THANKS GEO :lovin:
That helps A LOT!!!
I second thanks Geo, got this book over the summer and finally cared enough to look up translations, so good times.
I’d love a translation of the T.Hawk Tech section(page 144), someone please have mercy.
Ya I was looking through my book and was also wondering about the tech section of M.Bison(dictator).
this is a longshot but does anybody know where I can get this bible? I know it says its out of print on most sites. Anybody wanna sell theirs?
PM sent
unsure if this is allowed, but for anyone who cares:
Why/where does the Yoga Book Hyper show throw ranges??? I.E. Why not have an attack box with the appropriate range for throws? I know t.akiba has them listed but a visual would be nice, because when I play someone who uses tick throws a lot I just stay where they don’t have an opportunity; if I could tell the exact distance It would make zoning plans/setup easier.
Yoga Book Hyper Character Translations/Advanced Techniques
Just posting this link for another thread, figured I’d drop it here too… I don’t think it’s ever been linked on SRK before and I can barely believe it.
Check this post from 9 posts ago:
Thanks for the help anyways, all useful information is good :wgrin:
I know this thread hasn’t been looked at in a while, but I have a request for translation of the Yoga Book Hyper concerning hitstun and blockstun data.
If someone would be kind enough to translate pages 173-177 of the YBH, which can be found here, courtesy of Geo and many thanks to him, it would be greatly appreciated. I have posted below what I believe to be correct frame data for Normal Attacks, Command Normals and Special Attacks hitstun/blockstun, plus a few questions at the bottom as well. All of the info can also be found in this thread. Any help or input would be wonderful, thank you (arigato). :lovin::china:
Standing/Crouching Normal Attacks vs a standing/crouching opponent:
Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 16 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Jumping Normal Attacks vs a standing opponent:
Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun, 16 frames of blockstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun, 20 frames of blockstun
Jumping Normal Attacks vs a crouching opponent:
Light Normal Attacks = 11 frames of hitstun
Medium Normal Attacks = 16 frames of hitstun
Hard Normal Attacks = 21 frames of hitstun
Command Normal Attacks (eg Dhalsim’s Drills) have their own unique stun data. YBH claims it is totally dependent on the attack itself:
Ryu’s Overhead vs a standing opponent = 11 frames of hitstun/blockstun
Ryu’s Overhead vs a crouching opponent = 20 frames of hitstun
Ryu’s Rushing Fierce vs a standing/crouching opponent = 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
(All other command normals are currently unknown, Ken’s Overhead is classified as a Special Attack since it does block damage, see below)
All Special Attacks (eg Shoryuken) vs a standing/crouching opponent:
20 frames of hitstun/blockstun
The blockstun for Super Attacks is varying. Nor is it clear in any situation what the hitstun/blockstun for a Super would be. The hitstun for knockdown Special Attacks and Super Attacks doesn’t exist, since they knockdown. Just to be clear, getting up speed has nothing to do with blockstun. Hitstun/blockstun data for Super Attacks is not 100% confirmable, unless someone counts the frame data. This info is not in the YBH.
Needs to be confirmed:
Aerial Special Attacks that can be executed while jumping (eg Air Tatsu) and Special Attacks that have to be blocked high (eg Fei’s Flying Kick), vs a crouching opponent probably cause more than 20 frames of hitstun/blockstun, but how much more is not known.