The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The Chun Li and Cammy one has quite the 90’s feel.

Damn, I can’t believe they got Cammy nudes approved for the pinup cover



This is why Anakaris will never see the light of day ever again.


Urien: “Fools!! I have returned!!”


Scrub: “NANI?!”

Urien: “Aha! Look! Tremble with terror as I decimate these Neanderthals! I am your God Emperor and you will kneel before me! All of SRK and will know the glory that is I, Urien!”

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Is this accurate?

A strong man whose gained a home-town adoration. He the champion of a late-night fighting tournament held in a warehouse. He’s even had a fight with Guile.

Name: Crimson Crawdad

Height: 181 cm

Weight: 98 kg

Blood type: B

Birthday: June 12

Country of Origin: Canada

Favorite things: crawfish rumor

Dislikes: Environmental pollution

Crimson Grip (←charge→ + P) is a low attack that forces knockdown he’s a fighter who has a strong high-speed projectile arsenal. (Low, Mid, and High are variable speeds). As his name suggests, he loves raising and eating crayfish. He fights to attract audiences, though he’s a bit overtly self conscious.


Yes, it is.


While it’s not directly related to the SF lore, this video is well-researched and has some insightful points. Thought you guys might wanna see it.


I am so amazed they did a US cartoon character. :smile: so glad the profiles are back.

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because of that I would be waiting La Lupa and Satin Hammer.

or the possible inclusion of Yo Sekai, Zoltar, Senoh, Dr Sadler, Rosanov, Shun, Rinko or the cute black girl also from the animated OVA.


They don’t call it night warriors for nothing!

Good to know I still got it. Also good to know Google Translate is still just as faulty as ever.


Hahaha. I laughed hard with that translation; but I must confess I didn’t know that Crimson Crawdad was a real character from the American animated series. I never watched it; only know it for the (admittedly funny) memes. Just found the whole thing thanks to Ryoredcyclone.

And this should be the Crimson Grip:

A projectile that indeed forces Guile into a knockdown:


From the attacks name I thought Crimson Grip was a grappling move but it’s one of his high speed projectiles. Good find btw. Speaking of Guile, has anybody heard about this fan-made project?

Guile vs the Winter Soldier

Somewhere in Europe, just right after the WW2 over. American soldier raid 1 of hydra facility. American forces manage to take down all hydra personnel, but there’s 1 breaking through n ran into the forest. You guessed it, its Bucky. General send a team to track n chase after him until Bucky holds up in an old ruined wartorn city or town. They fight the winter soldier n they lose, only 1 manage to survive n get back to general. That 1 survivor told the general they r facing a monster who can catch a bullet n bend the rifle. General can’t afford to lose another man so he sends his own monster, which is Guile. Guile’s task to bring Bucky alive if possible. All road n possible access to the ruined town is blocked so bucky can’t get out. Guile heads out alone to the ruined town with his humpy loaded with guns n RPG to take out Bucky the lone Winter Soldier. And the duel in a snowy wartorn ruin of the two Super soldiers Began.

The animator already did a pretty sweet Hulk vs Saitama fight so this is definitely something to check out when released.


I want to be positive.

Max: About Capcom silence.

To be honest I won’t be bothered Capcom reusing there 90s sprites again for a all star game but with tons of characters and with improve CVS2 mechanics.


I want them to make Capcom Versus so bad…


Same here. Waiting for Ryus Brother CFN. To be honest I think it will be an evolution for the character. Give him something else to fight for. Now that he no longer has satsui up his ass maybe he can focus on something else.


Are you referring to Shun or something else?
I would love for them to cover Alpha Anime characters :slight_smile: especially Rosanov. Killer design that would be cool as a playable character.


Agreed! For a long time I’ve wanted them to do something with him and Saddler. I liked the idea of him being this hulking, smiling Romani Cyborg and even at one point envisioned him as a rival to Q. A great design that needs to be integrated into SF the way Karin & other SG manga stuff has been adopted into canon.


Tbh i did’nt likes Ryu to have a brother, at least not like in SFA anime, It will open windows… as lame It is, just let Akuma-Vader drop the i’m your father thing, make them fight, make Ryu win and Akuma finally see the light at last before die

Rather than a little brother i will like just see Ryu cover that arc and then raise/train an orphan kid (of Mel’s Age) like Gouken did with him and finally close the circle… except Ryu will looks just slighty older than now (like, could be still used as char without look like an “old master”)

Assuming the theory of dad Akuma is correct (big assumption), i will be ok to Ryu get a lil brother (half-brother) if is integrated well, but not just as random plot twist (a la SFA anime)
Explanation could be Akuma losing hopes to see Ryu rise in the SnH way, chose to generate or adopt a second son
Kind in line with this

“We planned to have the baby appear years later as a character who’d been raised by Akuma. …Man, what were we thinking?”

This could lead to Ryu becoming even more a Gouken-like figure… “father”, Master and guardian
Ryu’s new role as Master can gain a double value, specially as contrary to Gouken, Ryu got first hand experience with SnH effects

Specially as Ryu destroying Akuma will make the kid orphan, wich will make the kid become his responsibility
Maybe if Akume before death understand his errors, can reveal Ryu about the kid asking him to repair is error… as the kid is already heavy set up into SnH path
Imagine a kid who passed his first 4-5 years of life with Akuma, at 5 he will have eternal Vegeta-face LOL

ps: btw at the end in SFA anime Shun was’nt truly Ryu brother

I liked Rosanov, they could have canonized him and go for some kind of T.Hawk/Maxima(KoF) mix

Rosanov could work well as sub-boss, he’s a perfect archetype for Boss bodyguard and his cyborg side could have made him unique

I will be ok also on just recycle his whole imagery and get a similar colossus half built with Illuminati’s technology, we still did’nt got a true big guy/grappler from Illuminati

But will also just like get straight the original Rosanov, he was a cool char

On other hand Sadler was crap to me, i’m ok with him out of canon