The Unofficial `Official’ NCR Arcade ST tourney @Nov 20-21 Embassy Suites Milpitas

I do that all the time in the corner. there is a specific timing so that you don’t get the pop back and stay safe and in the other guys face. it leaves blanka with enough advantage to force a true low/throw mixup between low forward xx ball and bite. you have to guess (ask ganelon hehe).

the way that’s most consistent is when you have someone knocked down in the corner with a move that gives you plenty of time before they wake up. do fierce ball into the corner and ‘cancel’ it into super balrog upper>super style. if you time is so that the initial pop up hits the opponent on the way down (i.e. do the super really early) then you won’t get the pop back after the super is done and can force a mixup. The super flash also screws with the games framerate and so the fear of getting reversal dragoned or something is small.

sometimes it also happens without that setup but I haven’t been able to really predict it other than using the way i just explained.

Not exactly what was mentioned but an example as a refference.
I always thought a super on a downed opponent in the corner did that automatically.


NCR Nov 20th 2010 ST Tournament Losers finals ST Playeh (Green ryu) vs DGV (Blue Ryu) :woot::woot:


Fudd uploaded most of the video already.

YouTube - Fuddulous’s Channel

Still waiting for the 1st team battle footage :slight_smile:

DGV vs The beast is a nail biter


The beast punished DGV neutral jump x Air Tatsu over fireball with walk up sweep. After that DGV seemed to land on a few fireball. Maybe he hesitated worrying about the bad landing with Air Tatsu?

7 hit super combo ending @2:38 is nice. 60% life.

Daigo loves to counter the walk up RH sweep xx fireball by either jab dp thru the fireball or reversal super after the sweep.

I have seen daigo does the max distance safe jump jab into tick throw a few times against others but at 2:00 he did a safe jump jab into super to catch DGV’s reversal dp. Don’t know if he guessed it or buffer the super motion and release the super on reaction. Either way it’s clutch stuff.

After 3:26 DGV won game 1 and game 2 round 1 it’s looking very good for DGV and the beast might just get sent to losers.

Then the beast got a super solid round at game 2 round 2. Pressure doesn’t get to him. Perfect spacing, safe jump timing. Jump over fireball. Super shutdown fireball. Punish whiffed cr. RH with fireball. And at round 3 again solidly punish everything whiffed.

Then DGV again pull another miracle at game 3 round 2 with a 0 hp come back.

It’s down to the wire last game last round but daigo again playing very solid. He doesn’t make many mistakes and takes it.

Grand final between The beast and ST playah


I think nerves got ST playah. He played very strong against most of the player but against Daigo he froze. Too many jump-in that got punished. If he can keep his cool it could be a good show.

Good stuff everyone! And thanks for the uploads fudd.

Thanks for reminding me. I uploaded those a like a week ago, but had them on private because I wanted to try and sort the playlist in chronological order at the very least. It’s still not in chronological order, but all my videos are up.

Here is the full playlist for all my NCR footage

This has its drawbacks, if you watch Daigo vs Umechin (SBO 2003) you’ll see he gets tricked by Umechin’s low.RH->short hurricane.

I don’t think anything special is happening here, it’s just that DGV probably piano’d, didn’t get the reversal and instead got either a strong or fierce DP to come out, both of which will lose to super.

This trick is quite nasty. If you watch closely he baits DGV with a low forward spaced perfectly, and just as DGV sticks out his own sweep to punish, he eats Daigo’s followup fireball. Daigo’s footsies in this respect are really good – I have seen him use a similar punish against a lot of shoto players (see also the series against Aniken) where he purposely sticks out a cr.MK that whiffs, which Aniken tries to punish but himself whiffs, and subsequently eats Daigo’s roundhouse sweep.

First and foremost I want to give a shout out a congratulations to my friend ST Playah for getting 2nd place on a borrowed stick, beating his rival since 08 showing that he is a force to be reckond with and proving wrong to the haters that claimed he was just an online player and falsley accused of being on macros for his reknown 1 frame reversals. I am glad I encouraged him into going.:wgrin:

2nd congrats to DGV for taking a game off of Daigo’s ST Ryu! That is far from easy to do in a mirror match vs ex top st ryu player of japan (outside of shooting D), so people can take that to the bank.

3rd I think after seeing what happened during DGV vs Daigo that its not a good idea to juice kick over a jab fireball when the opponent is close enough to sweep you. 1/4 screen or a little farther out is a bad idea, better off just jump straight up empty so you land faster then maybe back flip away to get more breathing room or blocking it.

you sure the invincibility is different for different dragons? I’ve gone through ryus super with fierce dragon plenty of times.

just looked like a matter of unfortunate timing to me.

fierce DP won’t go through fireballs. strong should still go through.

It depends on timing. All DPs can go through certain meaty fireballs. For Ryu, jab is much better at avoiding fireballs than the other two because only his head is vulnerable on the way up. (Ken is similar, but I don’t know what his strong DP looks like in ST offhand.)

(These are HDR hitboxes, but they’re substantially the same as ST.)

btw. the times ive gone through the super with fierce dragon was on the other ryus wakeup vs his reversal super. so exactly the other way around.

In ST/X, N.shotos’ jab SRK will go through projectiles; strong and fierce ones, not. Meaty projectiles might be avoided with strong and fierce SRKs or tatsus (Ryu only), but they gotta be really meaty.

If the shotos (or even Sagat) hit the enemy while still invulnerable, the impact freeze may make the projectile go through the attack, as projectiles still move during impact freeze.

Akuma can go through projectiles with tatsus just like CE/HF Ryu, but no-one cares, I guess.