Awesome info! I hope the strike invincibility is just a glitch. Anyone have tips on timing the poison breath? And which version should i use? The lp or hp?
Not sure what you mean by timing. If you mean as combo ender it’s LK PB.<br><br>I personally never use the MK version (though that might change now that can combo into it). I only use LK and HK PB as a meaty. With HK version, if I’m lucky I get a crumple into a full combo. If they block I can still continue pressure. But HK PB loses to wake up reversals. That’s when LK PB comes into play. Since it recovers significantly faster than HK PB, you can use the LK version to bait DPs and such.<br><br><br><br><br>
Thats what i meant, timing for using poison breath when the opponent wakes up
There’s no real timing, I mean I just do it as soon as I end a combo with DP. Though it’s easier with LP DP. Now HP Gehosen deals more damage but has the disadvantage of putting you closer and giving you less frame advantage on knockdowns.<br><br>If they don’t quickstand, you either immediately do another PB or you backdash/back walk to grab the roll.<br>
When you OS someone’s backdash with Windmill, what do you get if they don’t backdash? I’m completely inexperienced performing Option Selects, but I feel that they’re vital to my gameplay and it can benefit my Yoshi/Hei team, considering the tag switch options.
Sorry for the super late reply. But I don’t think you understand the concept of safe jump OSing.
You have to safe jump first (I usually use or j.hp for Yoshimitsu’s safe jumps). A safe jump is a meaty jump in that always hits unless they backdash and allows you to block invincible reversals in time. You can’t truly safe jump 3 frame reversals (though there are ways to do it but whatever, for the sake of keeping it simple let’s just say safe jumps only work on reversals slower than 3 frames like Cammy and Sagat’s regular DPs etc).
When you do a safe jump on Cammy, if she tries to jump she gets hit, if she tries to DP you block and punish. So her only way to escape the safe jump is to block or backdash. That’s where the OS comes in. You OS Windmill because you think they are going to backdash and won’t reversal. So the way it works is, you input hcb+P before you land on the ground as your jump attack is about to hit. If they block or get hit by your, then nothing comes out because of hitstop. But if they backdash, then your jump attack whiffs so hitstop doesn’t happen so your special comes out and catches their backdash. Note that if Cammy DPs, then your jump attack still whiffs because of the DP’s invincibility so your buffered move would still come out. In this case, Cammy’s DP would win vs Yoshi’s Windmill. But if you OS back teleport or EX SlapUSilly, then you would beat her DP etc.
If you’re still confused about how safe jumps and option-selects work, I suggest you look at UltraChen videos on youtube. There’s a vid that talks about it I’m pretty sure. There’s also Vesper Arcade that talks about this concept. Most videos are about SSF4 but it works the same way in this game.
Messing around wiht a Yoshi/Lei team
So anyone still here? Or even on the game? Any new technology found or used? Shoutouts to Kelvin Jeon for some fun to watch Yoshi/Kaz gameplay.
I have some new yoshimitsu stuff as well as some yoshimitsu/kazuya stuff as well that I’ll probably post soon