The Wesker Question Thread

Lets get them all in here, ill start off.

I’m trying to pull off the lp,mp,hp,d df f mp (command lauch punch) into foward dash into launcher. But every time I try to do it i get a backwards teleport instead of a effing foward dash.

I saw DSP pull it off all the time in this vid: [media=youtube]n1SEVbMiIo0[/media]

How the hell does he do it?

I didn’t see exactly where you were talking about in the video, but I’ve just been doing a forward dash after the qcf+M then H S. The dash timing seems a little tight though.

The teleport is probably happening because you’re mashing the M on qcf+M, since pushing a followup afterwards gives you an automatic teleport.

i think you just have to wait a second before you dash. you can go straight into the S. or you could be doing it a little late. and if all else fails just hit S to see if it will hit because it seems like its got pretty good range on it.

So, whats the most practical combo? I’ve been using cr.lp x x st.heavy x special x sj x mp x mp x light x special … land call assist bullet otg super… I know its pretty early but is there a better option then this combo? I’m game for more technical options.

@pololoco: Each of the attack buttons give you a different teleport. L gives you the forward teleport. M gives you the backwards teleport. H gives you the air teleport.

@metric: After OTG df+H, try cr.M, qcf+L, (OTG) df+H. I saw that in one of tragic’s videos. I think you can try do this in a loop at least 2 times. [media=youtube]geFw–gHqTE[/media]

How do you get that assist setup started on Mission 8? I havent the correct way to input just this part:

cr.M, cr.H, Partner-1, Phantom Move, st.H

How do you make this connect? I understand the rest of the combo, its just i cant teleport in time of chris’ assist

you have to hit cr.M and A1 at the same time for it to connect

What seems to be weskers best team setup for his team hyper combo? goes 1-2, 3.

How does Wesker deal with runaway? (Arthur/Sentinel) Do you have to teleport in from above?

I still don’t have a lot of experience playing against people, but off the top of my head I can think of a few potential approaches.

  1. use an assist (like Iron Man’s laser, Chris’ bullets, etc) to force them to block while you dash in to get closer
  2. dash forwards teleport to get inside (probably want to keep them guessing with where you’ll teleport)
  3. probably the best option would be to airdash towards them, and then make them guess if you’re going to take a pistol shot, teleport above, or drop down to the ground. Make them guess wrong and try to get in.

Take this with a grain of salt, but those seem like ways you would work your way in against zoners.

I didn’t know Wesker had an air dash. Also, the heavy version of your counter works against projectiles at about half screen.

I’m having a really hard time with the 236L>Dash>3H(OTG). Any tips on how to get the timing down? I’ve been switching between using 2 buttons to dash once, ->-> to dash once dash and 1 wave dash rep to dash twice and none of them are very consistent. I’m also having a hard time with the 2M pickup after the OTG.

Next question. What’s the best air move for Ghost Butterfly midscreen high teleport followup. The Missions used jH>Land>S>Air series, but I’ve seen jS used in videos and the rest of the combo continued starting from 2M. When I try it they air recover from S and it’s hard to connect a ground followup. Which is the best way?

I use jS. You’re prolly doing it too early, try to hit closer to the ground.

what is a good way to get in for attack on ground(and are there any good simple blockstrings that are safe?)

misson 7 i do it exactly get the 10 hits and it doesnt say clear i dont understand

You have plenty of time to do the dash to the OTG. Don’t rush it, doing a full single dash is enough to get close enough. After that you should be able to hit the 2M pretty consistently.

X_Sword: I’m not too sure how “safe” it is really, but ending a string in samurai edge should be, safer? Maybe. Hopefully someone can confirm that or just say that’s stupid lol

Wesker does not have an air dash, just teleports.

if you’re talking about the combo at 2:30 then its not a dash. Wesker can teleport after his qcf mp, DSP did lp teleport there. You can also use hp teleport to hit your opponent in the air then land s.hp launch air combo wave dash assist otg pistol level 1 or 3

if you’re talking about the combo at 2:30 then its not a dash. Wesker can teleport after his qcf mp, DSP did lp teleport there. You can also use hp teleport to hit your opponent in the air then land s.hp launch air combo wave dash assist otg pistol level 1 or 3

So far Wesker is really the only character i like. I can do his flashy teleport combos->otg->assist-lvl 3 hyper. Looks so cool and does so much damage.

My question is what is you general game strategy. Right now i’m just doing pistol shot -> teleport and hope I land a L attack into combo.
Are there any found mix up set ups yet?
Any Resets?
How do you guys utilize his reversal? It seems a little slow.
Is there really any use to 236 + H?