The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

@Dracu already pointed this out but I was showing examples of the poor 3D modeling in SFIV.


Standard Gouken was a great character design and stylistically they sticked to the concept, as SF4 did for most part

Problem is SF4 3D models sucking dicks

Tbh the old-man/gorilla Ryu internet complained about (i disliked too) was that way to follow closely Ikeno’s SF4 style

So right or wrong they sticked to the artist’s vision, wich is what they’re supposed to do

And they completely changed it at first big update in SSF4 (probably realizing how far they gone from classic Ryu), end up being much closer to classic Ryu image


Actually after the fix in look it was closer to Ryu’s classic design that SFV one is, and it’s worthy of praise the fact itself that they actually fixed it

SF4 was ugly, but had some values at times

You got the timeline a big wrong, the first Ryu 3d render you show is actually from an early SF4 build before official release, Ryu looks like the second render you posted in the final released version of SF4, so he wasn’t really “fixed” until Super.


True, i think last SF4 version to have old-man Ryu may have been this one

At 00:18 there’s Ryu artwork (wich was cooler than others we got later LOL)

Then they changed it and got this
and after was replaced by this iirc

Bizzarre seem very very hard find the video artworks, some were very cool too

Exactly, you got it right! I had even forgotten about the slight differences on Ryu’s portrait from final SF4 arcade release Vs Console versions (last to pics you posted), cool finds👍.

EDIT. Where you able to find any of the artwork from the version in the video?

Great!! thanks!

By the way, flags were removed from Super onwards, they were present on console SF4 also.

No, and i searched them a lot back in the days too

better look:

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Yeah, was sad to see them go tbh, flags keept the “world tournament” vibe to me

Was bizzarre because SF4 already got very national ones even later, like Juri or Hakan

Back then they will have just gave characters like Rashid, Fang, Falke, Necalli, Kolin etc a nationality as they got obvious/easy to guess ones… they will have probably made up something even for Ed too lol (just like they did for Cammy and later Abel)

Instead now they just like to keep them vague for whatever reason

Unknown nationality can be cool when used wisely, spammed just become boring and generic lol


Yeah I also liked the flags for the same reasons you state. I vaguely remember the reason they gave for removing them (in the old developers blog) was that the VS screen was getting too cluttered with info after adding stuff like BP/PP, player tittles, etc etc.

One of my buddies at work posted this and another said it sounds like RPG music. In my head, this was the immediate, SNES sprited vison I had in my head:

Cloudless, moonlit night. A few stars are brilliantly twinkling. We see a ruined battlefield, earth and grass tossed wildly about. Craters have disfigured a one-beautiful countryside. A lone branch that once belonged to a mighty tree holds a keepsake from a titanic final battle. A charred, time and weather worn crimson headband, blows in the wind, unable to separate itself from it’s desiccated anchor.

Text begins to slowly scroll upwards from the bottom of the screen:

"Ryu and Akuma have had their final battle…a battle of this scale had rarely been seen. Brilliant movements, indescribable courage, unfathomable endurance and skill. The fight was not for the fate of the world, it was not for vengeance, it was not for conquest. It was simply to answer one, vital question that burned in the hearts of these warriors. “What is beyond your fist?”

It remains to be seen if Ryu will ever return. Ryu…where ever you are…thank you"

Fade to black.

I…uh…I dunno where that came from lol, wanted to share.


Cestus was wrong in the first but right in the second. Because that was before you corrected him out so thats when he repeats with a different take.

Most of the time all he does is echo. Obviously everyone here do reference but the thing is cestus is acting as wanted to claim bragging rights on everything while just repeating something other than sports that he is a originally fan of.

The unique one that he seems to legit know is sports not art direction which I bring to the table in the argument the moment I notice ken’s change which I have never thout that it was his. Anyway. Then he puts it into his sig lol. All he do is echo and imitate new thoughts that heard in the thread most of the time. Then when he is caught unknowingly he changed tune lol.

Like for instance keep hating the west approach of changing thing into sellouts and trendy references like he posted recently in sonic but compare to everything he usually want to is to change things to trendy references as for bragging rights or just because it’s italian lol. The guy is desperate to have something to brag on not a person concern into the cannon or the story. All he do is to make him look like that by echoing stuffs that was previously discussed.

