I hope there is more room in the Yoshi bandwagon. This is the first time i’ll be using a Tekken character in this game. In terms of difficulty how hard is Yoshi to learn?
Seems like he has alot of things going on. His mix up game is scary after fooling around with him a bit in training room.
I cant seem to do the f.mk, punch, back back command.
How is that different than f.mk, punch, kick?(vega like backflip)
Have you tried searching before asking? lol<br>
edit: oh yeah, made a post for Yoshi 2013. I’ll copy/paste it in the combo thread later.<br>
-Meterless Hit Confirm: j.mk, cl.mp, s.lp xx HP Gehosen, s.lk, s.mk xx HP Gehosen<br>
-1 meter Hit Confirm: j.mk, cl.mp, cr.lk xx HK Stone Fists xx switch > pressure string/mixup/ender<br>
-1 meter BnB: j.hp, s.mk xx Windmill xx switch > partner’s best combo<br>
-1 meter overhead A: f.mk, mp xx switch > s.fierce xx launcher or ender<br>
-1 meter overhead B: LP Suicide xx switch > partner’s best combo<br>
-2 meter Punish: j.hp, s.mk xx EX Suicide xx switch > partner’s best combo<br>
-2 meter counter: EX SUS/Stone Fists xx switch > partner’s best combo
I just wanted to thank Vulcan Hades and Lewis for all of the work they have put on making yoshi the character we know today. The videos’ you guys have posted up have been extremely helpful to my yoshi game along with my overall sfxt play.
I think I finally found my 2nd character after a year (well I didn’t play the game since it’s release so…yeah >_>). It’s true I’m not a fan of his walkspeed but I’m fine with that
Anyone ever tried Yoshi x Rolento ? If so, how do you find the synergy with them ?
And is it me or the timing for switching during EX Suicide is…rather long o_O
I really enjoy Yosh, but I think its about time for a change. with so many characters given buffs in 2013, Yosh’s minor frame advantages don’t nearly make up for his weaknesses. His lp shoryu is not completely invincible to air attacks, ive traded and been beat out plenty of times already. his mp shoryu is not invincible to ground attacks, as ive been stuffed a billion times (obviously i stopped trying after a while).
hes fun to play, and even more fun to win with. its much easier to keep gief out with the new range on sword attacks, which is good, but gief himself for SOME REASON got a damage buff, and really doesnt have to work too hard if the other player knows whats going on (and is good).
its all around frustrating, especially running Lei or King on point/anchor. I went back to Jin, but it’s just not as fun and seems like a cop out. I can’t play and just pick high tier to win, I have to really enjoy my characters, like DeeJay and Gen.
At a tournament level, it feels like Yosh just wont be worth all the trouble, because once someone goes to the tier list, he’s done for. I was doing ok before the update, now I’ve lost a 1k in a matter of 2 days (point dont matter, but just as a reference).
After testing out almost all characters in my quest for a new main, Ive decided to go with Yoshi, despite his flaws, I feel I need the challenge in this game, I’m enjoying him quite a bit, having a hard time coming up with Pandora combos though. Also haven’t decided on a partner for him yet, some contenders so far are Paul(Damage is too good not to be seduced), Kazuya, Abel, Ogre, Hei, Asuka( A little scared to run this team lol)
Quick question don’t want to create new thread for this forgive me if its been discussed, but what Gems do you guys equip on Yoshi? I’d like to hear your opinions.
I use to have all meter gems but with the new pandora combos i now use the super art gem the pandora gem and a meter gem most of the time , i haven’t put much time into the gem selection yet tho.
I’m loving Yoshimitsu, he’s hard to use but I need the challenge,
Decided on just straight Damage gems lol I’m using him on point with Hei(or Abel) as anchor he can get jump HK off of Hei’s tatsu move for some ground bounce tomfoolery :p. With Abel I get dem TT mix-ups on the way in, Abels new aerial gb wheel kick give oppurtunity for pandora Yoshi to get super off but nothing too fancy…yeeet
Hello! This might be a silly question to ask but I just picked up the game and aim for either Yoshi/Dudley, Yoshi/Hei or Kaz, or Yoshi/King. But for Yoshi what are generally good block strings? Is the backflip from Overhead+stone fists a good option? I’m currently working with Vulcan Hades tutorial video but anything different in 2013?
My first tutorial video is pretty much obsolete. Even if a lot of the same ideas can still be applied, he just has better options now. For combos, AAs and resets.
Yoshimitsu doesn’t really have solid blockstrings. I mean, all you can do is pretty much cs.mp, s.lp/cr.lp, s.lk. And from max distance: cr.mp, cr.hp still seems safe vs most. But that’s it.
I haven’t done much testing about his new backflip but from my experience it seems rather safe vs most characters. I’m guessing Law, Bryan and Rufus would be able to whiff punish it though. So it’s matchup specific.
