The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I wonder where they managed to pick that up that it was first a speculation or theory that manage to be confused as canon because of being wide spreading.

Because it made me think that why Ken isn’t even manage to fight with his master that time or are they both defeated by Akuma.

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lol you remove your answer about Ken witnessing Gouken demise.

Because like I said, I misread Gouken’s SSFII bio from the Super Plot Guide, it says Gouken witnessed his master’s death, not Ken.

Ever about SF1, not sure how much legitimacy have but the wiki seem to point a whole series of “facts” that have no idea how to consider… total bullshit, reconnection, canon or whatever. Does’nt help rarely source is given

Keep in mind, I KNOW wikis often are built on steaming bullshit, but in this case i hope any subsequent source someway support it, as it make infinitely more sense than have a 12 characters cast from 5 different nations, only to have Ryu beting some nobodys in Thailand + Sagat

Just to share:

SF1 as tournament, the wiki always refer to SF1 as “the first world warrior tournament”

Retsu defeated by Ryu in SF1
“Retsu loses to Ryu in the first world warrior tournament in front of a temple in Japan.”


Lee defeated by Ryu in SF1
" Lee is a Chinese martial artist who participated in the first World Warrior tournament but ends up losing to Ryu."


Birdie defeated by Ryu in SF1
" His notoriety got him invited to the first World Warrior tournament. He was apparently sick during the tournament (causing him to look paler). He also lost his fight with Ryu."


Adon defeated by Ryu in SF1
" The cocky Adon lets his guard down when he faces Ryu, who takes him out with a single Shoryuken. Afterwards, Ryu goes on to defeat Sagat, which leads to Adon’s eventual distancing of himself from his teacher."


Eagle defeated by Sagat and Ryu in some timeline close to SF1
" Eagle was born in the UK. A cold-blooded individual, Eagle is a bouncer who was employed as a newly-rich noble family’s bodyguard during the first World Warrior tournament. He was hired to defeat Sagat, but was unsuccessful and returned to the bar scene, eventually becoming a living legend. He later fought against Ryu and lost."


Again, possibly all made up, but fuck if does’nt make way more sense next to SF1 as a game

Nah, You confirmed it. lol


I stumble upon this.

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Ken fights in the American tournament sometime before SFZ2 so possibly during the time Ryu beats Sagat.
Adon could’ve been one of the 15 other fighters Ryu fought on his way to fight Sagat.

Can’t find anything about Ken meeting Akuma after fighting Gouken. The plot guide points to the fact that All About Capcom points to Ken’s win quote against Shin Akuma mentioning he was surprised he was still alive. Akuma responds that he wants to see his burning fist again which implies that they had met at some point. The old plot guide puts the event before SFZ because Ken doesn’t have a solid chance to meet according to the game narrative. The story narrative presents a chance when Ryu and Ken are training and witness Akuma’s first battle with Gouken where Gouken wins. This is because he remembers it during the AASFZ backstory after he hears about Ryu beating Sagat while on a plane flight.

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I seem to recall Ryu beat both Adon and Sagat but still thought Sagat brought shame with his defeat.

Alpha 1 and New Generation are canon, but both are upgraded by Alpha 2 and 2nd Impact add or expand onto the canon so think of them as a canon + to those stories.

Because that’s not something Mu or emptiness does. I suggest you look through the multiple discussions about what Mu does in the previous threads. For a long story short, Mu doesn’t so much empty your soul as it does your mind so that user may react without hesitation to counter a thousand strikes in an instant, or really any sort of attack.

Think of Alpha 3 as more of a backstory of SF2 with multiple endings which reflect upon the various what if situations which could have happened. Alpha 3 is either seen as a legit sequel to Alpha 2 which leads into SF2, or a what-if scenario of SF2, or a complete what if scenario before SF2 in Japan so maybe those endings happened or maybe they didn’t. You have to look at the whole canon and how it’s affected by those endings. I wouldn’t say that Karin destroyed the Psycho Drive because nothing in the canon reaffirms this, though I see part of Mika’s SFA3 ending occurring because she remembers Zangief saving her from falling rubble during her story mode.

There’s no explanation at this time.

Most of those are based on speculation like Oro forfeiting. Ryu probably lost to Oro if they met. Ryu’s rival quote to Ken in 3S mentions his record is better. Not sure where it mentions Ryu fighting Hugo. Alex probably won but its basically all speculation besides that which you can piece together through different endings. I feel like SF3 series has less what if endings overall so it makes it easier to piece together.

