Even if I agreed with that, what purpose does it serve aside from avoiding a bit of chip damage? Am I going to hitconfirm into a combo from a Mystic Sword M confirm without x-factor or meter? The fact of the matter is that I am not going to be able to stop all chip damage by merely using Mystic Sword, and I will be accomplishing almost no forward progression by doing so; unless of course I decide to teleport.
Thanks for making a list of things I already am quite aware of. Here, let me put it simply for you, they have a different animation, in this case with added hitboxes. Unibeam L and H use the same animation, thus they have the same hitbox.
If you saw a picture of a whiffed L and H unibeam, would you be able to tell the difference between the two? Now apply that theory to DoD L and M, you will clearly see the difference due to added daggers.
Who said anything about 4? I said “quite a few variations”.
My nitpicking actually does have a purpose, I’m essentially trying to discredit your knowledge regarding specific areas of Strange; thus trying to sway others who may be reading this to take everything you say regarding Strange with a grain of salt.
You may call it “nickpicking” or “irrelevant” or whichever term you wish to use. However, there is definitely a clear purpose to me doing it; hopefully others wont be fooled and think Strange is some type of godlike anti-zoner as you are so inclined to prove.
EoA+IP actually does travel full screen. It will even hit RR at fullscreen, granted it will only hit once on him.
Once again, I am “nitpicking”. Right?
Once again, you keep telling me things about Strange that I am already fully aware. It seems as though I must tell you everything I know about Strange, only then can I hope that you wont treat me like someone who never uses him.
Yes, you are right; a raw GoH is not a tracking projectile. Forgive me for assuming once again. I figured that it was implied that the graces must be FoF’d for the fullscreen properties to occur when I stated in my previous post “obviously you have to FoF them”.
Once again, I am “nickpicking”; love how you keep re-stating that.
My end game you ask? My point is that Strange flat out cannot compete with other zoning characters through methods of counter zoning, due to slow startup on DoD, EoA, GoH, etc. Especially since his DoD and EoA dissappear when he is hit, and have low durability.
Then that leaves him to Mystic Sword, his 2 supers; and his teleports. First off I’d like to say that basing a match-up solely on supers+x-factor is completely ludicrous. If that were the case then I could essentially SoV any unsafe move from an advancing opponent then x-factor for the kill. Mystic Sword does not solve my problems, it will merely horde off a zoning onslaught for a short duration of time; and I guarantee you that I will receive some chip damage here and there. But how do I approach zoners? Teleporting of course! Why didn’t I think of that?! Oh wait, I forgot. Strange doesn’t have a proper/useful wavedash, he has a slow walk speed, unsafe normals, his cr.L doesn’t even hit low; and he doesn’t even have an airdash! Teleporting behind a Morrigan, Trish, Tasky, etc who is neutral jumping/superjumping all over the place isn’t going to do me much good. Especially since Strange’s only real forward progression comes from his teleports, and he has trouble hitconfirming off of jumping opponents; and his normals have sub-par range! I’ll essentially just have to keep spamming teleports in the hope that I get a proper hitconfirm.
Bottom line: Strange is not a great anti-zoning character. Sure he can horde off zoning for a bit with Mystic Sword, and his supers can punish zoning. But in the end, all those tools do is give players the illusion that he is some type of anti-zoning machine. Without forward progression from the anti-zoning there is little to no point to in it, and no I am not talking about supers from Mystic Sword confirms. I’m talking about counter-zoning, or hitconfirming into a combo somehow. He’s just not good enough to properly counter-zone a proper zoning team. I wish he was, I truly do; but sadly he isn’t.
I love him to death though, and I’ll main him for as long I play this game. He becomes so much fun when you do land a proper hitconfirm into a crazy looking combo. But alas, he is held back by his character limitations; and there is little to nothing I can do to change that.
My mistake, I was merely looking upon your original post where you stated “he has two different projectiles that track to fullscreen (one of which can crumple)” and assumed that you thought that having the ability to do a fullscreen crumple was such a great thing. Of course, you had originally failed to state how time consuming/inefficient it was to do so and properly get a hitconfirm. Can’t tell you how many times people have avoided my 3Y graces by merely jumping.
And yes, of course he has different combinations. Nevertheless, they still require you to buy a ludicrous amount of time for a non-guaranteed reward while being pressured by zoning/rushdown. They are best used for incoming mix-ups or wake-up options in my honest opinion.
Hawkeye, Tasky, Arthur, Magneto, etc currently come to mind. This does not include the entire list of non-zoners/semi-decent zoners who can also punish Strange at that height. If you honestly think taking the risk is worth it for a non-guaranteed reward, go ahead and place those graces; good luck FoFing them after as well.
I actually used to be a Dorm main before Strange, he was my favorite character and I was able to rack up a lot of wins with him; though he became extremely boring to use after a while and I decided to drop him.
Anyways, a lot of Dorm’s advantages stem off the fact that he is just overall a better character. He of course has the second fastest beam super in the entire game (just short of Akuma’s) with a ridiculous hitbox; and it’s not easy to puninish compared to SoV which has a ton of frame disadvantage on block. Of course he also has stalking flares as well, when paired with purification and sometimes even an assist he not only gains the ability to anti-zone; but he also gains the ability to counter-zone with ludicrous amounts of chip damage. What a concept! Of course, even using raw purifications can prove to be extremely beneficial if used properly, they can even catch assists for an infinite and while doing so Dorm gains a good amount of meter to which he can put to use for more flares/chaotic flame. Of course, even dark hole’s can be used for zoning to some extent. Not to mention that Dorm doesn’t crack as easily under heavy pressure if the opponent decides to rushdown, he can even create his own self-mixups using dark matter then teleporting. If of course he does purification at a bad time and it puts him at a frame disadvantage, he can cancel into any one of his two amazing supers. I wouldn’t make this mistake too often though, as this of course does cost meter. He also has easier hitconfirms, better normals, good tri-jumps, etc then Strange. Plus, an added health bonus is also not something to ignore. Let’s not forget his spells either, I would primarily charge while waiting for incoming characters, while keeping your opponent pressured with a flare; or an assist. Infact, he can even charge during specific combos. Three charges together are mainly what you are going to want to primarily use. 2 blue, 1 red or 2 red, 1 blue are favorites as they come out in 1 frame, do good chip damage; and build good meter.
That is really all that currently comes to mind regarding my thoughts on Dorm’s anti-zoning/counter-zoning ability Vs. Strange’s.
Plenty of anti-zoning tools without meter? I think your referring to Mystic Sword, that’s pretty much it aside from his teleports. Even so, not much forward progression is going to be made from Mystic Sword spam.
You can neutral jump forward, backwards, etc while calling an assist. Thus It’s not easy to get a happy birthday whenever I choose. Not to mention the awkward spacing issues/hitbox issues that often occur. If of course my opponent is clueless and chooses to stand still while calling an assist, then yes I can punish them via happy birthday and hope to hell that spacing issues don’t occur. Though, I’d assume that after doing this once my opponent would clue in and neutral jump while calling assists to avoid this from happening again.
Yeah, I guess. But raw supers are something that can be said about any character that has a decent fullscreen super, which is a good portion of the cast.
Well, this is getting somewhat interesting. I’ll have to cut it off at this point for tonight though, as I’m extremely tired. Hopefully I didn’t forget to specify/include anything as I’m sure you’ll point it out.
I am expecting another reply from you whenever you get the chance. Keep rockin’ that quote in your signature, you can do this dude; prove me wrong!
Let’s continue.