There is no "lame", only zoning: The keep-away thread

Call it spamming, keep away, range fighting, scrub tactics… Call it whatever you want, it’s an art form and it causes more rage quitting and hate mail than any rush down team…specially on the Vita

Keep away? In Ultimate Marvel Vs Rushdown 3? Surely you jest.

This is a game where it seems the programmers had clear bias for aggressive play, and primarily only rewards huge damage melee combos. Playing keep away just isn’t viable. Sure you can do great the whole match and slowly dwindle their health down, but because you’re at long range you can’t take advantage of any of the game’s broken TOD mechanic or other big damage OTG combos. So they can make plenty of mistakes and be ok, but if they catch you once it may very well be all over.

Also i can’t quite put my finger on why, but the fundamental mechanics of this game just don’t suit keep away. Maybe the stages are small or something, but its doesn’t take long to close the distance. One must play with extra precision and skill to keep them back at all times, or they could be in your face. Then you have teleport characters that completely negate zoning altogether.

Furthermore, again since the programmers had a hard on for melee, very few characters are truly keep away oriented. About the only ones are Arthur & Hawkeye, but Arthur’s absolute trash outside of pathetic XFC gimmicks and Hawkeye cracks under pressure bigtime.

Chris is more of a melee character as his tools are nowhere near good enough to serve as true keep away. His stuff such as, the magnum, are really only good for winning projectile wars against other zoners. Too bad this is needless since this is a melee based game. Same goes for modok, his shield & beam might be good against other keep away types, but against an aggressive Zero or Vergil its useless when they can be in his face in a second.

Overall, this was not a game designed to support keep away in the least. Anyone going this route will always have to work much harder than others and constantly be in an uphill battle.

Whats the best anti-spam/keepaway team?

Something like Cap or Task/strong DHC (Strange, Dorm, Storm, etc)/Doom would probably work out decently. Cap destroys thoughtless keepaway.

I’m talking about a good keepaway team and can you explain to me how does captain america destroy bad keepaway other than blocking and hypering through fireballs?

So you are asking for a good keepaway team, not a counter for keepaway? Charging star and shield skills with good assists to keep them safe blow up bad or careless keepaway. Cancelling into hypers just give them a second chance for getting through and let them keep up the pressure if they have a strong DHC like spiral swords. You really have to be aware to keep control of the match in those matchups.

Well, Morrigan + Doom made has been proven to be pretty viable. This game doesn’t favour pure keepaway as much as it favours turtling. That’s why characters that can attack both from afar and up close like Zero and Morrigan are really good, while characters that are solely focused on keepaway like Arthur get murdered.

actually, ONLY SCRUBS COMPLAIN ABOUT “spamming”

Did you forget about Morrigan/Hidden Missiles, Dormammu/ Hidden Missiles and Magneto/ Hidden Missiles? Keepaway is alive and well in UMvC3. Additionally, Chris can play a fantastic game of keepaway when you combine his guns with fire grenades.

this. i was waiting for someone to mention dormamu. dormamu got on my nerves in vanilla because people just used pillars the whole match, but deep down, i secretly had a ccrush on him. i pretty much fell in love with his ability to just fill the screen with hitboxes after watching filipinochamp use him in tournaments. i think i’m the kind of person who would be deadly with dormamu if i would just focus on him like i’ve done with my other characters. i’m never mad when i see a good dormamu because i expect him to stay away and use his specials. he also has other non-zoning tools, which i guess is why he’s high tier. i feel the same about dr. dewm, but he’s not much of a zoner. doom and storm’s specials seem to be there to pester the opponent more than anything.
anyways, dormamu’s kewl, and he may very well be the zoning king of umvc3.

Top tier-Morri/Doom Magnus/Doom, Joe/Doom, Dorm/Doom.
High- Same thing but with Drones.

Not againist high level players like Fchamp, ChrisG who could read the teleport and punish you for not making it safe.

For example. Doom’s photon shot hits both foward and behind, if you try to teleport on Doom…he can predict the teleport and punish you for it. Or you could watch GCyoshi’s matches where he has drones/grenades to prevent Vergil or Strider from teleporting behind him.

Yes Rushdown isn’t weaker than Keepaway, but…it’s not impossible to win with keepaway. You just have to be smarter with the keepaway.

Keepaway with ToDs is the best.

Zoning should not be pure keep-away.

Zoning should be: “I’ma throw shit at your face, and you’re going to come at me and once you actually get close, I’m going to beat the crap out of you”

That’s the game plan that you should strive for.

theres no keepaway in marvel ever, name one char that can keepaway with mags pringles scoopps hagen dazz look im repeating what other people say

Chris is yet another melee character only with above average projectile ability. He can’t sustain a pure keep away game, and his strengths are still up close in the end.

Well i’m referring to pure keep away, which is what this thread should be about.

Because going by your definition of zoning, well then everybody with a projectile can do that. End of topic.

I assume you’re partly referring to MVC2? No sir. Keep away was 10x more viable in MVC2 than in UMVC3.

And using mags as an example is just going to extremes, as he is probably the fastest, most mobile character in the game by a mile. A good player can make him dash around so fast you can barely follow his movements, so of course it’ll be hella difficult for an Blackheart or Cable to keep him out.

There’s a difference between zoning and keep away and keep away in MvC3 is really weak.

Arthur: No. There is actually a zoner who can turn the lower portion of the stage (ground and normal jump height) into an obstacle course underneath all those gimmicks. For normal Arthur, you need to use a combination of arrows, daggers, lances, and axes to keep people out.

Hawkeye: This applies to Arthur too, but: What about getting a GTFO assist? Lariat makes teleports much harder for a lot of characters (lol poor Dante) and negates jump-ins to boot. Morrigan works because she is mobile enough to avoid getting mauled. Arthur, Hawkeye, and Chris are much more assist dependent than Morrigan and Dorm, so that is something to keep in mind when setting up an obstacle course for your opponent.

Its really baffling how these two made it into such a strongly centered melee game at all. In another title like MVC2 that suited keep away, they’d have been much better. In this game however, they’re the black sheep on the roster.

At least Hawkeye can maneuver properly and stands a chance of getting out of tough situations. But those idiots at Capcom just had to neuter poor Arthur’s mobility so they could pay homage to the games(Seriously Capcom?!). Its not just a lack of dash or slow running speed, he actually reacts slower and simply isn’t quick enough to deal with cookie cutter set-ups. So you have a pure keep away character in a game that does not support keep away, and the character has terrible mobility on top of that. Such a terrible combination…

Haggar lariat to help? Yeah or you know…you could just not bother and pick a better character. Furthermore, if one isn’t necessarily good with Haggar either, then they’re left with not one but two characters that can’t hang in the fight.

I like black sheep. Makes it very easy to get black wool.:smiley:

Arthur can sort of deal with setups. He has so much invincibility on Heavenly Slash and his hypers that you have to respect him a little bit. I agree with the mobility part though. What the hell did they give him in exchange? Invincibility and a counter?

Lariat is good with a lot of characters. It is probably the best defensive assist in the game. Why not give it to a character who really needs it? Lariat helped win EVO 2011, after all.

Yeah, but Lariat was helping Wesker AND Dark Phoenix.