It works pretty solid for me from what I can see. Dark Hole allows Captain America some defense when zoning with Sheild Slash and Greyhound support and also allows him to get full combos off throws (nearing 600k for one meter so far). The soft knockdown on Charging Star can be used with Flame Carpet late in combos in order to give Dormammu the change to relaunch again, also gives him some breathing room. Greyhound is fast and allows both characters room to work and get in if necessary, but mostly Cap throwing his sheild and occassionally getting support from Dorm or Dorm using Liberation to create walls of shit being supported by Greyhound or Cap’s Charging Star. Super Jump heights are covered by Dorm and by Cap through the intelligent use of projectiles.
Do you know what the sad thing is? This is quite possibly the thread that has the most posts about arthur ever. (not including threads that are in the arthur board, of course)
Nemesis is too big to throw anything out without getting hit, and his only projectile has relatively slow startup with only 1 low priority point.
Gamma Wave is beaten out by anyone with a horizontal or diagonal-downward projectile.
I’m leaning toward Haggar, honestly. Most zoners completely cover his entire area of approach without assists. At least She-Hulk and Iron Fist are fast enough and “not freaking massive” enough to dodge some projectiles here and there.
Yeah, I’ve started running X/Dorm/Doom. You could probably put anyone in that and have an A-tier team. Scary part is, if you put another good zoner on that team, you can’t blow X-Factor to kill one zoner because the other will chip you to death. If you never blow X-Factor, you get chipped to death.
On that note, what keep-away character can deal with the start of the round the best? I’m thinking of Magneto here.
Ive been playing it with Liberation assist because Dark hole does practically nothing for morrigan. When you DHC into a ball you can charge 2 red 1 blue then tag into morrigan safely and have one time only access to the best GTFO me move in the game.
Well thats the problem with liberation assist generally. You have to commit to what spells you want.
Of course meteors would be amazing for chip but by the time youve got your point in safely your opponent might already be close to you or teleporting behind you making it useless. Missiles are there to cover the screen anyways.
Volcano is the best spell to charge if you want to use liberation assist imo. As long as youve got a second assist like drones or missiles to fill the screen then theres no need to charge for one time use meteors. Better to just charge a volcano that comes out in one frame and causes hard knockdown, which allows some characters to get full combos off of. You can save the volcano for when your opponents are pressuring you.
My cousin uses the same team with big bang and it had a similar effect. If astral vision isn’t active you have time to activate and the bullet he’ll juggle before anyone lands.
Nah, Magneto has so many more rushdown tools than keepaway that he cannot be reasonably considered zoning. In vanilla with his ridiculous disruptor, sure, but now his zoning is incredibly weak and only works against characters like Haggar or Tron.
Task’s zoning is actually fairly strong in comparison. He’s very good at trapping with arrows… his main problem is that he can’t pump out enough durability to win firefights against the dedicated zoners like Hawkeye or Chris.
Do not overlook Deadpool… He has excellent zoning capability and a teleport which is easier to get distance, as opposed to Chris, Hawkeye, Arthur, even Taskmaster, who have to rely on holding back, back dash, or back super jump, specially if you have said characters on point.