The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t want to scroll up all the way to find the post that started the Ryu discussion, so I’ll just use memory and try to recall some of the questions made.

What makes Ryu boring?

For me it is that his plots barely involve anything but the nature of his powers, and that he gets way too much focus and time in the story for what little meat they (Capcom) offer with him. Fantasy settings and fantasy powers are cool and they can serve to bring interesting stuff, but they typically need real plots to advance the story. The hero fights his dark powers that might consume him, that’s fine and a common and succesful trope, but where is the true plot?

I’ve joked about this a few times, and I don’t think I exaggerate much, that the only two times I recall Ryu ever deciding to do something by himself was in SFA2 when he searched for Akuma (and even then it was only related to his fantasy power, not for an elaborate plot point or anything) and in Street Fighter X Tekken when he went to Antarctica (for another fantasy power thing!).

When is Ryu best?

Right now he is best when he’s fighting random people for random reasons. It’s a character we need in fighting games and he’s great at it. The whole self improvement thing, and all, the passion for the fight, it’s great.

What should Capcom do with Ryu?

From a story point of view, they should either commit or drop. Either give him a real plot, this is, a physical goal, a strategy and real character interactions, or just drop it and have him fight in the sidelines while the story focuses on other characters. When he gets shoehorned into the lead with no real plot behind we only get garbage stories.


Was trying to work on my book and this came to mind instead. Now that they are done. Maybe I can get back to Chapter 5.

Enzo Da Silva


Name: Enzo Da Silva

Nickname: Melodious Sparking Mauler

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Brazilian

Height: 5’11”(1.81m)

Weight: 174lbs (79kg)

B/W/H: 42-32-34 (107cm-81cm-86cm)

Hometown: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Appearance: Enzo has sandy brown complexion, a slender athletic build, and is of above average height. He has black hair. Enzo sports a braided mohawk with the sides of head shaved. His eyes are dark brown. Enzo wears a teal sleeveless vest that is unfastened showing his bare torso. His pants are full length and white. He has a yellow belt around his waist that is tied at his left side. Enzo has bare hands and feet.

Likes: Mischief, Music, Basketball, Sean

Dislikes: Studying

Fighting Style: Capoeira

Tone: Enzo is serious and highly competitive.

Origins: Enzo is the oldest child of the Da Silva family and first cousin to the Matsuda family. Enzo is older than Laura but younger than Fabio. His sister Manuela is older than Sean but younger than Laura. Enzo is the heir to Da Silva Capoeira. He has a healthy rivalry with Fabio. Each of them push themselves to be the best representatives of their families’ respective arts.

Despite his best efforts, Fabio usually gets the best of Enzo. To blow off steam, Enzo picked up the sport of basketball. His love for basketball is only surpassed by his love for Capoeira. Fabio had no interest in the sport. He only cared for soccer. So Enzo taugh his younger cousin Sean how to play.

At first the smaller and younger Sean was no match for him. However Sean quickly picked up the game. While brother Fabio and sister Laura had to drag him to jiu jitsu practice, Sean would wake up at the break of dawn to practice his basketball skills. Before long, it was Sean that was schooling Enzo at the game. Now Enzo was being bested at martial arts by Fabio and basketball by Sean…

His Rival: Fabio (Friendly)

Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3

1000 stamina 1000 stun


Violent Melody - F+MP+MK: Enzo runs up his foes torso by stepping on his foes left knee, right shoulder, and back flip kicks them in the face. 140 Damage/150 Stun

Vicious Melody -B+MP+MK: Enzo runs up his foes torso by stepping on his foes left knee, right shoulder, back somersaults over them, and back flip axe kicks them on the top of the head on the way down. Landing behind them. 140 Damage/200 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Low Key – DF+HP: Enzo strikes with a low hooking right punch into left back fist combination. Attack leaves for standing 12F Startup 80 Damage/150 Stun +4 On Hit/-8 On Block

Back Twist Bass – B+MK: Enzo strikes with a right roundhouse into jumping left back kick combination. Does not hit crouching opponents. 8F Startup 80 Damage/150 Stun +3 On Hit/-2 On Block

Treble Wheel – F+MK: (Overhead) Enzo hops forward, rotates vertically, and hits his foe with a left overhead wheel kick. 22F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun +2 On Hit/-7 On Block

Beat Strike – B+HK: (Anti Air) Enzo flips back into a handstand and kicks both his feet upward at a 60° Angle. Does not hit crouching opponent’s. 9F Startup 90 Damage/100 Stun -0 On Hit/-7 On Block

Spark Chord – F+HK: Enzo strikes with a spinning two handed handstand split kick . 2 hits 10F Startup 100 Damage/150 Stun Knocks Down, -4 On Block


Bolt Opus – F+KKK: Enzo hits his adversary with a back cartwheel kick that sends them flying a ½ screen away.


