I don’t like the Magneto matchup at all either. Once Magneto gets in close range his tri jumps are such a bitch. I feel like the only way I beat good Magnetos is if I catch them with a Gunshot when they are incoming and teleport over combo, smackdown, OTG mixup.
Weskers matchups are weird because even though I do feel a lot of the better characters can blow him up, his insane health pretty much negates the badness. Like I feel a lot of 6-4 7-3 matchups pretty much become 5-5 because of his health.
But yea I was thinking the other day about why Wesker always seems so Godlike on streams and what not… Wesker is like the running back of the team. The offensive line does the work and he gets the glory.
I noticed that most of the time i see a Wesker come in i off a Magneto/Dante/Storm DHC start where he cleans up all the kill. Those characters are doing all the work and Wesker comes in for a herp derp Sam Edge into combo dead.
Then the next character comes in and has the pleasure of facing Wesker’s really good incoming mixups.
Then you have level 3 X factor Wesker which is pretty laughable TBH. So stupid and broken. Cr MHS, Air MHS = death… lol something a random Call of Duty player could probably do.
Not trying to make Wesker sound bad lol because h obviously is one of the better characters in the game. But I do feel like he is the cleans up a lot of the hard work by other characters so it seems like he is way more Godlike than he actually is.
But IMO his bad matchups are
I feel like Wolverine, Phoenix, and Trish are probably his worst though. I think believe it or not IRON MAN might be a bad matchup for him. I think that his Magneto-esque tri jump rush down gives Wesker fits and that Repulsor Blast blows up predictable teleports. It is mostly theory but as I am slowly learning Iron Man I don’t really feel I am at a disadvantage with him againse Wesker.
So yea IMO Wesker is Godlike because he DHC’s into something after another character does all the work, finishes that character off, then has a fun left/right mixup for the next incoming character and then gets a hit, 1 mixup another dead character, rinse and repeat for the last one. So basically Wesker is always put into a great position where he can shine. Straight up matchups though I do think Wesker is the big dog at the top that gets blown up by a few more top dogs.
Wesker also bodies the lower characters a lot more than other high ones because of his high health. Any lower tier character can make a good guess on Magneto and can kill him off because of the low health. They need to make 2 or 3 on Wesker when Wesker really only needs 1 into the chain of mixup death loop lol