Find someone else who profits from Lariat to put with Arthur/Hawkeye or find someone who helps Arthur and Haggar. Synergy is still there between those two, but things get silly with a third who can add to this team’s synergy.
It’s actually pretty good in ultimate. It’s a viable strategy.
Considering nitro plays morridoom, I’m fairly confident that he’s joking
No it isn’t. If you try to play keepaway, you lose. Look at early Chris G Morrigan when he tried to play keepaway compared to now that he plays her like a zoner.
Actually, if people can’t get close to his Morrigan, it counts as keep away, even if he is killing you through chip damage.
Thats because Morrigan is a zoner. She does not have the tools for pure keepaway.
No it doesn’t.
This thread is going to go to hell unless keepaway and zoning are clearly defined.
I still think zoning Morrigan is leagues better than keepaway Morrigan
Keepaway = keeping your opponents away from you
Zoning = putting your opponents in a desirable position for you, not necessarily away from you
Am I correct with the definitions?
the same could be said about people that don’t ever stop hitting buttons when they are “rushing down”
Or those teleport teams out there that constantly do assist+teleport, the ENTIRE match, in an attempt to catch somebody in a cookie cutter set-up.
Spamming? Yessir.
The problem with Arthur’s movement is that they replicated the original games wayy to much.
He has the same walk animation, same jump animation, same double jump, etc.
In this fast paced game, Arthur in that form just doesn’t work. He’s a slow ass motherfucker with sub-par health, decent zoning capabilities, and a risky level 1 power-up super.
Characters with teleports essentially blow him up for free as well. He wasn’t designed to be good in this game, plain and simple.
I assure you that if Arthur didn’t have to worry about his Gold Armor hardknockdown and wasting a bar , he wouldn’t be in the same character.
I love how they make him bad, yet they buff Ryu from mid-tier to … mid-tier. Then you have characters like Ghost Rider where you seriously think the designers were drunk when they made him. Whoever designed Vergil was on crack, though. Gotta love Capcom’s variety in workplace drug abuse, eh?
A lot of people keep saying that Hsien Ko and Phoenix Wright are the worst characters in this game, even I thought that at first but they are more endgame material than Arthur will ever be if he doesn’t get at least a dash.
Just imagine the game 10 years from now, seriously, Hsien Ko will be doing better than Arthur, in fact, she is already doing better.
Seriously, this is UMvC3, Arthur’s animations are fine but that is not an excuse to make a terrible character.
It’s a shame because I really like him as a character but his lack of movement options is messing him badly.
I respect that. I run Ammy point because I already know how to use her and she works very well with daggers and lariat. I would run full keep-away, but both Hawkeye and Arthur need meter to be good (mainly Arthur, but Hawkeye is better when he’s sitting on Gimlet) and Ammy can’t play good keep-away. The problem with a pure, unadulterated keep-away team is that some characters can destroy keep-away (Strange, Vergil, Captain America) so they have to be rushed. Keep-away is difficult to start from the beginning of the round because some characters can start in your face no matter what and never have to get through your keep-away. Make no mistake, I love imagining the look on people’s faces when they realize they already burned X-Factor and are about to lose everything because they have no way to stop Arthur from chipping them to death. But moments like that need a set-up. So keep-away from the get-go is very impractical. Look at Chris G’s Morrigan. He doesn’t start with keep-away when he starts Morrigan, he makes sure they are a distance away before he goes into Bullet Hell mode.
“So yeah…who else plays pure keep away in a game like this?” Do you mean a player or a character?
Darn i accidentally made a double post when trying to multi-quote someone else, then the board starting acting stupid, etc. You quoted my original before i could fix and repost.
Anyway, i disagree. My keep away game is pretty solid. There are only a select few characters on the roster that still give me trouble because their strengths just happen to be the direct anti-thesis to mine.
And i mean player.
Edit: As for characters walking towards me from the get-go and trying to start the match in my face? lol I’ve devised methods to deal with that.
Sorry about that. I know SRK glitches and goes full retard fairly often.
Do you know where I could find a video? I have always wanted to see if Arthur keep-away can work at tourney-level play. The only thing that keeps me from using Hawkeye is that I just don’t find the guy interesting. I love keep-away and thought Hawkeye would be fun, but I could never really get into him. I think I just have a thing for characters with a lot of variety in their moveset. I actually toyed around with him back when I ran Joe/Hawkeye/Ammy, but my subpar play with him compared to the other two ruined him a bit for me. I’ve also never been a huge fan of missiles. I see how the assist works, but I never liked how long Doom just sat there waiting to be hit (and I suck with MvC2-style airdash characters, but don’t tell anyone…wait, lol I’m posting this on a forum. Never mind). That’s why I run Lariat. People get so pissed off by the time they get close they seem to just forget Lariat exists or something. If they snap in that retarded assist, they will find a team that is very good for him (Haggar/Arthur/Ammy) and will have to run away and give me some space or learn to respect “DAT PIPE!”
As for players, I don’t really know any other hardcore keep-away players. You are the first one I’ve ever heard of. Then again,learning keep-away is a bit of a trial-and-error process, so most players will just stick with the good ol’ Spencer/Wesker/Vergil/Zero/Magneto crowd.
Also, how do you deal with start of the round? I know Arthur doesn’t have the best of options there.
As long as he has Daggers assist, he will never truly die. If people are willing to put Hsien-Ko in gold armor, they will do the same for Arthur. He might fade from relevance even more somehow because he isn’t quite as bad as Hsien-Ko or Phoenix Wright. He’s good enough to not be a complete joke, but bad/odd enough to alienate most players from considering him…
a really good tactic against zonning and keep away would be teleport characters vergil dante wesker do a great job especially for those doom who only wants to stay on the air… other one could be just wait till the opponent calls an assist and punish him with a full screen hyper like ryu s one or dante even a bionic arm
Hsien-ko doesn’t lose anything for using the golden armor, Arthur on the other hand gets penalized for upgrading his armor.
Hsien-ko’s flaw is getting close to the enemy, that’s a bigger problem for Arthur, as I previously said, what are you going to do with Arthur a few years from now on? Keep throwing stuff? His assist is good but armored pendulum is much better, and Hsien Ko’s mobility is better than Arthur.
I have also seen agressive Phoenix Wrights that put Arthur to shame.
Hawkeye already makes Arthur totally obsolete, he does the same stuff but better. The character needs a dash, it would turn tables so bad.