Shock Crescendo – MP+MK: (Anti Air) Enzo rises into the air with a jump spinning crescent kick. Attack does not hit crouching opponent’s. 15F Startup. Invincible to Airborne Attacks 5F to 20F. 60 Damage/60 Stun. Causes Juggle State on Airborne Opponent’s. -2 On Hit/-16 On Block for standing opponent’s. In addition to building on block and hit, V-Gauge builds on the first hit landed on a juggled opponent. Any additional hits of a combo, beyond the first hit. Do not build V-Gauge.

V-Trigger 1:

Storm Session – HP+HK: Enzo’s arms and legs gain an electrical aura increasing damage output.

  • LP Spark Squall: Advantage on hit increased from +1 to +4

  • MP Spark Squall: Advantage on hit increased from +3 to +6

  • HP Spark Squall: Advantage on hit increased from +6 to +8

  • EX Spark Squall: Advantage on hit increased from +4 to +6

  • Storm Wheel can be canceled into a Volt Break of equal strength instead of Bolt Wheel or Volt Sweep

  • Volt Break can be canceled into a Storm Wheel of equal strength.

  • V-Trigger duration 3000F. Canceling from Storm Wheel to Volt Break costs 1000F. Canceling from Volt Break to Storm Wheel costs 1500F

3-bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Lightning Concerto – HP+HK: Enzo’s feet begin to pulse with electrical energy.

  • Thunder Arch: Total Frames reduced from 47 to 44. Damage increased from 60 to 70. Stun increased from 100 to 200

  • EX Thunder Arch: Total Frames reduced from 44 to 42. Damage increased from 90 to 110. Stun increased from 120 to 250

  • V-Trigger duration 1500F. Thunder Arch costs 300F. EX Thunder Arch costs 500F.

2-bar V-Trigger


Spark Squall -HCF+P: (Overhead) Enzo hops forward, rotates vertically, and hits his foe with a left overhead hook punch, right overhead back fist, and a left overhead hooking punch combination. Goes over low attack. All version hit three times. LP (21F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun, +1 On Hit/-7 On Block, ¼ Screen), MP (25F Startup 135 Damage/150 Stun +3 On Hit/-5 On Block, 1/3 Screen), HP (27F Startup 150 Damage/180 Stun +6 On Hit/-4 On Block), EX(18F Startup 150 Damage/180 Stun +4 On Hit/-2 On Block)

Thunder Arch – HCB+P : Enzo turns his back to his opponent and performs a backflip axe kick that generates a crescent shape electric projectile. Punch button pressed determines speed of the projectile. All versions have 14F Startup 47 Total Frames 60 Damage/100 Stun LP(Slow) MP(Faster) HP(Fastest) EX(12F Startup 44 Total Frames, 2 Hits 90 Damage/120 Stun)

Storm Wheel – QCB+K: Enzo attacks his foe with consecutive horizontal wheel kicks. Attack does not hit crouching opponents.

  • Storm Halt (No Input) Enzo stops the attack

  • Bolt Wheel + K: Enzo strikes with an electric horizontal wheel kick. 60 Damage/80 Stun, Leaves Standing, +2 On Hit, -4 On Block, EX +4 On Hit, -2 On Block

  • Volt Sweep D+K: Enzo knocks his foes off of their feet with an electric double sweep kick 50 Damage/50 Stun Knocks Down -7 On Block, EX - 4 On Block

LK (6F Startup 80 Damage/100 Stun + Follow Up) MK(8F Startup 100 Damage/100 Stun + Follow Up ) HK(10F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun + Follow up) EX(6F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun)

Volt Break – HCF+ K: Enzo’s legs electrify as he topples his adversary with a spinning break dance sweep kick combination. Must be blocked low. All versions knock down. LK(8F Startup, 3 Hits 90 Damage/100 Stun -5 On Block), MK(9F Startup, 4 Hits 120 Damage/120 Stun -6 On Block), HK(10F Startup, 5 Hits 150 Damage/150 Stun -7 On Block), EX (8F Startup, 8 Hits 160 Damage/200 Stun -5 on Block)

Critical Art:

Storm Groove -QCFx2 +K: Enzo strikes with a left roundhouse kick to the head, two consecutive two hit horizontal wheel kicks to the face, a four hit break dance sweep combination that causes his foes to spin into the air, and crashes them into the side of the screen with a crushing back right kick to the sternum. 10 Hits 340 Damage (1x100, 8x15, 1x120)

Reasons to be in SFV:

With Sean hitting a growth spurt and surpassing him in height, his hope for victory on the court would be futile. So, Enzo set aside his hoop dreams and spent the last year focusing solely on Capoeira. When he learns that Fabio, Laura, and Sean had entered the upcoming World Martial Arts tournament. Enzo quickly followed suit. He would not rest until he was the best at something in his extended family.