To answer your last 3 questions. AASFZ2 talks about Akuma’s fight with Gotetsu. Doesn’t mention much about dying happy but he does die none the less.

Instant Prison Muder is a more accurate translation.

And there’s only one SF4 tournament. Zangief may have been the public winner but the tournament had fallen apart at that point so theres no real way to say.


Yes. Just like previously mentioned, SFIII New Generation had it’s storyline expanded with 2nd Impact. Almost 90% of Zero 1 in-game story was updated/overwritten in Zero 2. The only exceptions being Sagat and Ken’s ending. I actually liked the Z1 endings more than Z2, this includes Chun-Li being Psycho Crushed by Vega/Bison and Nash being murdered by Vega in person, just like described in Guile’s SF2CE japanese account.

This is stated in:
All About Street Fighter Zero 3 (there’s even a timeline with how many years have passed between the games)
All About Capcom Head-To-Head Fighting Game
Street Fighter: Beyond the World (timeline)

I don’t quite remember if the Street Fighter Eternal Challenge states this as well.

I’ll have to diverge with @bakfromon on this one.
Capcom already stated that Zero 3 and SF2 are separate (main) events. Capcom NEVER stated that Zero 3 and SF2 were merged like they did, more than once, with Z1/Z2 and SF3NG and 2nd Impact. This was wrongly assumed when Capcom of Japan released an promo animation of what happened shortly after SF2 (the same animation that I shared a few posts back) during SF4 console release. If this animation is canon or not is highly debatable. Capcom never mentioned the events of that animation in any publication. Not even SFV: AE or the profiles at 30th Collection (which were made by a 3rd party and are full of errors) mentions it.
SFV: AE endings mentions that some minor Z3 events, like Sagat still with Shadaloo, happens after SF2. AE endings also helps to clarify what could have happened in SFZ3:

  • Ryu fought with Vega and lost, Vega takes him to the Shadaloo laboratory (Vega’s SFZ2 ending, however, the laboratory is probably in the Psycho Drive base);
  • Ryu is brainwashed with Psycho Power as an attempt to bring out all his power, the SNH (Vega’s SFZ2 ending and some SFZ3 stories and endings);
  • Ken, Sakura (possibly with Dan and Blanka) fights with Psycho Powered Ryu and Vega. I don’t think Sagat was present, as he’s with Shadaloo in SF2 (several SFZ3 endings, Sagat SFV: AE SF2 ladder ending);
  • During the fight, Ryu awakens the SNH (possibly with Vega threatening Sakura’s life), Ryu recalls his friends words and, with a Shoryuken, defeats Vega (Ryu, Sakura, SFZ3 ending, Ryu SFV: AE SFZ ladder ending);
  • Weakened, Vega retreats, in the way he fights with Rose. Rose wins, wounding even more Vega, however Vega counter-attack wounding Rose (Rose SFZ3 final battle and ending);
  • During those fights, several fighters (Zangief and Mika among them) attack the Psycho Drive base. Their efforts end up destroying the Psycho Drive. (several SFZ3 endings, SF: Beyond the world timeline);
  • Vega’s body explodes and his soul rejoin with Rose’s (Rose SFZ3 ending, SF: Eternal Challenge);
  • Shadaloo is officialy declared destroyed (several SFZ3 endings, SF: Beyond the world timeline);
  • Shadaloo, in the shadows, starts the living incubator program to create a new body for Vega. Abel and 27 “Seths” are created as artificial human beings (SF Beyond the World timeline, SF4 and SSF4 complete works character relation chart);
  • There is a fire in the base where Abel was being experienced on. Abel gets rescued by someone who can use the Sonic Boom, Nash (Abel’s online backstory and prologue in vanilla SF4, SF4 and SSF4 complete works character relation chart);
  • Nash finds Vega (now in his SF2 body) and gets killed (Nash’s SFZ2 ending, Nash and Vega’s SFV story modes, SF Beyond the world timeline);
  • Vega (with Shadaloo, still in the shadows), organizes the World Warrior tournament (SF2 story, SF Beyond the world timeline).

This pretty much covers the gist of what happens between Zero 3 and SF2.

I don’t quite remember it. Was Ryu, in the AASFZ account, in Thailand specifically to fight Sagat? Wasn’t he there because Muay Thai was one of the styles with strongest fighters around at the time (not mentioning Sagat specificaly)?

