The Yoga Book Hyper questions/translation requests

Depending on range you can vs the Fierce FB. But the jab will block if you dont guess it.

The frame data is the same for the three versions of Dhalsim’s yoga fire. The long recocery time is what allows you to do the headstomp on reaction (provided you didn’t block a jab yoga fire before you do the headstomp, in which case you will barely leave the ground and get hit if Dhalsim follows up with a fierce yoga fire).

Really? Do you know how this is done? It’d be great to play actually seeing the hit boxes.

Any chance someone could translate DeeJay’s tech section on page 156?

Thanks :smiley:

edit: maybe also question 4? specifically the explanations of the answers to Q4

is there any data in the ybh about how fast a move comes out?

Are you referring to start-up frames? If so, then yes the ybh gives start-up frames, hitting frames, and recovery frames for every move. In order to find out how fast a move comes out take the start up frames and add 1 frame (for the initial hit frame) and that will determe how quickly you can strike with that particular move.

I hope this helps.

and here I was, thinking I was the only person that wanted to play ST (or any game, for that matter) with the hit boxes displayed. What is the big deal, why hasn’t it been a feature by now? Especially if Capcom is going to the trouble of providing a dev kit and even allow the making of YBH for explaining such precise data. Let’s just see all this data in the proper context of an actual round.

So earlier this year, I made Wrectangles. It’s sorta like a dev kit, but requires a whole lot of collaboration and like, The Wisdom of Crowds theory to really pull through for us. Maybe. I sent it to NKI and Jchensor and they said it might be useful maybe for making tutorials, particularly as an alternative to an expensive/complex commercial product like Adobe After Effects (er, was that Premiere?). Wrectangles is free, just let me know if you want me to email you a copy. It basically lets you grab a set of frames from a movie file and then pause/fwd/rwd frame-by-frame and draw the hit boxes yo damn self. Here’s a short intro tour of what it’s all about:


David Boudreau
XSPR (gamertag)


time to go break mvc2. Thnx! well, break mvc2 more than it already is…

If it’s not asking too much, I’d like to see translations for question 3(assuming that is, in fact, “useful strings”) for Claw, DJ, and Dic.

And the tech section for those 3 as well. Summaries A-OK. If that is asking too much, then maybe just Claw’s?

I’d even be willing to throw some cash at anyone willing to translate all the tech sections. If not all, then a few. I wanna read the strategy section so bad. lol Bummer I didn’t take japanese in high school hehe

frame insertion

Do you know how this is working? I’m actually very interesting in displaying hitboxes on sf2.

I’ve also noticed, like NoAffinity did, that the number of frames of a move is not constant. I’ve been using the shot factory of Kawaks for displaying some moves frame per frame, and displaying several times the same move shows that there is sometimes one more frame than usual. And not only at the startup, but also in any “animation frame” : it happens that some “animation frame” last one frame longer than usual. I’ve also noticed this for others cps2 fighting games (not only ssf2x).

Well, I’m sorry to post this in this thread, cuz that’s not the topic, but I didn’t know where to post this.

I have a question about the invincibility bars, what is the meaning of the kanjis next to them? Expecially Gief’s lariats are confusing as the bar is given for (almost) the complete duration of the moves, which somehow contradicts my memory.

btw. is there a complete Translation of pp. 2-3?

It is not exactly what your looking for but it should help!

BTW: Zangief Kanji means he’s invincible to “mid” attacks.

Just out of curiousity what exactly (I know it’s hard to translate perfectly but please be precise as possible, as I don’t want to miss/confuse anyone) does Ken’s Tech #4 on pg. 115 state? I’ve done a lot of work on the cross up question in the N.Ken thread and I would like to know if there’s anything I’m looking over?


i will confirm to u:

from left to right:

left blue box… renda cancel on that move
middle blue box…degiwa(normal) cancel with special move or super combo
right blu box…normal cancel but possible only with the supercombo

I’d love to see Zangief’s tech section 3 translated. Thanks for any replies.

Regarding Hawk:
Difference between O. Hawk’s and N. Hawk’s - Jumping Diagonally Fierce?
O. Hawk : @5@2@11@23
N. Hawk : @5@2@11

  • Translation of Tech section in Yoga Book Hyper
  • Difference between O. Hawk’s and N. Hawk’s - Rising Hawk - preferably with a picture please. Already got one of N.Hawk’s Rising Hawk in YBH, too bad it has information about O.Hawk’s much better j.d+fierce and s.roundhouse, but doesn’t state anything about O.Hawk’s Rising Hawk.

Thanks in advance.

Has a full translation of this book ever been made?


1.) On page 14 the invincibility bar(s) for N.Ken’s shoryuken. For his jab DP it gives 6 frames of one kind of invc. (it’s kanji represents total invincibility), then 14 frames with different kanji. For his strong DP it gives 22 with different kanji. Please translate the three variations of the invincibility Kanji. I have no idea what it could possibly say and it’s just really started to intrigue me (to the point of bugging me); so now I must have an answer (even if it means I must sit and go through kanji lists by hand).

Thank You

Which frame data is the most reliable?

T. Akiba/NKI’s info shows that N. Sagat’s low tiger is

13 start up 37/39/41 recovery

Sirlin’s changelist claims it is

13 start up 46/48/50

YBH is

13 45/46/47

Additionally YBH says that Akuma’s SRK is 1f startup, but NKI’s info says its 4f like Ryus

For people who might not know, at there are translations of the strategy questions (opening moves, strings, etc.) for each character, taken from the YBH I believe.

(NKI links to on his site which used to have this information, but that seems to be a dead link now.)