The Yoshimitsu Thread

cr.fp is decent, thats the only true anti-air ive found, ive been getting stuffed lately with priority. and rufus gives yoshi such a hard time…

Only early cr.HP is a “reliable” anti-air.
The most reliable anti-airs i’ve found are:
Early (before they hit you) Windmill
ex. Windmill

I find myself using ex. Windmill alot because it seems like it gets them 95% of the time, the other 5% is if you mess up timing, and it trades in your favor (imo)

There seems to be 3 main ranges for Yoshimitsu:
a. st.lp Range
b. Range
c. None of the above.

a. This is the general ‘combo’ range.
[INDENT=1]St/cr.lp and lk strings/hit-confirms will go into:[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2]st/, Windmill or SRK lk SRK[/INDENT]
b. This is the general ‘poking’ range, and tag combo range.
[INDENT=1] Windmill into exchange.[/INDENT]
c. The friend zone. You never want to be in the friend zone.
If you do get stuck here, whiff moves to gain meter.

Here’s a link to Yoshi’s data. The text is a bit small, but you can enlarge the pictures.

Hope that helps.

I think the frame data of his moveset is somewhat wrong. In the description of his windmill it says “can be followed with cr. lp or st. lp on hit as a frame trap” but windmill on hit should be -2 :confused:

Whiff :lk: bad breath all day when youre out of range. Id agree with the above though, I find that I end up being pretty hopeless when someone starts rushing me down - feels like the only thing you can do there is block and hope you have enough meter to ex.windmill and reset the situation.

Holy hell yoshi is awful.

So if you cr. mp xx sword windmill on gief its actually so negative on hit that it puts you into a 50/50 with gief… WTF?

You can buffer cr. mp xx ex poison breath which is actually really useful, but I’m still not finding the damage with yoshi yet.

I can do damage with raven without meter thats comparable to yoshi with full meter and ideally set up.

If you’re not cornered back teleport is not too shabby to get you some breathing space

So I got my hands on the SFxT guide. Everything Yoshi does is unsafe. That’s really bad. I don’t know if I want to grind it out and invest my time into a character that has zero beneficial offensive options.

Nonetheless, I found some okizeme stuff with Yoshi, I’ll post it up a little later.

Here is the brady guide online for those who want it.

right now I’m seeing Yoshimitsu as an unconventional footsie character with nice tricks here and there. He’s not looking strong compared to others, but I believe he has potential somehow. Still willing to main him to prove he can compete, I have to decide his partner (right now my choices are Poison-Bison-Kazuya)

I think zoning and good poking characters will have success ( like Dhalsim ) because the time in this game moves so fast, I think every 3rd round is at least 5 seconds into a time out. My point being that being offensive might not be that important in this game.

If you think about it:
Yoshi = Gen

Both are very footsie heavy characters, and are based on set-ups, however Yoshi is way less safe =/

Imma try to stick with Yoshi to the end (or at least until I prove Richard Nguyen wrong)

Edit: Oh, and everyone else can do anything Yoshi/Gen does, but better.

lol I’m a Gen player in sf4
and yes, the have something in common
BUT… without having to deal with the all-powerful sf4-like reversals I think Yoshi could fare a bit better than the old man

Yeah, I used to play Gen in SF4 also, but at least Gen has multiple AA options =/

Yoshi does really good on a 2 player controlled team - especially during the Cross assault you can use his specials to keep a strong combo going throughout the duration. I’ve found him most useful for building meter and tagging in a teammate during his multihit specials. A point character

As soon as you get a windmill confirm, you get 500 damage combo easy. (varies with anchor)

I don’t know if this meterless combo is known or not, but all I know as it’s insanely inconsistent for me.


nice one, putting the midscreen damage closer to corner damage!

fair, but then again Yoshimitsu can teleport.
I also think that Yoshimitsu’s air-to-air game is nice, I find myself just jumping to meet them mid-air with jHP/jMP/jHK (still have to learn which is better in which instance)