The Yoshimitsu Thread

Yoshi is looking to me like 3S Necro without decent limbs. He’s probably going to have to go for strange mixups moreso than big-damage combos.
Which motivates me to try him, but half of Necro’s game had to do with his limbs.

Some Yoshi+Jin combos, nothing particularly flashy, but if you add in too many hits the damage scaling destroys things. :frowning:


J.Fierce has a really weird hitbox, I’ve seen it blow up Shoryukens which might not be so special since they are like 7 frame stuff in this game, that hitbox is so fucked up though…in a good way.

Oh yeah and why the hell does this move build meter?

I replace the C.M with Standing M for more consistent results.

My version of that was C.L -> S.M -> S.M

C.L has easier timing than S.L in my opinion.

Edit: Use the M Shoryuken to get the link 100 percent of the time. Any other version the timing will be too effiy to be optimal.

ha more like why doesn’t it build more, it’s probably his third best move, after the triple roundhouse and sword poke windmill, he needs better AAs

Meter building gems baby, Also for AA Spinning Fist EX version has hyper armor, and EX Shoryuken ( Genoshi?..) is a really good reversal, unsafe as hell but yeah. I’m more concerned about his mid screen game, all of his pokes are really weird, very situational, and I can’t fit Flea Stance into my game plan at this moment.

I think Yoshi is a good point char, he has okay pokes into good combos, With bison I can do 300-400 damage pretty easy from Yoshi’s pokes. J.Fierce I use to control space and build meter, If they start getting close you can use it a jumping. Then you mix J.Fierce with J.Forward, which is a very good gross up if used correctly.

And EX-Windmill is a godlike whiff punish

It’s a shame his best AA uses meter, and for flea stance, if you play a high pressure game and your opponent loves rolling, setup for a throw and go into flea to catch the roll if he doesn’t roll duck, the duck gets beaten by a few forward moving DPs, spacing is almost just right after a cross art, but that isn’t a everyday choice

EDIT: it’s ‘Gehosen’ (the shoryuken)

Really? I tried that, couldn’t get it all too consistent myself, so I finally ended up settling on that.

Hmm, if I recall, his DPs are all the same damage? So as long as you don’t use the H you don’t risk turning the DP into a chained H somehow.

DPs do the same damage, but the different versions move him forward, L keeping him stationary and H moving him the furthest. M is best for your juggle combo, since it spaces the S.L correct enough to get the standing M/couching M in your combo.

Just tried Yoshimitsu/Kuma.

Just isn’t fair, I get one windmill into a ~50% combo + 2 damage gems activated on Kuma. =X

So anyone found an use for suicide yet? seems kind of a weird move

You can do something similar with Nina with 2 bars and get approx 600-640 which is just over 60% on Kazuya with damage gems active. Even without its a good 500 damage. It feels damn good to catch 'em like that. Above all, it looks flashy too!

Yoshimitsu has bad anti-airs? What I my reading lol. I was about to say I fucking loved all his anti-air options.

You guys need to learn air to air. I can easily do 350 meterless AA on reaction to a jump in. And for his shoryuken and cr.hp you just need to space yourself better (kinda hard to do with such a slow walk speed though). They don’t work if you are too close when they jump in so I personally would try to teleport back or behind them when you know you’re not properly spaced to anti-air.

How come there’s only 1 thread on this board? is Yoshimitsu really that unpopular?

What’s your 350 combo off an AA?

I would open more threads, but I would forget to update them. =X
I might open one or two.

It’s my opinion/assumption that Yoshimitsu will be more Seth/Dhalsim-esque in terms of overall gameplay then is assumed off the bat. In that I mean you’ll be teleporting away, being patient and making your opponent come to you and punishing attempts to get in with windmill or srk, then following up with a mixup and getting damage or getting back out again to cause frustration. Would you agree? I just assume we’ll be seeing matches with similar tempo to sim matches but with less far range pokes obviously.

So I’m wondering what uses/ideas you guys have come up with for his teleports? Matchup specific or otherwise. Like what teleports open up what options for spacing kind of like what vulcan was getting into.

Note that you can combo into anything after his Sliding Headbutt. Unfortunately, yoshi doesn’t give anyone any intensive to not hold down back.

Teleporting in my opinion can only be use defensively, or to punish fireballs. But his jump arc is good enough to punish them though.

And yoshi kuma is the new meta.

His windmill is so good, holy shit, great anti air, you just charge that shit and release it on jump, It beats back dash as well you can use it on reaction after a knockdown.

Its also good to note that charging his super is basically free chip, I think it’s punishable but I haven’t gotten hit yet.

I noticed you guys saying that his specials are completely unsafe.
In playtesting it seems if you mash the spinning fists (slap u silly and stonefist) you fall to the ground but are also invulnerable while you fall.
So you give up positioning but you are not strikeable.
Just get used to blocking correctly.

Also, I have been playing full screen and using windmill as my offense, I will AA with it or I will switch cancel windmill to throw on block.
All meter gems :l

I dont use flea or poison breath yet.
Suicide is like a push them into the corner, pandora mode, they cant block this type of attack

nope, I tested that and mashed spinnings are super unsafe on block. They’re safe on hit, but if you can hitconfirm you might as well go into a more damaging combo into Gehosen juggle.