The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

One of my sort of guilty pleasure/love-hate thing is Bison’s turtle-speed teleporting in the SFxTK promo.

It’s like he never manages to finish “teleporting”.


Those trailers were the best part of that game.

Well…that and color select mode.


I seriously think SFxT is enjoyable gameplay wise, just wished the darn gems were not there, otherwise I like it.


SFxT is a better game than SF4. It’s a shame all the controversy sank that game

Its chain-launcher-tag combo system sucked fucking balls.

I always wanted a 1vs1 option to see how the game would play without that stupid gameplay.

Right. After all, Gomes had Freak, his monkey companion who was stated to be more intelligent than him. Tar-chan had Etekichi, and it was a running gag in the manga that Etekichi was cleverer than him.

Here he’s given onions to chop by a tourist, and when Etekichi runs away Tar-chan fears the task was too much for Etekichi and scared him… only for Etekichi to come back with a DIVING MASK to avoid crying while chopping the onions - yes, I struggled to find a gag that WASN’T sexual, and still we can see Tar-chan’s genitals…

It was much worse than that: the English backstory in SFZ3 didn’t mention she was a goddess anywhere. It was pure FANWANK, due to her claiming to be “the owner of Psycho Power” (how in the world can you OWN an immaterial thing pertaining to someone else? Come on) AND, I surmise, her CFAS profile of the time, where she had the emblem “Eternal Goddess”. Someone simply said “I think she’s the sun goddess” and that thing ended up in the Plot Guide as a FACT, whence it spread everywhere, uncontested till today.

Exactly. And it’s not just that: I think in some cases the devs really didn’t notice or remember what inspired them in the first place. Another reason could be the fact that… Well, some of the inspiration would be pretty controversial to reveal today. Tar-chan is something that almost no Western parent would let his kids read. The author of the manga that inspired Mika and Makoto did mainly lolicon works, and THE OTHER one… Let’s say he has some sexist, Japanese far-right and anti-American views that transpire in his works, and that would be a bit problematic to explain. @bakfromon and @LOVECYCLONE know whom I’m referring to. I’ll drop the bomb TOMORROW. Brace yourselves.


SFxT also has another minor issue that isn’t talked about: Having to learn two fully featured characters that would have felt complete in a 1v1 title, and switch between them on the fly, is a significant time investment. For comparison, the MvC games normally have simpler characters with fewer moves, rarely more than 3/4 distinct special moves, and simpler inputs. While this isn’t as big of an issue for the core, competitive level (who invest that time already), it can make the game much harder to pick up for everyone else.

In a traditional 1v1 fighting game, you can add a bit more complexity to individual characters because the player can fully invest in that character. If you translate a character built for that kind of a system to a tag game, the upper end of what was previously reasonable starts to become overly complicated for the situation.

To their credit, Capcom at least tried to avoid bringing over the “harder” characters from SF4, and implemented a more universal combo system based on hit states and chains as opposed to SF4’s links. However, you still had the full spectrum of normals and command normals, and the Tekken characters in particular were bad about having bloated move lists with extra stances/follow ups because they were translated from a game with a significantly larger move list.

I only go to this length to explain this because apparently SF6 was a tag game at some point, so this may help explain why that approach was problematic.

I believe the chain combo system was put in place to mitigate some of that complexity, just a guess.

Ki and magic can be difficult to separate in japanase/eastern works. When I say magic, what I imply essentially is that those powers do not come from physical training at all. Dhalsim is a mystic, yes, but Yoga in SF implies a strong emphasis on physical training, and Dhalsim’s powers derive from that (and meditation of course)
Stretching limbs is just a physical feature, and fire is classically considered one of the easiest manifestation of Ki. Floating is also something that is usually considered feasible with Ki.
Teleport is already at another level, but please note that initially Dhalsim could not teleport. The move has been introduced after the WW, alongside other moves like Chun-Li’s projectile for example.

Ultimately, Yoga which includes physical training (so Ki) explains Dhalsim powers. No such thing explains Rose’s power.
Dhalsim trained to gain his powers. Rose was born with them. That’s where it’s not Martial Art anymore but magic bullshit.

There was little that was visible, but from what you could see in the game you could already deduce more or less what was accepted in the universe and what wasn’t.

