The Zero MvC3 "Team" Thread

My two Zero teams I have been running are Viper/Zero/Dante which has plenty of brokenness to it and Zero/Dante/Dormammu, which is essentially a Zero/Dante duo with an insurance policy with Dorm.

Why do you guys use Jam session with Dante, when Weasel Shot seems like it does the job better??

Because it doesn’t do close to what Jam Session does. Jam Session locks down an entire axis long enough for you to set up mixups or sougenmu unblockables, and Jam Session allows combo extensions that aren’t possible with Weasel Shot that do 80k more damage than what is possible with Jam Session and build about 40% of a bar more as well.

So it turns out Zero is amazing at using Hsien-Ko assist. I’ve been running Zero/Sent/Hsien-Ko for a while and it’s pretty amazing as soon as Hsien-Ko gets gold armor. Zero basically gets infinite and safe pressure forever and ever.

Hi. I’m new here but not to the world of MvC3. I’m currently running Zero/Iron Man/ Sent Team with great results. They can DHC from one to the other and they have very basic BnB’s do 800k+ damage. I was thinking of dropping Sent and go with Mag/Zero/IM. What do you guys think ?

I would say drop Iron Man for Doom, honestly. Mostly same beam assist, better character, better DHC’s with Zero, etc.

Might as well get Magneto on deck then to get the added option of TAC>DHC glitch


Thoughts please, I’ve been having a crisis with characters on whom I should use. =/

lol I agree, I tried this last week actually in casuals… but I was running her first to get the gold armor assist, then DHCing to sougenmou (terrible idea honestly, she’s so bad on point and can’t really build meter), I was pretty much building meter by letting her get comboed haha. How are you getting her gold armored though if she’s in the last slot?

I hope she gets buffed in the MVC3 update… I really liked Hsien Ko in Dark Stalkers but… man, she’s just a shadow of her former self here.

I’m starting to think Trish + Zero could be really good in the same way that Trish + Viper is really good. Round Harvest, DHC to Sougenmu -> self-unblockable. In theory you can set this up just with Zero + Dante by calling Dante during F+H, but in practice people will just pushblock the F+H. Pushblocking Round Harvest won’t push Zero back though. The glaring problem here is that you’re required to run Zero 2nd.

I know Nini Heart runs both characters (albeit not on the same team) so I’m curious if he has any input on this.

I’m probably playing Zero/Dante/Strange in UMvC3 anyway unless Strange is really awful or the Zero/Dante synergy takes a hit, but I’m still curious.

Jus’ sayin’. Also you can’t push block the F+H if you cancel into Sougenmu. And Zero doesn’t need to be second due to uncounterable TAC.

Used to run them both(still do in my casuals team) but Zero on point, so pretty much any hit into combo into Rekkoha into round harvest into Dante raw tag was killing everyone, so I didn’t really use the unblockable setup.

They work pretty well together, but Zero second is a no-no for me, so I haven’t really found use for this unblockable setup. Could probably be pretty sick if you don’t have Dante in your team to finish the combos.

Why not Zero/Trish/Dante.
Zero dies, you have Trish with Dante assist to zone. Zero kills a character if he touches them with a DHC to Trish. Trish comes in after a DHC and sets up the unblockable.

If i was to not use Dante, what are some good assists to use for Zero?

Ammy-b or Akuma-b is probably the closest you’ll get. Others could be Sentinel-a, Doom-a, Chris-b, Tron-b,

I tried to use akuma but i couldn’t dhc back and forth.

Try Ammy. You can do these.

I tired using ammy before, i couldn’t weapon change in combos.


Yeah that’s the best setup IMO. You get the Dante follow up without having to DT, meaning you actually build meter. If Zero dies, Trish DHC glitch into Dante is real solid, and anchor Trish is decent.