He doesn’t even care if a cinematic two would be trashed and just made for the sake of it and would sell in a another debate. He doesn’t even care about inconsistency other than making things cool in his perspective.

Obviously contradicts his stands and intentions most of the time which also oppose of what I usuallly do which is more about restriction and limitations but the need to be more creative rather than finding excuses.

The guy is prententious he doesn’t even know animation principles other than repeatinv it after I bring it in a previous argument which it was a relavant discussion. He starts to talk like one when he heard a recent idea. He like to talk art and sport yeah he knows how to draw and sport fan also then thats it. The rest are echoed and parroted talks that slips away when he is corrected.

When arguing in character request he usually talks about character design in a very wrong approach to trivialize other wishlist but push his that is way more radical lol. That’s why it’s obvious that he just heard the term and echoed it in a wrong manner.

That was just a joke, bro.

Ah ok :slight_smile:
I get so excited for NEW characters

New Zeku/Kenji alt in motion is godlike, bought the colors too and for #5 and #8 was worth it

some possible colors tribute
#1 (of course)


immagine immagine
#10 (white with purple scarf) remind me something but i can’t point at it for sure

On side note is cool how many Zeku’s punches works so well visually with forearm blades lol

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Yeah that, plus the SF2 plane travelling the map are elements I miss. In the Sakura and Blanka trailer, I loved that they briefly brought it back, but in the games, I can only imagine how fun they could make the select screen. I do hope Capcom, with it’s modern successes (RE, MH, DMC5) gets a budget boost, so they can care about making SF6 as big as it can in all the important core areas (netcode, gameplay, promotion) but have enough to shine with the aesthetics again. (everyone has at least 1 stage, flags come back, etc).


The problem is the toxicity of character request that makes everything else less and the priority to be just about characters and gameplay because of esports. So a new storymode and a broad arcade as ambitious as SFV is threaten not to happen because fans doesn’t appreciate those breakthrough that never happened in previous SF games, while everyone in social media is ranting characters that includes those that never intended to used those characters.


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I mean those that never existed in the first place that means they were wanted for the sake of curiousity and also choosing a character that is irelevant to the current timeline than those who had better gameplay choices.

Me too, at least SF4 still used to have some kind of that

For whatever reason they still started there at doing it more generic, with stuff like Europe, North America or East-Asia etc, when we used to have nations called with theyr fucking name lol

Btw that kind of switch into generic definitions and remove geographic elements i doubt have anything to do with lack of budget
We even had a SFV World Map and a world globe, see the red lines pointing on Japan with Kanzuki Estate selected

it’s just all made purposely very very secondary and barely clear and noticeable

It’s clearly something they want get rid of, likely to avoid any recent-years-internet-outrage bullshit for this or that character being linked to this or that nation

Even when is not necessary, see Rashid who’s a good guy, one of SFV heroes and he’s almost guaranteed to be from UAE… they had to play the unknown/vague birthplace

WTF, he’s not even an ancient “mysterious” character where play that kind of shit, he’s portrayed as very modern, open and connected with the world guy

They’re just being pussies about that, because some marketing idiot told them “nationality=bad” even if it’s something that is ever been a pillar of SF universe

LOL just think the twisted path they had to justify Falke connection with Germany
" Falke knows German because the Shadaloo facility she was kept was in an area where German is spoken."
Fuck off LOL

She have:
german name
stereotype german look (tall, blond, pale skin)
german named moves
fucking german flag colors doing VT
Special taunts where she salute you in german, just to add some lol

That’s the classic SF way to go, yet they “have to” deny it

They removed flags, nationalities etc etc… they even removed Cristo Redentor (religion, but same type of reasoning) statue from Brazil lol

Likely we will never see SF return to that kind of WORLD vibe we loved, as it’s not an accidental omission

PS: well, at least we got stage nations (and flags!) called in arcade mode, even if cheap imitation of what was

For whatever reason, as you mention, Capcom has become kinda more conscious on that global aspect, biggest case in point is that for Ultra SF2 they retroactively changed Zangief to be from Russia (flag and all) instead of the usual USSR; heck, they even went as far as to remove the hammer and sickle symbol from the floor of his stage.

Now, I am aware that Zangief has been shown as being from Russia since vanilla SF4, but Ultra SF2 was the first instance were they removed his USSR origins in any of the many SF2 re releases.