Manuela Da Silva


Name: Manuela Da Silva

Nickname: Dynamic Dancing Dynamo

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Brazilian

Height: 5’5”(1.66m)

Weight: 128lbs (58kg)

B/W/H: 36-24-36 (92cm-61cm-92cm)

Hometown: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Appearance: Manuela has beige complexion, is of average height, and has a slender athletic build. She has long strawberry blonde (orange) hair. Her hair style resembles a pixie cut in the front with several large braids at the back. Her eyes are green. Manuela wears pink lipstick, fingernail, and toe polish. She has gold hoop earrings with a matching gold hoop necklace. Manuela has a white halter top with a single left strap that shows off the entirety of her midriff. She has white long sleeve fingerless gloves that stop at the middle of her biceps. She wears low rise flared golden pants. There is a white triangular pattern that starts just below her knees and goes all the way to her ankles. Manuela has a fuchsia belt around her waist that is tied at her right side. She is barefoot.

Likes: Dancing, Making Accessories, Laura

Dislikes: Insects

Fighting Style: Capoeira

Tone: Manuela is bubbly young woman that likes to have fun.

Origins: Manuela is the youngest child in the Da Silva family. Her father Pedro was very protective of his sister Brenda. When she married Yuichiro Matsuda, Pedro and his wife moved nearby opening up a successful general store.

The Matsuda and Da Silva families grew very close. Pedro and Yuichiro became fast friends despite divergent interests. Yuichiro preferred business to martial arts and Pedro the opposite. His wife Luiza ran the general store with Brenda helping her out on occasion.

Pedro and Brenda’s children behaved more like siblings than first cousins. With Laura being the only other girl in the group, she and Manuela grew close. While Laura reveled in training in jiu jitsu with her grandfather Kinjiro. Manuela only trained in capoeira with her father out of respect. Manuela would often show Laura capoeira techniques if she’d go dancing and boy chasing with her.

Manuela enjoys making accessories. Laura wears bracelets than Manuela made. Despite lacking passion for martial arts, Manuela was become quite accomplished. She’s trained very hard over the years to try and keep pace with her cousin Laura.

Her Rival: Laura (Friendly)

Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 3

950 stamina 950 stun


Samba Surprise - F+MP+MK: Manuela runs up her foes torso by stepping on her foes left knee, right shoulder, and kicks them in the face with both her feet. 130 Damage/150 Stun

Frevo Folly -B+MP+MK: Manuela grabs her foe, slides behind them, hit them with left round house kicks that causes them to cartwheel in the air, and knocks them away with a left back kick to the spine. 120 Damage/200 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Festival Twist – B+MP: Manuela strikes with a hooking right punch into left back fist combination. 7F Startup 70 Damage/120 Stun +4 On Hit/-4 On Block

Jubilant Roll – F+MP: (Overhead) Manuela hops forward, rotates vertically, and hits her foe with a right overhead back fist followed by a left overhead hooking punch. 2 Hits 28F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun +3 On Hit/-2 On Block

Carnival Split – F+MK: (Overhead) Manuela performs a two handed handstand into a full split kick. 23F Startup 70 Damage/120 Stun +1 On Hit/-6 On Block

Fiesta Flip – F+HK: Manuela performs a one handed cartwheel kick. Attack leaves her foe standing. 12F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +2 On Hit/-2 On Block


Twin Bolt – F+KKK: Manuela hits her adversary with a back right kick to the abdomen, lifts them off the ground, and kicks them across the screen with a jumping left roundhouse kick.


Volt Virtuoso – MP+MK: Manuela hits her opponent with an electric 540° Crescent Kick. Attack puts her opponent in a crumple state. Follow up attacks start scaling a 40% of normal damage. This includes critical carts. 15F Startup 40 Damage/50 Stun -12 On Block. In addition to building on block and hit, V-Gauge builds on the first hit landed on the crumpled opponent. Any additional hits of combo, beyond the first hit. Do not build V-Gauge.