World Warrior tournament, with this title, there’s only one: SF2. USFIV, in Poison and Elena prologue, it mentions that the SF4 is “Worldwide Fighting Tournament”.


Both! Sagat is basically King of the fighting world in SF because of the fact that Muay Thai is the strongest style and he’s the top dog in the sport. Ryu knew that with him being a nobody starting out he couldn’t just out right challenge Sagat. He decided that beating enough people in Muay Thai would eventually gain enough reputation to fight Sagat.


Besides from Adon, Eagle and Ryu who are the guys during SF1 that managed to meet Sagat?

Did Eagle had a interesting hint in his conversation with Adon, Ken, Gen and Birde in SF Alpha3?

Did Ken and Adon had met each other before?

@The_Shakunetsu He only seems to know Adon but considering their shared link to Sagat it’s obvious:

To Adon: “So little has changed since I saw you last.”

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I only found Eagle links with Gief and Guile surprisingly. I was wondering besides from In-game quotes if there are other things in the sources.

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I just came back after doing a quick Google search, I think it’s only the characters that were new to A3 (Maki, Yun) that got character-specific quotes but correct me if wrong. Apart from the “White Birdie” reference I can’t seem to find anything else on SF1 in the A3 quotes.

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I never had trusted the wiki ever since. the biggest trouble in today when speculation became widespreading was mixed with the sources.

I used to like SF1 as a tournament for the event of Ryu versus Sagat because of that sole relevant info, but now it feels lacking of detail?

I usually do avoid it as much as possible but I doubt that even they would fake quotes. I hear it’s not as rife with misinformation as it was in the past and let’s not forget that wiki’s main priority is more the gameplay. At least it isn’t as bad or as lazy as the Fighters Generation’s character bios.

If anyone needed plot info they really should go to the plot guide but I understand that isn’t the easiest to find.

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Cool art


I like how the woman behind Chun and Sim is freaked out by Sim’s flexibility.


This is actually what I started working on when veered off into Tosa Japan with Makoto. Retsu, the last of the SF1 fighters that haven’t been appeared again.


Name: Retsu

Nickname: The Exiled Master

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Japanese

Height: 6ft 0in (1.89m)

Weight: 170lbs (91kg)

B/W/H: 44-32-33(112cm-81cm-84cm)

Hometown: Tadotsu, Japan

Appearance: Retsu is bald old man off above average height with thick black eye brows. He has black chin beard that is in a single braid that hangs down to the center of his chest. Retsu wears a white short sleeve karategi. The sleeves come to his elbow and his pant legs are full length. He wears a black sleeveless vest over his karategi top. The collar and center of the vest has a gold trim. Retsu’s karategi top and vest are held together with a red karate belt that his tied at his left side. His hands and feet are bare.

Likes: Jelly, Gardens, Cleaning

Dislikes: Ghost Stories

Fighting Style: Shorinji Kempo

Tone: Retsu stern appearance hides his humorous demeanor. The brashness of his youth has been replaced with a dry sense of humor.

Origins: Retsu was a wild and brash youth. Unable to handle him in, his father sent him to study martial arts at the nearby Shorinji Kemp temple. The monks of the temple were able to reign Retsu in for a time. He excelled at the martial arts. Their discipline granted him a focus that he had lacked previously.

Retsu slowly surpassed his peers as he grew into adulthood. His contemporaries were no longer a match for him. Despite his youth, Retsu began to train with the masters of the temple. They were only people at the temple that could push him to his limits.

By the time he was middle aged, Retsu had surpassed everyone at the temple. He started training against multiple opponent’s at once to keep from becoming bored. That only satiated his drive for a short time. The brashness of his youth slowly returned. He began to dig into the temple archives. There he found multiple forbidden Shorinji Kempo techniques. Learning these skills was against the temple rules. Retsu began to practice these techniques in secret. Slowly mastering them all.

One day when Retsu was training against a couple of his fellow masters he lost focus. He accidentally used a few of the forbidden techniques to incapacitate them. The temples grandmaster was furious. After convening the temples masters, Retsu was excommunicated from the temple. He embarked on a musha shugyo (Warriors Pilgrimage). During his time roaming Asia, Retsu met and befriended several other masters. Ansatsuken Master Gouken and Rindokan Karate Master Masaru became the closest of those friends.

