The Yoga Book Hyper questions/translation requests

It’s the other way around, though: the BACK HOP has 13 frames of invincibility. The forward hop has none.


Thanks for recommending such a great book. I just got it yesterday via playasia and I have a few questions.

  1. On page 115 it lists 4 tech’s for Ken. I’m interested in what the 2nd and 3rd techs mean when translated.

  2. On page 172 it lists 2 tech’s for Vega. Would you please give me a basic explanation of them.


Requesting the translation of Q.5 for claw if possible

This may answer your Ken question.

Thanks NoAffinity but that’s not it. Those are the 8Q&As.

I’d like to know this too. I don’t read japanese but I think this message from the T Akiba BBS has something to do with the making of the Yoga Book Hyper.

Also these two paragraphs from the inhgroup’s website also pertain to the subject

To me though, it looks like it could’ve possibly been done with an emulator since the hitboxes were captured on an empty background. Perhaps with the Shot Factory?

Sorry I been laggin’ like AOL…:bluu:

This took quite a while to do, so I didn’t have the time to proofread it as well. Let me know if you spot anything that doesn’t make sense.

TECH.02 - You should master the walking DP
"Equally as important as well-timed fireballs is the walking DP. That is, walking towards the opponent, and when you get close, doing a Jab DP. If the opponent sticks out a move to try to stop you from walking forward, not only will pretty much every move will lose to the DP, but they also get knocked down, so you can continue to pressure them as they get up. Of course if you whiff the DP, the opponent can punish it, but because they’ll be scared of that DP, it’s pretty easy to close the gap just by walking towards them. You want to keep the pressure on the opponent."

TECH.03 - Safe jump Jab after knee bash throw
"If you jump immediately after the knee bash throw, it can be a safe jump depending on who your opponent is. It is extremely useful against Ryu, Boxer and DeeJay, so you definitely want to use it against them. All you have to do is hold up/towards as the throw is finishing. As soon as you’re air-born, hit Jab, and it will be a meaty on the landing opponent."
Note from NKI: It’s only a safe jump against Boxer, and DeeJay’s Forward and RH upkicks. (DeeJay can hit Ken with reversal Short upkicks, but not Forward or RH.)

These are pretty long, so I’m just going to summarize…
TECH.01 - How to use the head stomp
-When to use the head stomp-
The fundamental use for the head stomp is for when the opponent throws a fireball. Against Guile, Sim, and DeeJay, you have to predict the fireball, but against Ryu, Ken, Chun, and Sagat, you can just do it on reaction. There are also people use use the head stomp when the opponent jumps from afar.
-After the head stomp hits or is blocked-
Going for the Skull Diver: After the head stomp, you have to pay attention to the opponent’s height. If the opponent is going to try to hit you with a jumping attack, you have to do the Skull Diver really early, but if you think they’ll just block it, you want to do it really late. You can go to either side of the opponent, and if it hits a grounded opponent, you can almost always combo a st.RH afterwards.
-Creating distance from the opponent-
After the head stomp, if you hold down/back, you’ll retreat back to the opposite side of the screen, and you’ll be charged when you land, so you can do another head stomp, or Scissor Kicks, etc.
-Throwing the opponent-
If you know the opponent will just block, you can steer Dic to land safely on either side, then throw.

TECH.02 - How to use the Devil’s Reverse
-Typical uses-
It’s usually used when the opponent throws a fireball, but it’s also useful when the opponent jumps, or after they’ve been knocked down with j.Strongs. You want to charge down and hit up/towards so that you cross-up the opponent. If you’re towards the middle of the screen, you can charge down and hit up/towards. This looks a lot like a jump, so the opponent will think you’re not charged, and you can surprise them with the super when you land.
-Using the Devil’s Reverse as a cross-up-
If there is about one character’s length of space between the opponent and the corner, do the Devil’s Reverse into the corner and then steer back out of the corner. It will hit as a cross-up and is surprisingly useful.

Q5 - What to do about fireballs?

  1. Jump straight up
  2. Block
  3. Jump towards
  4. Wall dive

A5 Explanations

  1. Primarily used for Fierce (fast) fireballs
  2. If it looks like you can’t get around the fireball, just block it.
  3. If the opponent is close, jump over and hit him.
  4. Use it as soon as you see the fireball. (It’s best not to do this against Ken or DeeJay.)

There wasn’t any mention of how they displayed the hit boxes, but I remember T.Akiba saying that Capcom graced them with an ST dev kit, which would let them do all kinds of awesome stuff, like displaying hit boxes.

Translate Dic’s Question 8 (page 171) please, thanks a lot !

Q8 - What moves to use for cross-ups?

  1. j.Forward
  2. j.RH

A8 Explanations

  1. The height at which you do the j.Forward determines whether or not it’s a cross-up.
  2. Same as above.

Thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile:

NKI-sama, could you please translate Guile’s three techs - thanks! (page 123)


Thank you very much NKI for your time and excellent response. I already use most of the tactics there, and the devil reverse/headstomp specifics were very helpful.

Is this true of chun too? the height at which you do her forward kick jump attack determines whether it’s a cross up?

u da man NKI! ur help is really appreciated

even tough I requested the wrong translation lol…

Wow great stuff NKI, those translations are really useful.

NKI fucking rules, you have to be the most knowledgable ST folk outside Japan. Keep it coming and thanks.

I only tested it for about 10 minutes against Ryu and Gief, but it seems to me like Chun’s j.Forward is never blocked as a cross-up. It’s always blocked by holding back.

TECH.01 - Throwing Sonic Booms Wisely
When throwing a sonic boom, you’re vulnerable for a moment in the beginning, so if your opponent predicts a Sonic Boom, you can get swept, or hit by some forward-moving attack. You don’t want to mindlessly throw Sonic Booms as soon as you have the charge, especially if the opponent is within close range. However, when you’re far away, or when it looks like the opponent won’t be able to counter you with anything, you want to throw Sonic Booms as fast as possible. That way you can keep pressure on them and limit their movement.

TECH.02 - Use counter attacks!
With good precision, there are a lot of moves that Guile can counter. This is critical for using Guile well. For example, Ryu’s hurricane kick, Chun’s super, Dhalsim’s Yoga Fire, Boxer’s turn punch, etc, can all be flash kicked on reaction. If you are able do so, you really limit the moves your opponent can use. You want to get to the point where you can see those moves and just Flash Kick on reaction.

TECH.03 - Mastering the j.Short
Depending on your opponent, if you do Guile’s cross-up j.Short early, the opponent must hold back to block it, but if you do it late, they must hold towards to block it. Depending on the opponent, you can win rounds by simply mixing up the timing of the cross-up, then following up with a cr.Strong xx Short Flash Kick.

Interesting stuff - thank you very much NKI-sama, you’re too awesome! :lovin:

Been thinking about picking this up. I know the book has frame data, but does it list hit/block advantage for attacks?

From my experience, it’s also possible to do the headstomp on reaction to a fireball against Sim. The recovery time of his yoga fire is very similar to the recovery time of hadokens (approx ~40 frames).