V-Trigger 1:

Storm Dance – HP+HK: Manuela’s arms and legs begin to pulse with electrical energy. The stun damage of her physical special attacks is increased. The disadvantage on block is decreased on her physical special attacks.

  • Volt Virtuoso: Stun increased from 50 to 80, Disadvantage on Block decreased from -12 to -6

  • LK Volt Wheel: Stun increased from 100 to 120. Disadvantage on Block decreased from -5 to -2

  • MK Volt Wheel: Stun increased from 120 to 150. Disadvantage on Block decreased from -6 to -3

  • HK Volt Wheel: Stun increased from 150 to 200. Disadvantage on Block decreased from -7 to -4

  • EX Volt Wheel: Stun increased from 150 to 200.Disadvantage on Block decreased from -5 to 0

  • Spark Vortex : Stun increased by 30 for all versions.

  • Bolt Heel: Stun increased from 60 to 100. Disadvantage on Block decreased from -4 to -1. EX Disadvantage on Block decreased from -2 to 0

  • Bolt Sweep: Stun increased from 50 to 80. Disadvantage on Block decreased from -7 to – 4. EX Disadvantage on Block decreased from -4 to -2

  • V-Trigger duration 2400F

3-bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Spark Carnival – HP+HK: Manuela’s feet gain an aura of electrical energy. The total frames of Thunder Falcate are reduced. Disadvantage on block and advantage on hit on is improved.

  • LP Thunder Falcate: Total Frames reduced from 52 to 48. Advantage on hit is increased from -1 to +1. Disadvantage on block is reduced from -6 to -2

  • MP Thunder Falcate: Total Frames reduced from 61 to 55. Advantage on hit is increased from -1 to +2. Disadvantage on block is reduced from -6 to -1

  • HP Thunder Falcate: Total Frames reduced from 67 to 61. Advantage on hit is increased from -1 to +3. Disadvantage on block is reduced from -6 to +1

  • EX Thunder Falcate: Total Frames reduced from 54 to 49. Advantage on hit is increased from +3 to +5. Disadvantage on block is reduced from +5 to +8.

  • V-Trigger duration 1800F. LP/MP/HP cost is 450F. EX cost is 600F

2-bar V-Trigger


Thunder Falcate – HCB+P: Manuela turns her back to her foe and performs a backflip axe kick that generates a crescent shape electric projectile. At close range the kick strikes the opponent in addition to the projectile. LP(18F Startup 52 Total Frames 2 hits, Close 80 Damage/120 Stun, Far 1 hit 60 Damage/100 Stun) MP(21F Startup 61 Total Frames 3 hits Close 90 Damage/150 Stun, Far 70 Damage/120 Stun) HP(23F Startup 67 Total Frames, 4 Hits , Close120 Damage/150 Stun, Far 90 Damage/120 Stun) EX(20F Startup 54 Total Frames, 5 Hits Close 150 Damage/200 Stun, Far 120 Damage/150 Stun)

Volt Wheel -HCF+K: Manuela attacks her foe with a sparking horizontal wheel kick. Attack does not hit crouching opponents. Projectile Invulnerable Frame 3. All versions knock down. Distance is determined by the kick button. LK(6F Startup 60 Damage/100 Stun -5 On Block, ¼ Screen), MK(8F Startup 90 Damage/120 Stun -6 On Block, 1/3 Screen), HK(10F Startup 120 Damage/150 Stun -7 On Block, ½ Screen), EX (6F Startup 120 Damage/150 Stun Projectile Invincible Frame 1, Causes Juggle State, -5 on Block, ½ Screen)

Spark Vortex – F,D,DF+K (Anti- Air): Manuela performs a handstand, performs a full split kick, and spins rapidly causing her to rise into the air. LK (4F Startup 100 Damage/120 Stun, 3 hits), MK, (5F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun, 4 hits), HK (6F Startup 150 Damage/150 Stun, 5 hits). EX (4F Startup 8 hits, Full Startup Invincibility, Crush Counterable)

Spin Storm – QCB+K: Manuela strikes with two consecutive spinning sweeps kicks. The second sweep kick has three follow ups.