Listless he entered Sagat’s World Martial Arts challenge. As a member of the temple he was not allowed to enter such competitions. While his friendly sparring sessions with Gouken and Masaru were fun, a full contact tournament would allow him to truly show off his skills. Much to his surprised, he was defeated by one of Gouken’s star pupils, Ryu.

This caused Retsu to rethink his path. His hubris cost him a fight against relative novice several years his junior. It was only after that defeat did the lessons of the Shorinji Kemp Temple truly began to resonate with him. Finally taking those lessons to heart, Retsu disappeared into the mountains of Japan to rebuild his style from scratch.

His Rival: Zeku

Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 5 Range: 3 Mobility: 1 Technique: 4

1025 Stamina 1025 Stun


Byoubu Daoshi (Folding Screen Topple) – LP+LK: Retsu grabs his opponent’s wrist with his left hand and strikes his foe in the neck with a knife hand strike while sweeping their legs out from under them with his right leg. 150 Damage/150 Stun

Tsubame Gaeshi (Swallow Reversal) – B+LP+LK: Retsu grabs his opponent’s wrist with his left hand, strikes his foe in the jaw with a right hammer fist, spins while still holding his foes wrist, and flips them over his shoulder behind him. 160 Damage/200 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Teisho Uchi (Palm Heel Strike) – F+LP: Retsu hits his foe with a quick straight open palm strike. 4F Startup 40 Damage/50 Stun, +3 on Hit

Tate Empi Uchi (Upward Elbow Strike) – B+MP: (Anti Air): Retsu strikes his opponent with a standing right elbow uppercut. Attack forces stand. 6F Startup, 70 Damage/100 Stun, +3 on Hit, 0 on Block.

Tetsui Uchi (Hammer Fist Strike) - F+HP: (Overhead) Retsu hits his foe with a standing left hammer right punch. 21F Startup, +2 on Hit, -6 on Block. 80 Damage/150 Stun

Chokujou Tsuki (Above Punch) - B+HP: (Anti Air) Retsu unleashes a powerful left punch directly above his head. Attack does not hit grounded opponents. 8F Startup 32F Recovery 100 Damage/150 Stun

Hiza Geri (Knee Kick) – F+LK: Retsu strikes with a short range quick standing knee to the midsection. 5F Startup 50 Damage/50 Stun +3 on Hit.

Kansetsu Geri (Knee Joint Kick) – F+MK: Retsu performs standing left low stomp kick to the opponent’s knee. Must be blocked low. 10F Startup 75 Damage/150 Stun +4 on Hit, +1 on Block

Kakato Otoshi Geri (Heel Drop Kick)- B+HK: (Overhead) Retsu hops forward a short distance while performing a right axe kick. 26F Startup, +3 on Hit, -2 on Block. 90 Damage/120 Stun

Nidan Tsuki (Same Arm Punch Combination) – F+LP, B+MP: (Target Combo) Retsu strikes with a right palm strike-right elbow uppercut combination. 4F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun, +1 on Hit, -5 on Block

Ren Tsuki (Two Punch Combination) – B+MP, F+HP: (Target Combo) Retsu hit his adversary with a right elbow uppercut-left hammer fist combination. 6F Startup 100 Damage/200 Stun, -1 on Hit, -8 on Block

Sanbon Tsuki (Three Punch Combination) – LP,MP,HP : (Target Combo) Retsu executes a left-right straight punch combination followed by a double straight punch. Knocks down the opponent. 4F Startup 90 Damage/120 Stun -2 on Hit, -6 on Block


Yoko Geri Kekomi (Side Thrust Kick) – F+KKK: Retsu kicks his adversary in the face with a snapping side thrust kick. Leaves foes standing.


Kasokuundou (Accelerated Motion) – MP+MK: Retsu lets out a shout while performing a brief kata. This enhances the properties of his next dash. Gains a small amount of V-Gauge upon complete of the kata animation. Gains V-Gauge from the next landed or blocked attack while in this enhanced states.

  • Forward Dash Startup Reduced from 19F to 16F. Dash distance increased from 150 to 175

  • Backward Dash Startup Reduced from 25F to 22F. Dash distance increased from 100 to 125

V-Trigger 1:

Wakawakashii Katsuryoku (Youthful Vigor)– HP+HK: Retsu lets out a loud “Kiai!” and regains the mobility of his prime.