Out of your teams I prefer Yoshi/Dudley and Yoshi/Heihachi. Kazuya is only really strong if you master the EWGF. He can be good without it, but not good enough. Yoshi/King is a strong team that can deal a ton of damage. I know someone who plays that team and seems to have some success with it. But the problem I have with this team is that both Yoshimitsu and King are really huge meter whores. Unless you’re planning to not use King’s EX Konvict Kicks at all but that would be not using his best move for pressure.
1.I think Dudley and Kazuya deal with Yoshi’s bad matchups the best.
2.It’s a situational tool, not something to keep spamming cause it’s pretty punishable if your opponent is patient or lucky.
So can i use it as bait for the punch follow up? The punch follow up seems rarely used. Is it a gimmick? The slash seems it would catch people off guard or mashing given the backflips invulnerability.
It was a bad gimmick in 2012. Now I’m not sure, I need to do some tests to see how safe the backflip is and how much priority his punch follow up has.
But I have a feeling that the backdash variation will be better in most cases since it’s special cancellable. A backdash that you can special cancel > a backflip imo. I’m thinking: f.mk, mp > backdash xx CADC / Teleport to get away or: backdash xx MP DP / Windmill / EX SUS / Super / Launcher / LK PB / MP Suicide to frame trap. I want to test all of these options.
So, I did a failed attempt at finding info on the suicide invincibility: “L ver. is throw invincible, M ver. is hit invincible, H ver. is projecile invincible” The L and H version I tested myself and worked perfectly, but during the M version I got hit every attempt, I got hit both early and late in the animation. Anyone got any info on the frames of invincibility on this move?
<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/26486/Vulcan%20Hades">Vulcan Hades</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I want to test all of these options.<br>
Done.<br><br><br><b>Overhead follow up (f.mk, mp)</b><br><br>+2 on hit (according to frame data, feels +1 to me)<br>-10 on block<br><br><br><b>Poison Wind Bronze Fist (f.mk, mp, b,b xx)</b><br><br>On hit: cancel the backdash into a special move (~).<br>On block: punishable by 5f moves before you are able to cancel into a special.<br><br>~Teleport<br>Not punishable. 3f DPs will whiff. Punish with HP Gehosen.<br><br>~Windmill<br>Punishable by 5f moves with good range (e.g. Ryu’s cr.mk). Beats pokes with shorter range.<br><br>~MP Suicide<br>Doesn’t work… Like, at all. The “strike invincibility” on it is officially useless.<br><br>~MP Gehosen<br>Trades with DPs. Beats normals. HP version trades with normals. -10 on block. Opponent can backdash it.<br><br>~EX Gehosen <br>Combos. EX Windmill too apparently but it’s much harder.<br><br>~EX SUS<br>Counters 3f DPs.<br><br>~Pandora<br>Partner unfortunately can’t link with a 2f Super.<br><br><br><b>Poison Wind Steel Fist (f.mk, mp, f.mk)</b><br><br>+2 on hit but only if opponent gets hit while standing.<br>vs a crouching opponent this is around -10 on hit. <br>-14 on block<br><br>Yes, you read that right. Switch > jab only combos if you hit the opponent standing. vs crouching it isn’t safe. You can get punished by a Cross-Art for hitting a crouching opponent with this follow up. This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever so let’s hope it’s a glitch and they fix it.<br><br>If f.mk, mp hits, cannot be interrupted by jab but opponent can reversal. Doesn’t slip on CH. Opponent can backdash it. If f.mk, mp gets block, can be interrupted by 10f normals or raw launched.<br><br><br><b>Poison Wind Silver First (f.mk, mp, k)</b><br><br>On hit/block: 100% safe vs everything except moves with long enough range (e.g. Ryu’s hadoken and Ryu’s HK Tatsu).<br>On hit if the opponent jumps roundhouse, you can block or even AA in time with LP Gehosen. On block you can get hit (depends on their jump arc).<br><br><br><b>Poison Wind Gold Fist (f.mk, mp, k, p)</b><br><br>Only invincible to air attacks. Loses to ground moves.<br>-5 on block<br><br>If f.mk, mp hits and the opponents jumps in, you get hit. If they block f.mk, mp then jump they get anti-aired.<br><br><br>
<span style=“font-family: Helvetica, Arial; line-height: 18px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”>~MP Suicide</span><br style=“box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Helvetica, Arial; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”><span style=“font-family: Helvetica, Arial; line-height: 18px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”>Doesn’t work… Like, at all. The “strike invincibility” on it is officially useless. </span><div><font color="#222222" face=“Helvetica, Arial”><span style=“line-height: 18px;”><br></span></font><div><font color="#222222" face=“Helvetica, Arial”><span style=“line-height: 18px;”>LOL, i was messing with this when the patch came out and thought the same thing. Thanks for all the info. </span></font></div></div><div><font color="#222222" face=“Helvetica, Arial”><span style=“line-height: 18px;”><br></span></font></div>