Dankind is doomed.
Ixion’s tweet? Not surprising really. A couple of weeks into Ultra and I think it’s pretty obvious the Dan changes haven’t done much to improve his standing.
Yo, I don’t follow Ixion on twitter(I didn’t even know he had one). What did he say?
That he’s dropping Dan as his main.
I have really been hurting with this new b+HK bullshit. I noticed ixion getting the same problem I am at dreamhack. Getting far s.HK (from v2012) during combos sometimes. And then you are screwed.
No fault on Ixion at all, I just wanted an oppurtunity to post this and few other bad quotes
This is the path we chose, and staying on it isnt generally the best idea.
“The accumulated filth of all their knees and frametraps will foam up about their waists and all the tierwhores and streammonsters will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll whisper “saiky-no.””
Here’s the fact: Ixion took the character far beyond anyone else and squeezed all the milk out of that rock. They managed to make the character nigh unusable in the current game, and by the way I quit SF4 altogether, lost interest, mostly play LoL now. They ruin your character then expect what?
Regardless, I will be sporting a pink scarf at EVO for Ixion and the rest of the Dan mains who have dispersed over the years.
The hero Dan needs, but not the one he deserves
Godspeed brother
Maybe I should listen to my own avatar

I feel bad, too. I come back to Ultra, I pick up Dan, I run through a bunch of guys online, I get a good amount of points, but…
Hugo is just so much fun.
I have more points with Hugo than I do with Dan. I guess it’s just natural after six years with one character, but it still feels wrong somehow.
I’ve been messing with dan on the side as well, feels kind of hopeless.
On the bright side, cross up knee with cody still kind of works
I really don’t know why they felt the need to change it to a command normal, I’m puzzled.
It’s easily his best buff, due to damage gained in BnBs, alongside the juiced up frametraps for mid and late OS techs.
Still, his problems always were in his neutral game, and since Ultra is a more neutral-heavy game due to delayed wakeup, he gets rocked in a number of matchups where he didn’t previously. Also, new matchups like Elena are proper fucked up (At least 7-3) due to all Dankus being unsafe.
I moved to Adon myself a few months ago. I’m a better player for it.
Which BnBs are you talking about? b.hk cl.mp b.hk hKRK? Maybe I’m doing it wrong but I don’t think that works on the majority of the cast. Obviously he can frame trap with b.hk from any range, but he still has major issues with being unable to do much off a counter-hit on crouching opponents where they reel back too far. Personally I think his best buff was U2 damage/juggle potential, but even that is bittersweet given the other obvious problems with that ultra.

Which BnBs are you talking about? b.hk cl.mp b.hk hKRK? Maybe I’m doing it wrong but I don’t think that works on the majority of the cast. Obviously he can frame trap with b.hk from any range, but he still has major issues with being unable to do much off a counter-hit on crouching opponents where they reel back too far. Personally I think his best buff was U2 damage/juggle potential, but even that is bittersweet given the other obvious problems with that ultra.
b.HK works from more ranges. b.HK works better after FADC (Sometimes Dan wouldn’t be in cl.HK range in AE). CH b.HK combos into cr.MK xx Gadouken FADC b.HK.
I’ve gotten more damage and utility out of b.HK more than anything.
Very disappointing news. Dan is the one (perhaps the only) character I actually enjoy using in Street Fighter. No one else on the roster really does it for me. In fact, I barely played SFxT because he wasn’t a playable character. Heihachi was kind of a substitute, but he didn’t really play like “Heihachi”. If Sean was in this game, and he was closer to his 2nd Impact self (before they nerfed him for not being Yun), I might change my tune.
EVO related, I got Justin Wong in the opposite end of my pool. Latif and Dogura were also in my pool, but they’ve been since moved.
GLFH dude. Fight to the bitter end or… idk, to the sweeter end?
I got Japanese player Koji KOG in my pool…any T.Hawk tips for Dan?

I got Japanese player Koji KOG in my pool…any T.Hawk tips for Dan?
Play blanka