The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Just saying you probably can’t go back.
I’m also really curious on how good could the SFV newcomers adapt to SFVI if they simplify the game mechanics.

Remy does have a unique gamestyle. Guile doesn’t have his projectiles supers, or his launcher throw, or his counter/reversal Super or his low/high projectiles, or his unique EX projectiles, or his special kick…

Remy is just fine. Could add a couple more moves, but needs zero “redesign” of his moveset. He’s already unique.


I’m okay with Darth his part of the balance here, speaking out to personal preference is okay it’s brings out ideas and real opinion in a different perspective.

Than someone that pretends to speak at a design perspective yet full of inconsistency, biases
and contradictions that would even create fake terms and categories to in a desperate attempt to alienate and misled someone in an argument.

Sometimes would even shill to others personal interest even it entirely different from previous arguments. What it does is only shut down personal opinion with jargons and unfamiliarity to unknowing individuals. That is called a pseudointellectual.

It’s easy to spot one especially when they introduce themselves, you often caught them red handed shill for the wrong thing but would later agree and go to the opposite if entirely. It means they tried to talk fraudulently in a desperate attempt in arguments and if would be caught would suddenly agree.

They don’t point out the mistake because of not compromising to a design theories , design case studies and understanding in design but rather misuse term or even create term and categories that wasn’t even true or there in order to support their biases. They may say this is now later it’s not. They would even disagree at first like it was some design flaws but all made up later they would agree with what they disagree because they are caught in a huge mistake lol.

It’s better to always had personal opinions clash because it gave a different perspective and productivity to know were the real problems arise that either can help improve the franchise than fakes and shills that lacks consistency that would just speak out of personal biases and claim it as character design than to silence someone else by being a fraud or tricking someone. lol

Great character design as with a hell of alot of snk characters

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He’s a sort of Donovan. He summons fire and thunder gods as part of his routine fighting style.

I’d say he didnt fit in Fatal Fury by @DarthEnder’s standars and wouldn’t fit in SF either.

The thing is we can’t flip the switch back to previous theme, but what we can do is hold them back and avoid them to be not as loose as possible. Create boundaries and standards base on what’s already there.

Rather than throwing references from other sources to blur more the the ideas that already establish. A restriction and limitation.

Agree, It’s like people just asking for a full reboot.

The thing is it won’t still compromised to the ideas they like.

Since this is a fighting game. Why? Most requested character is either there individual appeal or their gameplay. It’s not the theme that sell and the problem of this huge fighting game franchise, because the theme is already different from where it started and nobody cared so much with the original theme of the franchise. It would go along it’s prime that’s SFA and SF2.

The a huge franchise like a fighting game that would spawn multiple sequel can’t hold back theme is the last thing, next is the story. Especially if it’s a reboot.

The theme is the last thing that would hold developers and designers to prevent a sought out character from the previous iteration of the franchise not returning to a reboot or a sequel.

Yes she would. She doesn’t exist in the SF universe.

Oh I will. But not because he’s not playable. Because he’s Balrog.

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I’m kind of fine with Crimson Viper. I’m not a fan of her gadgets, but she’s a secret agent with a formal martial arts training and it shows in her animations. That’s a legit background for a fighting game character for me. She’s got a fine personality, too. She’s very far from being Area from SFEX2.

It’s a character that has grown on me after my intial skepticism for her KoF looks.


Yeah, so what’s the problem with Bison?

Yeah, but you don’t have to stop there. Sure some martial artists are gonna be in training outfits when going to a fight, but some may not feel the need to and go with their in-universe casual, some are going to add flair to their look (i.e. Chun Li, Juri), Bison’s a mad dictator with random anime martial arts that gave him powers, but that not that crazy of a leap given anime martial arts like SF’s daddy, Fist of the North Star. With all the focus on mind-body-spirit improvements, having some leaps to go down the path of enhanced psychic abilities (a common trope in live action, manga, anime, toku, toys, etc in Japan) isn’t that crazy.

Also, I like the variety in looks. Not everyone’s gonna stay memorable in just a gi like Ryu and Ken, some people are gonna knock it out of the park with designs like Terry Bogard, like Guile, etc

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His point likely was that Remy specials wise would be redundant with Guile around as both have very similar specials, something not wrong

As you said they can not change but add some, wich would help give his moveset an unique identity more far from Guile’s shadow and make more simple both get a slot

For what’s worth i never been against Remy’s return… a french savateur feels just SF to me, and the more euros jump in SF the better

Only thing i ever truly hated is his standard color palette…
But tbh i ever guessed the cause of it was the same of Ryu blue hair, Gill and Oro’s skin etc

So this is why Gods told me to raise the gladius in your defense



Only way id accept Ingrid in SF is if they completelt revamped her storyline so shes no longer some sort of alien superbeing but just a regular rich bitch like karin. Its kinda lame but better than uber powerful supposedly stronger than Gill/Oro/Goutetsu etc

They’re not similar. Only the flash kick.

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Turn her into an Athena and a popstar too

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Dude got the flash kick and a charge projectile that looked a lot like sonic booms

Again, i’m totally ok with Remy and i see in him enough to grow into a completely independent character, but let’s not pretend he was’nt designed by sf3 team to replace Guile/Nash figure

He have already stuff that made him different, but they can still push him further from Guile to avoid feel redundant

Yup just a few changes on how his flash kick works his gonna be a brand new character.few adjustment on startup, range and recovery, but still keep the animation very similar. then change the execution command of his flash kick or his sonic boom not both choose one.

Guile already played differently same thing with Nash.

That’s like saying Sagat is like Ryu because both have a shoryuken and Sagat has a projectile that “looked a lot like the Hadouken”.

Ryu can’t shoot his hadouken at low height like Sagat does, just like Guile can’t shoot his Sonic Boom at low height like Remy does.

On the M.Bison thing
I’m perfectly fine with how he was, he’s the most iconic fight Boss ever
But if they made official him being a Lerdrit fighter (wich was probably the intention judging his background/moveset) will have been even better

For C.Viper, give her solid and recognized style (Krav Maga would have been perfect) instead generic “martial arts training” would have helped a lot accept her in SF universe

But i never said Remy is identical to Guile, i said his specials were designed to replace Guile after sf3 team killed sf2 cast
From there you get Hawkingbird opinion of Remy being redundant in a game that does’nt kill sf2 cast (Guile in)

Imho he’s not entirely wrong, just as you’re not wrong either at believe they can be in same game
My position is exactly half way, the characters have so many differences that can be in same game, but to avoid being redundant Remy better change a bit (even just adding) adapting to the new condition of be in a game where Guile exist

Remy would have been a good character to bring to SFV revamped (as would have been sean). Not sure why its ok to have like 6 shotos in the game but not 3 guiles

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That’s assuming have 6 shotos is good thing
Personally i consider it a SF flaw