There is no "lame", only zoning: The keep-away thread

Would a Deadpool/Task/Hawkeye team work?

I really want to play Deadpool and Task. I just threw Hawkeye in there since he seems to be the king of solo keepaway.


what would be a good Marvel-only keepaway team?

That team would work, take practice though. In that order too.
Deadpool start it off as an annoyance/keep away, Taskmaster coming in next, you can zone or rush as needed, follow it up w/ Hawkeye (hopefully xfactored w/meter & Gimlet chip).
Just 1 option in a sea of many :slight_smile:

I would say this is the best Marvel only Keep away team as well, again, just my opinion.

The best All-Marvel keep-away team would be Hawkeye/Dorm/Doom or Magneto/Dorm/Doom.

Hawkeye sucks as anchor at least to me because he cracks under pressure. Plus if your opponent hasn’t used X-factor and has 2 or all 3 of his characters alive then you might as well call it a day… unless you want to go for an air grab which can lead to a dead Hawkeye.

Hawkeye is a good anchor ONLY if your opponent doesnt have xfactor left, doesnt like to block and pushes lots of buttons.

Man, you are a fucking idiot

Wrong, there is zoning.
Zoning is not something relegated only to projectiles, and btw, is also not only relegated to a passive game either, just wanting to point out that

I think he was referring to the lame play that the guy was hating on. Every fighter has zoning, but the definition that that guy was using wasn’t “spacing”, it was “keep-away”. I’m actually planning to get into Tekken with TTT2, so my knowledge is limited, but I don’t think that tekken has any MorriDoom level stuff.

tekken is more high low throw and your kinda always in so if you hate keep away that might be your game theirs a lazer from devil jin but if you side step it his pretty boned lol. You might find the “oki - ground fighting” aspect of 3d fighters more oppressive than any keep away if your not used to it. Any ways Dorm with meter and a life lead is a nightmare if your point character did his job and he comes in loaded oh man your in for it. As far as keep away centric teams I like chris morri hawkeye and deadpool for point zonners and doom and dorm in the 2nd slot as life lead defenders both have decent rush down or teleport self assist mix up options. Any one have anything to say about RR better 2nd or anchor? btw hawkeye has full screen combos yes but dead pool can confirm his gorund smg shot to a teleport in to a combo from fullscreen as well and he has an overhead that can cross up ><

You’re right, zoning is not strictly limited to projectiles. But it’s incredibly crippled without them.

Give me an example (preferably match video) of a character being zoned in Tekken. And by “zoned,” I mean “kept at a range where they have no opportunity to deal damage, while the opponent is attacking them.”

Okay, I think there are two types of keep-away characters:
[]Bullet Hell-This character relies on not allowing you to even try to do something. They may not have the fastest projectiles, but they do cover a lot of the screen. Assist partners should focus on preventing any forward movement from the opponent, particularly from angles the point cannot cover. (Examples: Morrigan, Dorm, Arthur, RR, Joe, Hsien-Ko, Nemesis)
]Sniper-This character makes your opponent hesitate to do anything because they will eat damage if they get hit, but the projectiles fired are avoided pretty easily by some characters. Assist partners should focus on keeping the opponent in the keep-away character’s target area. (Examples: Hawkeye, Chris, Taskmaster, Ghost Rider)

Arthur on point

Frank west behind him (shopping cart)

Skrull Anchor (tenderizer)

so fun

I’m gonna bring up point arthur right now.

Point Arthur’s best assist is Hidden Missiles. Just putting that out there. It lets him link projectiles so much easier than usual, and it covers him if the player makes an error of some sort. It catches beam supers, Arthur’s biggest threat, and if they all come out, he can sometimes convert off interrupted beams with GMFD. The other assist is a tough choice. Arthur is actually one of those characters that you need a good second assist, but it can be generalized really easily. Reversal assists, lockdown assists, projectile assists, etc, etc. I play Arthur / Morrigan / Doom. Morrigan is an amazing assist for Arthur, as meter is the most important thing he can do, cause if he has meter he can make easy fullscreen punishes if you have the timing to do Goddess Bracelet loops. Plus, he gets GMFD, the best level 3 in the game. Fully invincible, X-Factor cancellable, able to hit assists, OTGs, does 400 damage iirc, and if you X-Factor cancel it, you can go for some mixups (yes even Arthur has mixups, STFU.) ala Doom/Ammy. My least favorite characters are people that can stay at the top of the screen, Arthur can’t do SHIT against them. Maybe he can peg them with assists, but other than that, they can just stay at the top of the screen and stay there all day, he can’t do shit. GMFD doesn’t reach up there, if he superjumps they can just go down and mix him up on the way down, etc etc. Another important thing is safe DHCs, If you have a good DHC, that’s a great help to point arthur. Arthur has shit health, so if he gets caught by a couple of beam supers, you can just DHC and now you have golden daggers in the back. Safe DHCs are Stalking Flare, Morrigan’s SRK super, other power up supers, etc etc.

That’s all I can really say, kind of 12:30 where I live and I’m tired as shit.

A few other things:
[]Arthur backed by a Hail Storm or any beam DHC is retarded. You can punish any assist call with a 20 frame, invincible startup hyper for two bars, in addition to getting your second the Gold Daggers assist.
]Arthur’s best assist is highly matchup specific. Missiles is a good general assist, but a strong GTFO assist is a lifesaver for any keep-away character, especially against teleporters.
[*]Gold XF2 Arthur is retarded. You not only get Dark Arthur, but you also get an assist to compliment him. Point Arthur isn’t really bad, but putting him second allows the point to capitalize on his very good Daggers assist.
We’ve already established Keep-Away plus Missiles is retarded. How do you guys feel about Keep-Away plus GTFO assist? (Lariat, Repulsar Blast)

I do agree with the GTFO assist in general, but I need to point out the fact that missiles can deal against teleporters pretty damn good.

Yeah, but against faster characters I worry about getting Happy Birthday’d at the wrong time with him.

Arthur - Raccoon - Akuma is probably the best Arthur team
Daggers, Spitfire, Tatsu respectively

Spitfire is slow enough to where you get stupid lockdown

ive been rocking arthur/dr strange(eye)/iron man(beam)

i mix up the order of my team all the time for obvious reasons. but the order i posted is great for this team Arthur uses the beam to extend combos and hit confirm from full screen. i use the eye of agamato for defense agaisnt teleporters and rush down. This is a great team ive been having good success with.

my arthur strategy for other Arthur mains Simple but effective: if i see a heavy teleporter team.i do not even TRY to keep away. i ZONE. first i pop gold Armour shoot some crossbows and get the Eye in play. i really don’t have too many terrible matchups with arthur other than character like trish and modok who can sit on top of the screen. but for them gold crossbow will hit them after a super jump…everyone hates playing this team lol

arthur is top tier.

Why do you use beam for Iron Man? Wouldn’t Repulsar Blast work better? You already have Arthur, so Dagger Toss should help Strange with his teleport mixups.

is zoning the play style I should playing if not rushdown? I play the jack of all trades style usually but have not figure out how to do that in this game.
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I don’t understand this question. If your asking if rushdown is better than zoning, then HELL YES. This game favors rushdown SO MUCH. All of the bullshit move are safe / can be made safe. Helm Breaker, Summersault, Shinku Hadoken, Everything zero has thats not a super, etc etc.