The Zero MvC3 "Team" Thread

i’m pretty set on having zero and doom, but i cant decide between magnus and storm for the last spot… someone help me out lol


You could DHC Glitch with Deadpool in another place. I think Dante is the best anchor out of the three even though Deadpool has infinites.

Honestly, it’s pretty solid but I think Deadpool/Dante or Zero is a pretty good combination for DHC Glitch and unblockables but I think you should drop one (Zero/Dante) for a more defensive assist.

well in reality, i always have sentinel and haggar on my teams. Even when using Zero… are there good things zero can do (offensively) with Haggars assist?

well in reality, i always have sentinel and haggar on my teams. Even when using Zero… are there good things zero can do (offensively) with Haggars assist?

I’m also thinking of putting sentinel on his rocket punch assist just for OTG combos (which is something x-23 needs).

Both Zero and X-23 have self-contained OTG’s and should have no need for an OTG assist. Call any assist + self-OTG works just as well (usually better actually). I don’t have any experience using Haggar so I can’t comment there.




I actually just picked up Taskmaster today. I used to run Deadpool/Zero/Sentinel. Sentinel has always been the weakest link in my team. People are wise to Sentinel’s bullshit now. It started to get really hard to get in with him after a while. He caused me problems that made me think “Damn, I don’t have these problems with either of my other characters.” So… he’s dropped. I also used to run Dante over Deadpool, but dammit, Dante just isn’t my style. He never felt quite right to me. I’m actually feeling Taskmaster. He’s got long, stupid, elaborate combos (which I’m used to because of Zero) and fantastic zoning (which I’m used to because of Deadpool.) Plus, he’s a tank… which is something I hadn’t had since Sentinel was nerfed.

I run Deadpool on point because he has a very strong zoning game, especially when coupled with a projectile assist. I usually play my zoning game until they manage to get in my face, and then I go for a big damage combo to DHC glitch into Zero for a kill. From there, I just work my Zero magic and do what Zero does best with help from drones/arrows to get in and Katana-Rama to extend combos. I usually bring Deadpool back in - but it depends on the character I’d be up against. If they’re playing someone with a fullscreen beam hyper, I’ll probably leave Zero in.

Anyone else liking this Zero/Phoenix/Tron team this guy is playing on the CEO stream?


what are some good defensive assists?

A beam assist (Iron, Mags, Doom, Task, etc. etc.), a GTFO assist (Haggar or Tron)

Basically projectiles or assist with nice GTFO props.

Doesm’t Dantes Jam session work as a good defensive asssit? Although, Zero/deadpool/Doom (proj) worked great…

It does if you use it preemptively. It’s no captain corridor or anything.

It’s more of a combo/screen control assist IMO.

Hello, looking for some help with my team order. My team is zero/arthur/phoenix and am having trouble with who should be my point character zero or arthur. The main reason I would use arthur on point would be to test out my opponent and if I am having a hard time getting anything done with him gold armor then switch to zero. The downside to that would be if arthur died then I am out of an assist for zero outside of combos. Arthur with golden armor fire bottle assist helps a lot with cross ups and getting to close range as well as the little added effect of beating out a lot of projectiles and traps. I don’t mind using meter as long as it can help me out in the current situation i.e. killing a character/ increasing pressure etc.

thanks for any help

Anybody have good vids of Zero/Deadpool/dante going at work?

I friggin’ loved that team, but if Zero gets blown up he’s done mainly because the guy’s Phoenix was just average. If he got better with PHX and learned to play her in normal mode like Tokido (and to an extent Viscant) that team would be murder - especially with that strong Buster keepaway game he played.

Do you guys think Zero/Dante/Akuma or Zero/Dante/Sentinel is a better team? I’ve been running Akuma but I’m thinking about Sentinel.

I prefer Sent over Akuma. The Drones give Zero setups and traps and backs him up well in firefights. Akuma is better for things like cross ups or comboing off throws but you can do the same with Dante. Akuma might be a better anchor though with XF3 and meter, since Sentinel has a lot of bad matchups now.

Yeah that’s what I was thinking, my only concern is how well Sentinel supports Dante.