I do that all the time in the corner. there is a specific timing so that you don’t get the pop back and stay safe and in the other guys face. it leaves blanka with enough advantage to force a true low/throw mixup between low forward xx ball and bite. you have to guess (ask ganelon hehe).
the way that’s most consistent is when you have someone knocked down in the corner with a move that gives you plenty of time before they wake up. do fierce ball into the corner and ‘cancel’ it into super balrog upper>super style. if you time is so that the initial pop up hits the opponent on the way down (i.e. do the super really early) then you won’t get the pop back after the super is done and can force a mixup. The super flash also screws with the games framerate and so the fear of getting reversal dragoned or something is small.
sometimes it also happens without that setup but I haven’t been able to really predict it other than using the way i just explained.