The Vewlix Art Variations and Appreciation Thread

This thread is a place to post any pics of cool vewlix variations (or just hi-res pics of standard cabs) and to discuss how great they are/which is best. I’d put up a poll but it seems like just when I though I’ve seen whats around, I see a pic of some new (to me) variation that kicks ass. Ex: stainless and red, sfiv white with black ink spots and red ball (watch the beginning of the daigo kumite closely). I’m sure there’s more variations out there so lets see what SRK can dig up!

After a few varaitions get posted, I’ll add a poll, but I don’t want to make it without knowing what should be put on it.

Since no one has added to your post yet I thought I would get things going.
I have designed my own Vewlix Arcade Cabinet that I will be selling sometime soon.
So I have researched Vewlix cabinets a lot and have heaps of documents & pics.
Here are a few less comon pics:

Vewlix VS Black Arcade Cabinet

Vewlix VS Black Control Panel
(I’ll be using this design on my new ‘Metal Arcade Sticks’ that will have no top screws)

My ‘Metal Vewlix Arcade Cabinet’ for Consoles Xbox 360/PS3/PC/etc (ikea style flatpack)

Vewlix Green Control Panel
Does anyone know what game this is used for and what the 3 extra buttons are for ?

This one is just begging for some Black/Dark Hai buttons. The white buttons on the red/white Vewlix pop out so much since they have white circles around them to give them a triple layered effect, so Black buttons should do the same with those black panel rings.

Can’t have a Vewlix thread without the sexiest arcade cabinet of all time, the Capcom branded SFIV version:

How I wish I could find that panel for a reasonable price…

Oh god I just re-read this part, gonna need pics :pray:

AMX that CP with the 3 buttons is not a Vewlix panel that’s a Sega Astro/Blast/New Net city panel. It’s probably from Virtua Striker.

That one with Daigo playing (ink spots) was pretty interesting. Love to see more variations.

O. Mai. Gawd.


And a shameless plug for the layout I’m using on my WIP:

I was looking for better pics of that black one! I saw a lo-res shot somewhere but couldn’t find anything else. In the first pic the black art seems to be glossy. Is it a black version of the red art? Do you have a close up shot of that panel (not the metal one, the glossy one). The metal one looks sick too. EDIT: Whoa completely got that all wrong. For some reason the monitor I was viewing the close up pic of the black one on made the silver lines seem like folded metal O_o Ignore this paragraph (expect for the part that said it looks great :brgrin:)

Actually, I don’t think thats just the sfiv version. Here’s a shot of that playing blazblue:

Take a look at these blazblue cabs, I can’t tell but it looks like stainless and white on a blue cab:

Anyone have a good shot of the inkspot one?

EDIT: I take it back about the stainless/red not being sfiv only. I see the sfiv art on the cab, they must have just loaded blazblue into it.

Yea I knew it was not a Vewlix CP
Virtua Striker : any idea what you use the three extra buttons for ?

Here is another CP I uploaded to my website the other night but forgot to link in my post.

The standard rectangle Vewlix Control Panel is 699x150mm and I have the hole template.
But does anyone have a full template for 1P and 1P+2P that shows exacly where the holes go, mesurments in regards to the top and sides.
I want to get my own Vewlix CP made perfectly so that if I layed it over an original the holes would line up perfectly.

wow that panel is amazing

my god…these are beautiful. i’m a noob, but can somebody please tell me how much one of these vewlix machines costs? you get one or two and you’re pretty much good to go.

The SFIV cabinets are $23,000 for a set of 4.

does that last capcom one fit sega astro/net/etc city control panels ???

yeah , that black and silver one is the shit!

That Capcom panel is gorgeous. I wish there was a high res scan of it.

I’m 99% sure thats the panel from the daigo kumite video. If only vewlix would sell there art(s) without all the buttons and sticks. Anyone have a shot of the blazblue panel from the cab’s I posted (not the stainless and red, the blue cab)?

That is a very nice looking panel. I really enjoy the use of the SF4 style ink splatters. You notice the art design, but it’s not so overbearing that it takes away from the panel itself.

Holy cow! That is a nice panel. Worthy of notation in the Jedi Archives.

Imagine that on a TE stick :bgrin:

So wait, I thought the SF IV cab was the gold and red one. Which one is this? I mean what is it called. Do you have anymore pics?