away. They have no way in and aren’t very good when they get in there. Or you’re Chris, who should never, ever get in on you.

>Isnt very good when getting in.

That was before I fixed my post lol. Should be fixed now. I was just referring to characters with an asterisk after their name.

what rank are you? normally once u get up to 4th-3rd lord rank people tend to stop the quitting. Although things might have changed as I havn’t played online in probably a good 4+ months minus a couple days here and there.

Viewtiful Joe can easily dodge everything, with good V-Dodges and Mach Speeds.

The rage is good. It shows that you have rendered your opponent helpless and unable to advance; the very goal of keep-away. Relish those personal victories when you see the weak flee from you tactics; their salt shall fuel your rampage across the internet.

I explained this already, maybe if you read it slower this time…

Winning is not fun, competition is fun. Think about watching your favorite sports team. (sports are athletic contests that take place out doors, imagine Madden but in real life) Is it more fun to watch them play an inferior opponent and win huge… or play the best team to the wire (win or lose)? It’s obvious to anyone who is honest with themselves. Same goes for video games, I have more fun losing a close match than I do destroying a noob. If you truly found winning to be fun and losing to not be, that is kinda strange. If winning a stupid video game is so important to you, you have to ask yourself who the real loser is. You might want to put the controller down and go outside.

Winning against tough competition is the most fun you can have in anything competitive. Period. That’s pretty much what it comes down to. If you’re winning against shit that’s hard to win against…that’s where the true fun lies.