  • Forward Dash Startup Reduced from 19F to 16F. Dash distance increased from 150 to 175

  • Backward Dash Startup Reduced from 25F to 22F. Dash distance increased from 100 to 125

  • Forward Walkspeed increased from 2.5 to 4.0

  • Backward Walkspeed increased from 2.0 to 3.0

  • Kakokuundou now grants a 15F Forward Dash and 21F Back Dash

3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent

V-Trigger 2:

Roujin Tsuyosa (Old Man Strength)– HP+HK: Retsu lets out a loud “Kiai!” building his already impressive power.

  • Normal Attacks receive a 10% Damage Boost

  • Special Attacks received a 10% Stun Boost

  • Kasokuundou, Sadagen, and Kudasho gain armor Frame 3

  • Shinrei Gekisai Sandanzuki damage increased from 360 to 400

V-Trigger Duration 1500F 2-Bar V-Trigger


Sadagen (Rushing Strike Fist) – QCF+P : Retsu pulls back his left fist, he then burst forward rapidly, striking his foe with an straight punch to the sternum. All versions become projectile invincible on frame 3 and leave his opponent standing. Punch button determines the distance traveled. When properly spaced all versions of this attack is -2 on Block. MP version is -4 on block at point blank range. HK version is – 6 on block at point blank range. LP (10F Startup, ¼ Screen, 100 Damage/120 Stun), MP (15F Startup, ½ Screen, 120 Damage/120 Stun), HP (20F Startup, ¾ Screen, 140 Damage/150 Stun), EX (17F Startup, ¾ Screen, Fully Projectile Invincible, 150 Damage/200 Stun, -2 on Block Point, 0 on Block Point Properly Spaced)

Hishou Tegatana (Soaring Hand Blade)- QCB+P (In Air): Retsu draws back his right arm over his head while jumping forward and chops violently straight down towards the ground. The punch button determines the damage and attack properties. LP(8F Startup, 100 Damage/120 Stun, +3 On Hit, Leaves Standing) MP(10F Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun, +4 On Hit, Leaves Standing), HP(12F Startup, 160 Damage/200 Stun, Knocks Down) EX(12F Startup, 160 Damage/200 Stun, +6 On Hit, -2 On Block)

Futogen (Wind Launch Fist)- HCB+P (Command Grab): Retsu grabs his opponent. He hits them under the chin with a left upward palm strike that launches them into the air. All versions have a 8F Startup. Launch height and Range determined by the punch button pressed. LP (Most Range, 80 Damage/100 Stun, Lowest Juggle Height), MP(Less Range, 90 Damage/120 Stun, Higher Juggle Height), HP(Least Range, 100 Damage/150 Stun, Highest Juggle Height), EX(6F Startup, Most Range, 100 Damage/150 Stun, Highest Juggle Height)

Kudasho (Sky Strike Heel) – QCF+K: Retsu soars towards his opponent with a lighting fast flying kick. When properly spaced all versions of this attack is -2 on Block. MK version is -5 on block at point blank range. HK version is – 7 on block at point blank range. All versions knock down the opponent and become projectile invincible on frame 3. LK (¼ Screen, 120 Damage/150 Stun), MK (½ Screen, 140 Damage/150 Stun), HK (¾ Screen, 160 Damage/200 Stun), EX (¾ Screen, Fully Projectile Invincible, 180 Damage/200 Stun, -2 on Block Point, 0 on Block Point Properly Spaced)

Critical Art:

Shinrei Gekisai Sandanzuki (Spirit Pulverising Three Part Thrust )- QCFx2+P: Retsu strikes his foe with a powerful right punch to the lower abdomen followed by strong left punch to the chin that launches them into the air. While waiting for them to descend, Retsu charges a blindingly fast Sadagen that strikes his adversary in the spine and slams them into the side of the stage/screen. 4 hits 360 Damage (2x70, 1x170, 1x50)

Reasons to be in SFV:

Retsu wishes to pass his style along to the next generation. He enters the world martial arts tournament seeking to find two disciplines. Retsu learned from his friend Gouken that having two students that train along side each other is the best way to pass along one’s art.

Side Notes:

  • Retsu’s name is Japanese for Furious

  • His background has some parallels with Akuma/Gouki’s as they both were kicked out for studying forbidden techniques

  • Shorinji Kempo is based on Shaolin Kung Fu. Shorinji Kempo is Japanese for Shaolin Temple Boxing

  • Shorinji Kempo and Rindokan Karate are very similar styles that share some common philosophies and techniques.

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