  • Storm Halt (No Input) Manuela stops the attack -2 On Block

  • Bolt Heel + K: Manuela strikes with a sparking spinning back mule kick to the chest 60 Damage/60 Stun, Leaves Standing, +2 On Hit, -4 On Block, EX +4 On Hit, -2 On Block

  • Bolt Sweep D+K: Manuela knocks her foes off of their feet with sparking sweep kick 40 Damage/50 Stun Knocks Down -7 On Block, EX - 4 On Block

LK (8F Startup 80 Damage/100 Stun + Follow Up) MK(10F Startup 100 Damage/100 Stun + Follow Up ) HK(12F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun + Follow up) EX(8F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun)

Critical Art:

Festive Storm -QCFx2 +K: Manuela performs a one hit right back sweep kick into a rising rotating inverted split kick combination that strikes her adversary eight times. She then sends her opponent crashing into the ground with a back flip axe kick. Her opponent is planted into the ground if the Critical Art is the final attack. 11 Hits 330 Damage (1x50, 8x20, 2x60)

Reasons to be in SFV:

Manuela met a Kenyan martial artist, Elena, at a Capoeira tournament in Brazil. She was surprised to see someone from Kenya using Capoeira. Manuela and Elena quickly became friends. They had similar personalities and she even made a few bracelets for Elena. While talking to Manuela, Elena learns about her cousin Laura. She had apparently run off to some grappling competition in Abu Dhabi. Elena is excited to go to a new place and possibly make new friends. Manuela begrudgingly agrees to go along with her new friend to find Laura and this grappling tournament.

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Chun-Li’s secrets from the ZERO era, redesign-wise. Probably just a lot of frivolous information – @bakfromon, @Midgardsorm.


That backview tho


My god, I’d give anything to be Juri in that position.

Ah yes that classic comic book “twist my spine in half so I can show my ass and tits at the same time” pose.


There’s an upper half in that picture?

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^ Reason why this thread and its posters are delicious!

Another reason for deliciousness :smiley:


As said some time ago i prefer headband to stay where it is for various reasons, to me it’s both conceptually right and as design too

As you said being bare-torso it needs something to keep upper half a bit busy

btw here

tbh i just like this one i did some time ago, more ghost/demon, fitting his astral not physical nature

EDIT: just did it quickly back home, just read i’ve done the fist stripe thing but forgot add scars you suggested, sorry


Nice! Where is this from?
The right side of it is pretty blurry, I don’t think they’ll be able to translate it. Also, can you provide a bigger scan/image?


Is their any negative thoughts and critism about Ryu in SF3 narrative?

As for Kage. I don’t want anything to do with him with Ken and the same also with Ken having to do with Kage. Include also Sakura, Bison and Gouken. Just keep Kage with Akuma and Ryu.

IF their is something I want with Kage that would be him with Necali. They would be better as paired together. NECALI + KAGE.

I don’t want any edge lord shoto anymore or any snh unless it’s Kage or Oni for being a dream match/nightmare match no need for another uber super form.

Okay here is a question… If there is an edge lord ken in the future? Which are you into?

Brainwash Ken or SNH Ken?

Me… I’m slightly fine with Brainwash Ken AKA Psycho(Violent) Ken, but im never into SNH Ken. If would be visited as the lesser complicated one.

SNH thing later in the should never be discuss other than Ryu, Kage, Gouken and Akuma IMHO.

It’s no problem at all, actually; it’s pretty understandable anyway. I just don’t have the time to do it at the moment… But wait til Sunday and I’ll translate the whole thing.
Also, I came across a pretty big chunk of info about Zangief and Capcom wrestlers as a whole. That would require a HUGE post and I don’t have time for that as well, so… But I can anticipate that I’ve found out THE manga Capcom stole SPD, Atomic Suplex, Shooting Peach, Wingless Airplane AND SO ON from.
Also, info about Zangief’s stage and theme music.


The page is from GAMEST WORLD 1995/8 Vol.2 ゲーメストワールド; I usually look for this obscure stuff on Twitter so I can’t provide myself a better, bigger scan; I’m glad that @Midgardsorm can hack the blurry side.

Many thanks, as always. I’m eager to read that Zangief info too.


Ooh, you’ve got my attention!/

Add me to the list, Gief will ever be SF best power wrestler… and one of the most interessing SF chars on general

I was always an Alex guy. But I love Gief

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If anybody at all has English scans of Ryu Final’s volume 2 let me know.

I managed to snag volume 1 on eBay but everything Volume 2 is $100+. Can’t afford it in this day and age


Look for amazon third party sellers, there’s were I got my English copy of Ryu Final vol 2 last year.

I’ve been searching through the depths of Amazon for a few months now… All I’ve found is that the price actually went up more. All third party sellers only seem to have are the Japanese mangas. No luck on ebay or Amazon :pensive: