LOL, it was present since day one of ultimate. The timing is strict though compared to the H footdive. This and tridashing is how people get in.
anyone know what to do against strider? i have no idea whats punishable and i just get dive kicked by him all day. i usually play anchor striders so they usually have lvl 3 in stock making it more difficult.
h vajra (teleport kick) is punishable by throw if you block standing.
Wesker’s command grab is a 1 frame throw you can combo into an easy 400k.
Ouroboros orbs do no chip damage and if you pushblock all of them he can’t set up teleports w/ it.
His overhead slice (not actually an overhead, long weird ass name) and his slice that causes hard knockdown/wallbounce (gram) are both punishable. Unless he has a summoned orb (formation b). He can cancel the recovery of those moves into the shot (but not the summoning of formation b).
Formation B is plus on block. All of his animals are too.
I figured I would go around and post this on character forums so folks can check it out:
My current team is Wesker (b)/Hawkeye (a)/Strider (y)
I’m having trouble against a Nova/Frank shell. Sometimes I can get the momentum at the beginning and take out Nova early, but usually it seems like I get locked down in the corner and can’t seem to punish since Nova’s rushdown is being covered by shopping cart. Any ideas what to do here?
It’s in Wesker’s favor IMO, but not heavily. He’s got the tools to annoy Nova.
First, I would be more reliant on Strider than Hawkeye in this matchup, generally. Cart’s too fast if he’s within halfscreen distance, and pushblocking a j.H right after calling Strider often leads to Nova getting hit. Second, make sure your movement is solid. You want to be using teleports to avoid Cart, plink/wavedashing to avoid Nova. If he tries to put up a Pulse H (which doesn’t help him at all, because the gameplan is to level Frank by getting a solid hit), you can call Hawkeye and SJ gunshot > M teleport > gunshot. Avoid calling Strider if he’s got a Pulse out. If he tries basic boxdash garbage, utilize neutral jump gunshots and j.H. If he has you locked down, scout for an air throw opportunity. Don’t try to challenge him while Cart is out. Block low, and high on reaction, and be wary of attempts to ground throw.
Wesker has better normals, mostly. Better movement. Better projectiles. Remember, you’re not playing the Wesker/Nova matchup. You’re playing the Wesker vs Nova/Frank matchup, which is far easier, because it limits his gameplan. Do your best to deny him a confirm while pestering with gunshots. Try to avoid doing jump-forward gunshots, jump-back gunshot on reaction to Cart (you’ll just get grabbed), or going for risky air throw reads. His AA jab is very good, and his throws are godlike.
As both a Nova and Wesker player, I can say all this would annoy my Nova a lot if I wasn’t running Doom. If he has Plasma Beam, he can outzone you. But again, doesn’t help Frank. :3
As the Nova player in that situation, I would react by moving more cautiously on the ground, throwing Javelins if you got air-teleport-happy, and utilizing more ADDF to avoid gunshots and still close distance. Triple Arrow beats the first two, Vajra beats the third. Be smart about your assist calls.
Good luck.
Thanks a lot, that’s very helpful. I’ve been playing sets against this guy for a bit now and trying to level up. Been having a lot of sets that end up something like 10-1, but I think a lot of that comes from my lack of experience with this game if anything. Definitely helps to know how to fight the match.