Those were the best in the world and not all of them could manifest Ki visibly. In SF1 there were only Ryu, Ken and Sagat. There was even a story at one point that Ryu thought Sagat was the one who killed Gouken because he was killed by a Ki manifestation and nearly nobody could do it, so he jumped to conclusion when he saw Sagat throwing a Tiger Shot. This might not be canon anymore but remains a proof of a time when external Ki was a big deal.
In SF2 WW they added Guile, Dhalsim, potentially Blanka and of course M Bison (assuming Psycho power is some sort of negative/malefic Ki as indicated by the purple color).
Then in later SF2 iterations, they added Chun-Li, Zangief, Fei Long and Dee Jay.

Even in the late era of SF2 they were already rising the level.

Then came alpha and SF3 and even untrained people and machines started using external Ki.

So yeah, while it’s true that there wasn’t much in SF, SF2 and we can’t be sure of what was intended, we at least had big hints that there has been a big escalation in fantastic since the beginning.

Do you have a link? I would be interested to see that. From what I was able to retrieve, all comes from a couple of pixelized background characters and a remark in a book that was about this movie.
Also, I don’t deny that there always were some fantastic elements, Blanka and Dhalsim being the most fantastic initially.

A ceiling is only possible if the developers don’t take the existing and take it as a ‘normal’ level but as the exception. Twelve is already far too much for me, but let’s say that Necro is acceptable in terms of cyborg, in this case we should consider Necro as an extreme case of cyborg, not something SF universe has a dime a dozen.
Canonization of RS for example does the contrary of that.

I hope it can be done.

Bracing myself!

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SFxTK was a compendium of bad ideas and even worse executions. Complete disaster.

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Anyone only does chain-launcher-tag if they need their character out so they don’t lose the round. Tag cancels was where it’s at.

Neo Geo Battle Coliseum was SO MUCH better.

I’m kind of glad there will never be a Capcom Vs SNK 3 game, because something tells me 70% of the roster would still be characters from Street Fighter II and KOF The Orochi Saga.

keep your french char doing french martial art in french stage in France pls

I already have to pray for another rep jump in while making them forget the crap italian girl they designed in sfv sketches and let go any Maggio idea. And Aprile needs to die too.

As you see we’re already pretty busy here lol

At least Maggio is better than Vulcano Rosso.

Isn’t Rose the Italian representative?

As italian Rosso (SFEX one, not recent arika shit) was by far the best SF rep italy ever had up to this day
Great design, great moveset, lot of links to Italy

Maggio has not even been designed ever by any SF designer, unless we want count kiki as a SF designer ( :cold_face: ) and even there the result was’nt pretty lol
I even defended the logic behind have him as yoyo user (soul power users can use ki to use “weak” objects as weapon) but i don’t want him either

Back to SF4 they almost did a not-Rosso with Smalt Raven (just as Hakan reminded Darun) but they scrapped the idea
Not that the idea was good, dude had same bullshit equipment of C.Viper and was boring spy agent too

Rose is a nice elegant design but as rep give zero to me
My only hope is at least she will come with dat great Venice SFV concept stage :pray:

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His design sucks, IMO. Also, he doesn’t fit into SF; he’s one of the most classic ‘Arika-brand’ characters (that’s why his design didn’t even change for FEXL).

He’s also a gay representative, am I wrong?

And well, Maggio has a tertiary character design; definitely not playable stuff. But I don’t dislike his design, like I do with Rosso.

Ideally would be 100% SF vs FF+AoF.

I dunno, looks like an italian stage to me. Isn’t the night club name in italian? For sure it’s not in french.

Yes, an italian deliquent that is in fact dressed as a japanese delinquent and has nothing italian. It reminds me of someone from sf3 but who?

At least the name is ok, we have “Février” …

Shame for the stupid hair.

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Nah, we already had more or less that in CvS1 and 2.

If I could do CvS3, I would make it a sort of mix between Tatsunoko Vs Capcom and NGBC.

The SvC roster actually was way better than the CvS. Having characters like Tessa, Demitri or Mega Man Zero; or Mars People from SNK, was awesome and refreshing.

If you’re gonna do CvS3, make it be more like NGBC and less like SFxTK.

I would like a tag system similar to KOF XI, to begin with. That was great fun.

Only thing wrong with that is that it should be 80%