u can space it out though somewhat, frame data is based on when the move hits on the first active frame (pretty sure but not 100%). you can get away with doing stuff in certain matchups, like midscreen gehoshen on characters with shitty limbs.
Hate how unsafe he is, think I might switch before I put in the time and effort…
I thought about switching too, but I’m just too interested in him right now =/
There has to be something amazing about Yoshimitsu…
its worse that hes probably my favorite character in the game…
I switched to poison for a few games but wasnt feelin her, went back to yoshi and enjoyed my tag cancel setups again
Non-ex Windmill -2 on hit is bad
Poison Wind data is almost unreadable though, can you have a clearer picture?
or at least just post the block/hit data advantage about:
- :f:+:mk:
- :f: + :mk: > :mp:
- :f: + :mk: > :mp:
Thank you spab for the pictures. Pretty bad news though
so unsafe for no reason, i think -2 on hit is kinda stupid…at least neutral woulda been better, he seems more of a hit and run guy. but I think I got setups for him =)
Do you use him on point?
Yeah on point is where im rocking him, your back up character should be someone strong who can do juggles and stuff. I think thats why raven is good with yoshi, he doesnt have to deal with the juggling scale as much because of his move properties.
imo Yoshi is mainly a set-up character.
However, he can be played as both point and anchor. Preferably anchor though.
He sets up for tags and launches beautifully with Windmill, and j.HP is quite abusable (for now).
cr.mP > Windmill > Tag is very easy, and effective.
But, I believe he also has other tools to be a good point:
- Good ways to get in
- Anti-Airs (ex. Windmill)
- Decent - Good meterless combos: (cr. lk > cr. mp > SRK > st.lk > SRK)
He can also use the meter as an anchor characters with Poison Breathe Loops, and ex. Windmill enders (i.e. cr. lk > cr. mp > SRK . st.lk > ex. WM)
I agree to an extent. Yoshi works best when you can pair him with someone who can do a lot of damage meterless or virtually meterless - I’ve had really good results with Nina, Steve and Hugo so far with Yoshi both on point and anchor. If the tournament patch becomes a viable way to use gems in a tournament setting meter gems will be a necessity on him. I’m still enjoying him despite his shortcomings.
Also I caught you on the big two stream last night Spab, its a shame you couldnt get your setups rolling. Nice use of the overhead tag though.
Yeah, good points, right now i’m running:
Yoshi (Meter + Meter + Damage)
Law (Damage + Damage + Speed)
I don’t think the team needs the meter too urgently, and the fact that Meter Gems give +20% - %40, meter isn’t a huge problem.
Although I’m thinking of switching out one damage gem for speed for Crack-Law.
Any suggestions on my Yoshi set-up?
He looks awesome as always, but there is no way I’m putting in the effort learning this guy. The reward will not be worth the effort. Oh well. I agree, there has to be something that nobody sees right now, cause he seems mediocre/bad right now.
I think that setup is pretty spot-on. The third gem on Yoshi is a playstyle preference but the 10%/20% damage increase depending on what gem you use isn’t too shabby and allows your jump-in bnbs to do around 400 damage.
As for Law I can’t really advise there but Law seems like he can output a fairly high amount of damage without gems so perhaps using 2 speed gems to take advantage of Laws speed might be pretty scary.
Yeah, I’m starting to look at his reset/meaty potential. ex. Windmill seems to be a godlike move for Yoshi.
I think gems that activate on block will be very effective because j.HP, Windmill, SUS, and Kicks count as multiple hits.
a. It’s not that bad, considering that the fastest move is probably 4 frames (jabs, srks)
- :f:+:mk: : 0 on hit, -4 on block
- :f: + :mk: > :mp: +2 on hit, -10 on block
- :f: + :mk: > :mp: -8 on hit, -21 on block
Silver Fist (Kick Follow Up) -38 on hit, -51 on block
Gold Fist (Kick > Punch Follow Up) Floats, -10 on block
You might be able to do some ghetto resets with hp/ex.bad breath (pause) > Cr.:mk: xx :hp: breath and then finish the combo or ex.windmill. You could probably also follow the Cr.:mk: with a J.:mp: or J.:hp: to mix it up a little.
So while I was in the lab I found what I think might be a decent high low game for Yoshi’s partner. After a crumple from poison breath, delay a standing medium kick into a heavy windmill then tag. This will cause them to pop out after the medium kick but the windmill will still pull them in and put them in block stun so your incoming character can do lows and overheads to try and land some hits. I’m testing if you can get out of it now but it seems like ryu can’t srk out of it.
I got some nice Battery technique with yoshi that I’m gonna upload tomorrow, kinda slowly figuring out how he should be played.
I’ve been running the Sagat/Yoshi team, after seeing the frame data I was a bit discouraged with Yoshi’s frame disadvantage, but I’ll have to mix and match with the gems to make up for it.
I find I gotta stay in st.lp range, does anyone know some reliable AA moves?