The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

You are damn right about Kandoken, his got his own style with a bit of a Nishimura Kinu touch thrown there.


What if SF6 is not about fighting not Shadaloo or the Illuminati, but an empire of alien creatures? O.O

Well, give me as many “pure simple martial arts designs” as possible, i like the cast to rep many different martial arts
Characters with gimmick fantasy powers are welcome, but much secondary to me
When seasons gave me Rog (boxing), Juri (TKD), Sagat (MT), Honda (Sumo) etc i got the feel the cast was being updated and completed

I can someway agree, but give me a new kickboxing rep
Ed could have been that guy, if they made that he studied Sagat kick techniques too, instead we got another boxing rep (who throw kicks lol)

Not here to defend Rose, who’s a problem to me (i want another rep for Italy)
But i see her far from one of the worst SF chars

As today canon Gouken is well alive
Gen is gone and did’nt even had one last run in SFV

Well, i don’t count them as the same
Elena to me is the most wanted female: capoeira rep (a classic for fighting games), african girl (only one before Menat existed)
Rolento is much less needed to me at the moment. I like him but sadly the much inferior (but already in) Falke would make his inclusion redundant. But again, i like him

I think Neo Shadaloo (and save Ed soul) may be a secondary tier plot inside a bigger one
I guess will also be used as gimmick to keep Bison away a bit

I’m not against that. Just space it. Now it’s only 5 characters, having 40% of them being as traditional as possible I don’t like. Also, both Makoto and Fei were in SSF4, I’d say give more chance to other characters.
But meh, they’re probably who we are gonna get.

Not saying she’s a bad character. But wasn’t Menat’s purpose precisely to succeed and replace Rose? That’s a problem to me.

Resurrecting him was a mistake. And probably a sort of gimmick.
Maybe he’s canonically alive now, but he should never become a playable mainstay, anyway. Should NEVER come back.

A way to reissue the gimmick is to use Goutetsu instead <3 (being alive in canon or not).

Less than 3 hours boys!


For how they handled her i think they wanted Rose in later anyway
Menat is purposely showed to be still green/weak as fortune-teller, while Rose will be the one that may give big hint on G’s true nature

Gill who defeated him seems to be the only one to have understood (or recognized) something, but keept it for himself

I’m split here
I never needed Gouken and him (and Bison) returning just made even more embarassing this neverending joke of Akuma stronk nobody stronk as AKuma. That japanese want sell us (guys pls stop)
On other hand Gouken was a great character, imho the third best after Juri and Abel

Here trying to keep hype low
Is possible they show just a couple of chars, i want keep my hype on that level lol :smiley:

My idea for the plot was to have Gouken train Sakura. Maybe she could inherit a couple Gouken moves in the future too.

Nobody is using savate, whereas Judo is the biggest martial art sport in France (12 times bigger than savate). There was David Douillet of course, but there are numerous french champions in judo in all categories.
Judo was invented in Japan, but there are 4 times more practitioners of Judo in France compared to Japan, for half the population.

Remy himself is not using savate in fact.

So Remy who doesn’t look french, doesn’t dress like a french man, and doesn’t have anything french in his stage can’t be considered a french rep in any way.

And despite all that he feels more french than Remy will ever do.

I seriously don’t expect anything. I mean, Sodom could be make me so happy, but I know the chances are very low. So far I’m really happy with the SFV characters, so I probably only hope the last batch of characters won’t be so insulting (for example Oni or Violent Ken).

And yes, I hope they reveal ALL the 5 characters. That’s probably the only thing I’m interested in.

Things have been quiet for ages, this is a chance for good publicity since they’re bringing in Kenny Omega and kinda hyping this. Reveal all 5 and make it worth it.

No doubt but while france have strong judo culture, but it’s a japanese art wich got worldwide (we got Judo here too, first martial art i did starting as 5yo kid :smiley: )
Also again fight style wise Abel is much more a sambo dude than a judo one (judo being big component in Sambo’s grappling)

On other hand Savate is a french born martial art

Btw just a couple of days ago i said here for a black char i would like a Teddy Riner tribute
So i’m not saying a french rep can’t use judo
I’m saying that Abel who’s based on russian fighter and use a russian style is not as France rep than Remy who is french and use a french art

From Remy’s SF wiki profile

Fighting style Savate

It mention Street Fighter: World Warrior Encyclopedia Hardcover as source of that

And on general there are plenty of visual hints on his design and kicks hints him being a tireur
Of course it’s not a 1:1 representation of the style, as SF as usual takes huge liberties

Same here
Now that i got all the most important martial reps i feel cast is essentially complete, so i’m more loose on who sneak in this round
Only i would truly favor are just Fei/jet kune do, Abel/sambo and Elena/capoeira, but i feel i will be lucky if i get 1 of them, let alone 2

For the number i guess we will get either 2 or 3 if they want keep interest alive during autumn/winter

Of course i would prefer 5 too, with 2-3 chances the char is somebody i care about get smaller

Happy Reveal Day everyone!


Though my money is on the old rumors… id still love to see Haggar actually joining the roster.

And if they add NEW characters all i can say is:

Dont be the Gorilla, Dont be the Gorilla, Dont be the Gorilla, Dont be the Gorilla, Dont be the Gorilla…

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My dream list again:

  1. Sodom
  2. Akira Kazama
  3. Victor Ortega
  4. Retsu
  5. Goutetsu
  6. (Yeah, because I hope there’s a sixth surprise character) Astro/Scorpion

Maybe they’ll reveal an Xbox port and add the Halo Gorilla as an extra character :joy:

I’m with you on this. We don’t need Gorilla Grodd in SF.

I take gorilla over fucking Decapre though
